

In a world full of mystery, power and undiscover place, Puwersa became the support of all human and all living being of the world. In a certain kingdom there is boy that never give up and a dream to become the greatest Puwersa user in the universe.

Oasis4 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CHAPTER 14: Dream

Erik coudn't wait anymore and found an Idea. Erik smile and face like a dumb person looking to the sky and watching the stars.

"I want to be stronger, stronger to that fireboy ranker"

In the school, the class started and Cylene looking around and seems he cant see him. The homeroom class started and it seems someone is missing.

"Ms. Lean, Erik is not here" Cylene said

"That idiot he's late again" Ms. lean said

after school still coudn't find him so Cylene go to the land of weakest monster and thought finding him but he is nowhere to find. Cylene became nervous and confuse. While Cylene walking across the street she saw the clinic teacher and approach to her. kricsia the clinic teacher look to cylene face and it seem little bit awful.

"something wrong?"

"my classmate is missing his name is Erik senghill. I know his an idiot but I hope he is not lost"

kricsia shock and sigh with the long face. she thought that she shoudnt have said that. that kid is so impatiently become stronger I hope he's not that brat.

"dont worry about that kid, he's alright. I hope so"

Erik happy running to the road while the sun is coming down. he is thinking about going how is cylene doing.

"I hope she's alright"

Erik look above and feel the breeze of the wind. suddenly he felt killing entent and he draw the sword with he's guard up.

"they appeared huh, lets do this"

Erik almost passed out, using too much puwersa is always make you feel sleepy. Erik sleeps in the road with the calm of the weather.

Erik dream about the a shadow that running. He chase it down but the shadow become faster and faster. Erik irrates and thinking use a puwersa but he couldn't. then he simply piss off and start running again but he coudn't catch it. He wake up and confuse. He stand up and forget about it and start walking.

Erik hunt animals that edible and cook it. after 5 days he arrive and have big smile to his face.

"can't wait to see him"

City of Luase, this city forms for entertainment. Club, Bar, lots of entertainment found in the city of Luase. All race can enter and enter in this city its also have a lots of puwersa user that is why they cant start war to each race.

Erik wander and have spark in his eyes. He thought that the dark puwersa user are there in that City definitely. Erik shock and shout.

"what the heck! i didnt ask the name!"

Erik knees in the ground and look down.

"what am I doing here" while Erik crying.

Erik think that Kricsia is laughing and having fun. Erik irretate and smack the ground while crying.

In that street someone in the bar got in the trouble and kick out. The owner shouted the man and trying to punch him. Erik hear about the noise and saw what did the man do about the owner.

Erik confuse of what he have seen. The man use a puwersa in his leg and dodge every attack. He even robbed the owner. Erik saw only the spark dark puwersa in his sorrounding after he use it. The man walk like nothing happened. Erik staring to the man and coudn't move. After the man walk to the left and disappear to his sight. Erik thought that he found him. Erik smile and run.

"wait mister!"

He ran and catch up to the man. the man drunk and coudn't speak clearly. Erik sparkly eyes follow to the man and staring for a while.

"H-hey whats wr-wrong brat?" ask the man.

Erik run in front of the man and kneel down like begging

"teach me pls!"

Erik look up and the man disappear. Erik shock and run everywhere until he find him again.

"teach me pls"

he look up again and the disappear again. they do that again and again until the man get tired.

"whats wrong with this boy" the man ask.

Erik cant stop his eyes sparkling his eye. The man coudnt shake Erik. The man have an Idea to keep him away.

"Hey brat look over there, see that girl ask her to tell her underwear."

Erik,without hesitant run in front of the girl and ask her immediately. well unfortunately he also immediately punch in his face and throw in the corner. The girl irretate and walk away. Erik touch his face and thinking what should he do. he immediately back to the man and then the man waves his hand and disappear. Erik Could not believe what he saw.

"Dark puwersa can do that? that so cool"

Erik thought that after he been through to go in that city is definitely worth it. Erik thought that he definitely find that man and teach him how to use a dark puwersa.