
Pyro Sky King

Eleven years old Sawada Tsunayoshi was bullied at the park and was left bruised and fainted by the bully there. His mother was an airhead and did not search for him when she found that he is not back at home. When he was going home as it was night, he found a phone card in front of a Phonebooth with a logo Psyren. He tried it out and his life changed.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Tsuna PoV

We take our phone and put it on our ear. As we put it on we change place and was now at the top of the roof. Then I feel it, that my PSI power was stronger here in this place. Maybe it was because of air here that it enhances our power.

" Let's search for others, mom!" I said and we look around for the other. After looking around, we see that the other was there on another building with the exception of Kabuto.

"Sakura-nee!" I shout and she looks at us then looks surprised at seeing mom. She jumps over and asks.

"Nana-san, how come you are also here?" she asked her.

"Fufufu, how can I not. When Tsukun can be in danger here. So, I search for the card and join these things." she said while showing a scary smile.

"Uhh, okay then. Let's search for the starting point!" she said and we look for a payphone.

Ageha was the one who picked it up and we see the exit in our head.

"Sweet! this is not too far from the exit!" said Ageha while looking at the map.

"Let's jotted down the map then!" said Sakura-nee.

"Is it always this few when you come?" Mom asked Sakura-nee who has been here for long.

"Now that you mention it, where is the other! Usually, there will be many who arrived. Also, where is that bastard Kabuto?" she said while looking around.

"Don't tell me he didn't heed the warning and tell others about this?" asked Ageha a little worried.

"Nah, he's too much of a coward to risk his life like that!" said Asaga.

"Anyway, let's search for the exit! We might meet with him on the way!" Oboro suggests and we all agree to that. Just as we about to go, Asaga stops us.

"Wait, I will be going on a different route! I'm going to look for Tatsuo!" he said to the protests of Sakura-nee and Ageha. They debate for a while until Mom got enough and stop them.

"Alright stop you kid! You! Your name is Asaga-kun right? Please don't be selfish like that! Your decision not only endangering your friend it was also endangering yourself! What would your friend feel if he knows that you died because you are looking for him! Then what about your family whom you left behind? The friend you left behind? Look at them!" she said and Asaga looks at Sakura-nee and Ageha who is looking at him with worry and he relented.

"Then, can you please relay my messages through Telepathy to see if he will answer?" he asked Sakura-nee who looked conflicted as it can be dangerous.

"While you are at it try to contact that idiot Kabuto!" said Ageha.

After that Sakura-nee spread he Telepathy and call for Tatsuo and Kabuto for a while. But, they did not answer her.

"No reply!" she said while shaking her head to Asaga.

" Let's go to the exit then!" Asaga said after steeling his heart.

" Let's go then!" said Ageha while using Rise to move across the building we follow after him with Mom being helped by Sakura-nee as she still hasn't gone active.

It was halfway to the exit that we see footprints.

"This must be Kabuto's trace," said Oboro.

"urgh, what the hell does that idiot doing?" asked Ageha.

"He seems to know where the exit is." Mom said while looking into a map and see the footprint direction.

Not long we found Kabuto walking alone toward somewhere. When Ageha asked him what is he doing he answer them that he was looking for his uncle shelters to search for a winning lottery.

In the end, we follow him when we found out that his uncle was a reporter. Moreover a former war reporter at that. He must have so many newspapers that can explain what happened here.

As we arrived at Kabuto's uncle's shelter Mom start showing symptoms of awakening. Start with her nose bleeding and her eyes were red.

We go inside and see it was all wrecked.

"Whoah, it was all wrecked inside!" said Kabuto.

"Are you sure this is the place?" asked Asaga.

"Of course! I always visit here every time I need money!" answer Kabuto.

"Uhh, you're really a parasite!" said Sakura-nee.

"So, where is the entrance?" asked Oboro.

" It's here I think! But, it was buried under the rubbles," he said.

"Out of the way! Let me handle it," said Asaga as he uses his power to move the rubbles.

"Whoa, that's cool can I do that? And there it is!" he said as he looks at the entrance.

While they check on it, I wait with mom as she was now sleeping. Then I heard them shouting and run out while there so many clouds of dust come out through the hole which I use PK to clear it out of the way as to not disturb mom.

"So, what happens?" I asked.

"Nothing, it just that everything is a mess inside," said Asaga.

I look at the other and sees that Ageha was looking at a piece of newspapers intently. Kabuto peeks over and starts to laugh.

"Hahaha, did you think that a small meteorite like that can destroy the world?" he said Mocking Ageha who was embarrassed.

"I only read the article, I didn't think like that!" he said. I was curious and take the paper using PK.

"Hmm, whatever little clue we still need to look into it until there is a significant clue to rebuff it." I said and Kabuto starts to scoff.

"How long are you going to playing around like that?" asked Ageha.

"Leave me alone! If you say that this is a future I don't buy it at all! The things that keep me sane here is only the belief that this is a money-making opportunity, I think that it was only you who want to believe that it was real!" said Kabuto to Ageha which I heard.

"Ageha, just leave the coward alone. Let him escape reality until the truth shows itself in front of his face and wake him up!" I said a little annoyed at him.

"The hell you brat! So you think that this is all real? This is our world will become to be?" he out and was hit by mom's who just woke up.

"Don't you ever shout at my Tsukun!" she said furiously.

"Mom, you wake up? Anyway, Kabuto I got the power to see a little bit of future so you best heed my advice! Wake yourself up for that delusion! This is reality, our reality!" I said and suddenly got a vision that we will be attacked by one of the perpetrators who make this world like this.

"Everyone group up!" I said urgently and they start to group up looking at me.

"What happen Tsuna? Why are you so urgent," asked Ageha.

"We have been tracked! It seems that Sakura-nee using Telepathy just now is a mistake. Now stay here for a while, I will search for the clues with my precog I will find it easily." I said and walk inside the shelters, Kabuto decides to follow as he still dreaming about making money through the lottery.

I got all the clues including a Video Tapes which was a tag with the Declaration of War title. I put all of them in my bag.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!" I heard Kabuto shout and run toward him only to see him freaking out at seeing a skeleton.

"What? Just a skeleton and you are that afraid?" I asked as the other got in from hearing Kabuto's shout.

" It's not that! That things are my Uncle skeleton!" he said a little shaken.

"Ahh, I see. Well, we don't know how long into the future it was but from what I see. All articles stop in 2009. In other words, it was that year that all of this has started." I said.

"Anyway, I already got all that can be a clue. Let's leave before he comes. The enemy this time seems to be one of the leaders." I said and they start to move.

As we got out it seems that we are too late as he already waiting for us flying above where we are.

"That is the person who changed Tatsuo!" said Sakura-nee, which takes Asaga attention as he looks at him. He has long white hair and he wears a Visor on his face. He wears all white with a long coat which he let it opens in the chest, showing his Tavoo core.

"Heh, you show up huh? Little group of monkeys! To make this Dholaki-sama come here you should be grateful." he said in a condescending tone.