

The crowd rumbled with discontent, though it was hard to pin down whether the discontent was with the Judge's suggestion that the Provider voluntarily step down, or the Provider's unwillingness to do so.

"Very well. You may speak in your defense, if you have a wish to," The Judge directed the Provider.

The man stood, dramatically and wearily as if bearing a heavy weight on his shoulders. Roland had a hard time not rolling his eyes at the performance.

"I stand before you an accused man. I apologize to everyone here for the display of my wife. Her mind in recent years has slipped away, and it pains me deeply. I know if she were thinking clearly she would not put me in such a position. I am the only one to take care of her, keep her fed and clothed and safe. My loyalty to her is only second to my loyalty to Klain. It would wound her deeply to see what she has caused here today, if only she were in her right mind.

"I know nothing of election records, and I recall little of my first election other than the deep, abiding honor I felt when you, the people, chose me as Provider for this fair city. It's possible there are errors in the old records, but as I did not keep them, I cannot say.

"The letter, I cannot explain except to postulate someone within Rhone has forged them to tear apart our city. The unity of an enemy is what makes them formidable and indomitable. If our unity is shattered, so is our spirit. If our spirit is shattered, we are as good as defeated before the first arrow flies.

"This strategy is ingenious and it must fail. We must be unified, we must stand together, we must defeat the enemy. To begin pointing fingers at each other is to guarantee we fall apart and are torn asunder. I am deeply wounded that my allegiance has been questioned, but I remain steadfast in that loyalty regardless. I humbly ask that you allow me to demonstrate that fidelity by letting me continue to serve Klain and her citizens with all my efforts and abilities."

The Provider sat down as the crowd's animated whispers punctuated his speech. His voice had wavered with emotion at all the right moments, and rose in passionate volume to emphasize his loyalty. Ashley looked like she might boil over with rage at the expert acting this imposter portrayed.

"General, since it was you who brought the accusation to our attention, you may speak now if you wish." The Judge gestured to him.

"Thank you. I believe the source of the information to be credible, and in a time of war I believe we must be very cautious. It is in the best interest of Klain to remove the Provider from his position and confine him until the truth can be absolutely determined. The evidence and testimony before us is sufficient for such an act." The General spoke simply and briefly, then gestured to the Treasurer.

"I agree with the General. The discrepancies in the election records, combined with the evidence before us, make a compelling argument for caution. The Peacekeeper's normally efficient and swift investigations have not yielded satisfactory conclusions, which may indicate that someone powerful has been interfering with them. I vote for removal until the investigation is complete." The Treasurer concluded, and gestured to the Judge.

"Perhaps we should err on the side of prudence. Although some of the evidence," The Judge glanced toward the door through which Dierdre had departed, "was not particularly persuasive, there were several pieces which give me cause for concern. An investigation with the Provider still in a position of power would be open to skepticism and doubt if it concluded his innocence.

"Therefore, I also think removal is in the best interest of all involved. Only by conducting an investigation without any potential for interference can he be definitively proven innocent or guilty." The Judge gestured to the Peacekeeper.

"I must confess I am perplexed that you believe I cannot conduct an impartial investigation without allowing the interference of outside forces," The Peacekeeper began. "The Provider has an admiration for the pursuit of justice which I have long admired. I do not believe he would be an obstacle to a thorough and impartial investigation.

"Therefore, I vote that the investigation proceed without removing the Provider. It is in the best interest of the people that we remain unified. Appointing a temporary replacement, or holding an election in the midst of our current turmoil, would only prove to be obstacles to uniting behind the war effort."

The Judge nodded. "A vote for removal must be unanimous. Thus, the Provider will remain in his position as an investigation is launched into these accusations. I would like to thank those who have come forward in the pursuit of truth and justice, and ask that anyone with information they think is relevant to the investigation please report your name to the guards for interview."

The crowd buzzed, and the Judge dismissed the meeting.

"No." Ashley said quietly, and Riley turned to look at her. "NO! He can't get away with it!"

Quickly, he pulled her into an embrace and hauled her to the side of the room out of view. "Ashley, it's all right, it will be all right." He whispered soothingly. To have her create another scene like her mother would likely mean her discharge from the army, which would put her directly under the Provider's power.

He couldn't let that happen. He scoured the room with his gaze until he saw Roland. His eyes pled for a quick decision. Roland grimaced and nodded. They had tried everything else. The backup plan would need to move forward quickly, before the crowd dispersed.

Roland pushed his way forward, against the stream of people who were turning to leave. His uniform and the imposing air he adopted made it easier to cut through them. He worried whether he could get close enough for it to work. The Council had already stood and were preparing to leave the room through the back door. This couldn't do.

"Wait! I have a report to make!" Roland called out in a gravely voice. It was risky drawing attention to himself. If he were recognized by a spy, word would quickly reach Rhone that he had betrayed them. His disguise was no guarantee that his identity would remain undiscovered.

The Council paused and the crowd quieted and turned to look.

The Judge spoke, "If you have something to add to this investigation, please report to your superior officer. He will arrange an interview with the Peacekeeping officers."

"With respect, Your Honor, my report is extremely urgent. I beg the Council's indulgence for a moment." Roland bowed awkwardly around his fake limp.

The Judge turned to the General. "Your soldier asks for our indulgence. Will you vouch for him?"

The General eyed Roland carefully, as if assessing an unknown subordinate. Several in the crowd whispered their opinions on whether he would or whether this soldier would face punishment for insubordination.

"I will vouch for him," The General said at last. "I invite my esteemed fellow Council members to retake their seats until my indulgence runs dry, which may not be long."

One or two people chuckled, while most shrank from the General's imposing air. The Council filed back to their places and retook their seats. Roland reached into his pocket and pulled out the small bag full of Finn's herbs.

"On one of my patrols, I came across this small perfume satchel. The satchel itself is of Rhone origin, and must have been dropped by a soldier thereof. I kept it, thinking nothing of it at the time. However, I was I realized the contents of the satchel were familiar. I was an assistant gardener before I did my service, and I helped with the Provider's garden. It was only just now that I realized the perfume mix in this little bag is familiar because it contains all the plants I tended in that garden. On closer examination, the initials on the bag are the Provider's.

"I would ask the Council to please examine this mixture carefully and then look at the Provider's garden. I'm sure it will be a match!" He held the Rhone satchel aloft.

It really wasn't for perfume, but for the small coins the Rhone used as currency. He'd taken to carrying it during his weeks of training there. However, no one in Klain had reason to know what the bag was or its true purpose, except the spy, who scoffed slightly at the terrible attempt to frame him.

"I've never seen that before in my life," The fake-provider rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure? I would ask the Council that the Provider look closely at the satchel, and confirm whether his initials are embroidered in small lettering along the edge." Roland held it higher.

"Are you willing, Provider?" The Judge was mildly perplexed by the strange evidence, but asked the man anyway.

Everyone's eyes turned to the accused.

Is he willing??

Would you be?

TheOtherNoblecreators' thoughts