


"WHAT?" MEGAN AND Bianca ask in unison.

"Why would someone give you money? Ten thousand bucks?" Megan asks again, now sitting beside me on the couch with brows drawn in together.

We’ve been friends since we started our freshmen in college. I know they will be surprised because who will just throw ten thousand dollars without a catch?

"Cam, stop zoning out. Why would someone offer you money? For what? Is this some kind of scam? Are you going to sell drugs as payment or..." Bianca’s eyes widen in shock. "Is he going to pay you for sex?" She’s already sitting on the coffee table, gripping my knees.

"Will you two stop overreacting? I did not accept the offer."

They both sigh in relief.

"I mean I haven’t thought and decided, yet."

They exchange a look—a look as if I’m losing my goddamn mind.

"What’s that supposed to mean, Camila Leigh?" Megan asks.

"It’s huge cash, and I can buy a car, you know."