
Hunches? Nah...

Angel was a part of the Aetos Pack.


The carnage she left inside the house was good proof for one.

Bodies whose necks were cut open littered the floor. Blood spilled on the floor. Some of the men even had their hearts mangled by a blade. The men never knew what hit them. Oh, some of them were able to withdraw their weapon, but never got a chance to shoot it.

There were no dismembered body parts. The Aetos Pack was not known for that. What they were known for was the blood that spilled when they killed.

He had been part of the pack once. He was, after all, Stavros's honorary son. He knew how they kill. How they move and how they operate.

A ghost that ceases to exist.

Pyr looked at the Angel. She was playing with Skye's pups while Kayla sat on her lap. Cole was safely tucked in his arms. Although, even if Cole was with them, the wolves would have protected him better.

The pups looked so happy with the female who killed twenty men in cold blood. The damn babies must have sensed the alpha female in her so they were around her like bees.

The mother of the pups, on the other hand, were like cute doggies who were satisfied being petted by Kayla. Two powerful females. One was a child, while the other was a full-grown woman.

Pyr grinned. The way she slept on top of Jin had made the damn beast in a state of happiness that even Thea's blackmail was not working.

Jin does not care. His mate touched him and slept on him. He was happy. As simple as that.


Pyr looked at his phone. The dart-like bullet they saw on the guns was something the Were Nation had developed. For those weapons to be in the hands of human mercenaries, the implication was damning.

It was a damn good thing he was not part of that Nation. He was not sure if the handful of dragons were part of it. If they were...

Pyr did not want to finish that thought of his. Dragons were creatures that were so different from the usual shifter and Alter Beings. While they were explained by science, dragons could not be.

He would like to question at least one man, but all of them were dead. There were no marks on their bodies that could help them as to who hired them. Just some personal IDs.

It made identifying them easy...well, the one that he did not that is. Can anyone blame Jin for roasting the others?

Mocha did his best to dig if the men that Angel had killed had some relatives. They were able to unearth a file of one of the men who was taking care of an elderly couple who live near him.

It was too bad that he fell into the wrong crowd. Pyr made sure that the couple were relocated and would remain safe.

See, they were not bad...

His phone rang, and he let out a weary sigh when he saw who was on the other end of the line. Angel chose that moment to look at him. He waved, but the latter raised one of her eyebrows and resumed playing with the pups.

If it was another man, he would be insulted. But he has not, Pyr grinned and saw Angel's face got an irritating look about her. He was damn proud that he could irritate her, it was like one of those highlights of his day.

His phone continued to ring, causing Cole to whimper in his sleep. 'Might as well, face the music," Pyr thought.

He walked to where the two females were and deposited Cole in Angel's arms. He waved his phone and Angel nodded. The pups began sniffing Cole. He watched in amazement as he woke up and let out a happy gargle. Kayla also laughed.

Something warm began to spread in his heart. This was something he had built for his crew. This was a warmth that he thought he had lost. He stopped his train of thinking. Pyr had promised not to dwell on the past, he had to remember that.

When he was a safe distance away from the three people that had started to matter to him, he answered the call.

"You have your hands on the Were's Nation tranq? How can that be even possible?!" Leander said the moment he slide the answer button.

"Good day to you too, Leander," was Pyr's reply.

There was a heartbeat of silence at the other end of the line and a tired sigh. "Seriously Pry?"

"Father did tell me to be polite. I am just following his instructions," Pyr said mockingly.

"Your timing sucks," was Leander's reply. "So, have you?"

"They snuck at my home. Someone must have told them about my departure. Then again, I had been with Doms' side since he was shot at," Pyr said in a serious voice. "We could have gotten here sooner. but there was an accident on the main road."

"Distraction. Whoever ordered the hit must have known you enough to pull that stunt. Where you able to capture anyone?"


Silence. "They did that much damage?"

"I was not sure what the objective of them being in my home, Leander," Pyr stated. "They sent at least forty men."

"That many? And all of them were at your home? Not around The Nest?"

"Yes. Vo and Crakers were at the wrong place at the wrong time. They were hit by that tranq, took them almost 12 hours for it to run through their bodies."

"I see, they might have to change the formula," Leander said.

"Change the formula?" Pyr asked.

"I was able to get a sample of the prototype several years ago." Leander explained, "Serena's father gave father several ampules of the formula that they were creating."

"Ah, the Alpha Female's father," Pyr recalled.

He had met Kenzie a couple of times. He was saddened by their deaths. When he heard what had happened to the only daughter of one of his crew, Pyr could not help but pity the woman.

"Are you going to pick it up?" Pyr asked.

"Yes, I will. I have other things that I need to arrange before flying there."

Pyr heard the worry in the man's voice. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"My daughter is missing," Leander began. "She had been living on her own in another country two years ago. Apparently, the pack had been too overprotective of her."

"Aren't you overreacting?" Pry asked.

The whole pack has a different definition of protecting. A pack member, regardless of age, was not allowed to step out of the island unless he or she was able to participate in an intricate test.

The only saving grace that made him an exception was he was a dragon.

"Me overreacting?!" the other man gasped. Pry could hear that he was gearing up to be in the dramatic mode again. "My Mia Angel is the most obedient daughter! She may not be of my blood but she is the daughter of my Zarina." There was a sad note in the other man's voice.

Pyr may not have known who Zarina was, but, all the males of the main house would have this sadness about them when the name would pop up.

"My Angel would call me, she had promised!"

Pyr could imagine Leander while he was saying the words he was hearing. A hand on his chest, clutching his heart as if it was aching. He could not understand his theatrics.

"Angel?" Pyr asked. His gaze instantly went to the woman whose memories were lost.

"Yes, my Angel. I forgot to tell you about her. No matter, you will never see her! You are a heathen! You have no right to see or glimpse my beautiful and pure Angel!" Leander said.

"Red-eyes? Shoulder-length dark hair? Small as a koala but deadly as the desert scorpion?" Pyr summarized.

Leander was suddenly silent. Pyr could see the gears in the other man's head spinning. So he was not surprised when he got a tart commanded, "Show me."

"Open your video," Pyr replied.

While the older man switched to video call he shouted, "Hey babe! Could you come here for a moment? I need to ask you something."

Pyr could hear the Leander curse and Angel glared at him. He grinned, when he examined the woman walking towards him he could see a bit of Leander in the way she moved.

Pyr could see the way Leander's eyes widened as the woman drew closer. Amazement, relief, and trepidation were written on his face.

And when she was next to him, drilling his chest with her index finger Leander let out a shout of joy. Angel heard it too.

She looked at the phone, an unspoken question was written in her eyes. Leander must have called Stavros because the older man was also speaking in Greek, saying, "Ο άγγελός μου [My Angel]" over and over again.

"Who are they?" she asked using the same language. The pair on the other end of the line gasped in horror and started to be theatrical again.

Well, that solved the problem of who she was, right?