
Pyromaniac (WSA Special)

A lost queen of an ancient kingdom. Will Nali be able to save the lost souls in time before Hell freezes over? Literally.

AlishbaM · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Jealousy Jealousy

'I don't understand..' I frowned at her, 'If you wanted to win so bad then why would you even force me to give that speech?'

She screamed at me in anger, 'Because everyone likes you, Náli!'

'You don't notice how popular, feared and respected you are amongst the demons, but I do!'

'I never understood why they worship the ground you walk on, you're a child!'

'Maybe because I'm better than you?' I put in sassily, but it only made her angrier as she lunged for me.

Her attack was so off-point that I was seriously considering if I was right about her being no good at being a demon.

'You're nothing, Náli! Your entire reputation is because of your parents! You've no reputation of your own!'

I narrowed my eyes at her in annoyance, lifting a shadow-covered finger as I asked Maê, 'Are you sure about that?'

On cue, my shadows shot toward her from different directions. She was able to dodge a few but my shadows were faster. They circled her in a vice-like grip as she struggled against it while screaming all sorts of fancy curse words at me.

'A word of advice, Maê,' I began, '-the more you struggle, the tighter they'll get. Unless you're too eager to die, I'd suggest you stop moving.'

She glared at me ferociously but stopped moving. I rolled my eyes at her stuck-up attitude.

'This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're nothing without your mommy and daddy's extraordinary powers!'

'Please,' I scoffed, calling back the shadows to me as she dropped to the floor in a squat.

Before she even had time to conjure a water ball, I had her pinned to the wall behind her. My hands were a blur as knife after knife flew from my hands.

None of them touched her but only pierced her clothing. I walked up to her with my dagger swinging in my hand. Lifting it, I dragged it against her cheek, drawing slight blood.

She winced and it was like music to my ears, 'Too slow, Maê, as always.'

I licked the bloody edge of my knife to get rid of Maê's blood. It had a sweet undertone, and I considered if I should suck her dry and be done with it.

She was looking at me with disgust when I turned around and raised a hand in farewell, saying, 'Maybe try taking this up with your daddy instead of blaming your weaknesses on me.'

She screamed behind me, struggling to get free from the knives, 'Hey! You can't leave me like this! Come back! I swear to god, I will kill you!'

'Good luck with that,' I whispered to myself. Everyone knew that I had a knack for pinning my enemies to the wall with my knives.

They wouldn't dare touch her unless I did it myself, or ordered anyone to do so. No one wanted to get on my bad side.

Maê had simply received a warning for now. If she annoyed me again, I was going to send her to Limbo for sure and burn her body to ashes. It would make for a good bonfire.