

The group was summoned back from the safehouse early the next morning. First, Betty spent some time speaking with The General in private. After a while, Ashmayne was summoned in, to take her place.

As she departed, she gave a brief hug to both the soldier and the young woman who had helped rescue her.

"I'll never forget your kindness. Thank you both." She said. She slipped a small book into Amelia's hands that would later turn out to be a manual on herbs and healing. It was the least she could do for upending this sweet woman's life.

"You're welcome. We'll never forget you, or little 'Roland' here." Amelia held out her arms for one final snuggle with the sweet little newborn. He looked so serene sleeping in her embrace, a simple blanket wrapped around him and his mother's necklace resting against his little chest. "Be well, and take care of him."

She missed the look that passed across Ash's face as he watched her nuzzle the infant.

Tears filled the eyes of both women. What a rapid and emotional journey it had been.

The guard at the door impatiently gestured for Ash to proceed inside the room, and he bowed to both women in farewell. "Be well, Betty."

As he turned into the room, Betty took the baby and was escorted away by the guard. Likely back to the safehouse, he imagined. Amelia remained in the hall, not quite sure what to do with herself, having been neither summoned nor excused.

Walking in before the General, Ashmayne saluted.

"At ease, Captain," The General said. "I have a new assignment for you, should you choose to accept it."

"Choose, sir?" Ash was confused. In the military, one took orders. Choice rarely factored in.

"This mission is voluntary," The General explained. "I've decided not to bring all this before the Council at this time. Politics is... treacherous, and this is incredibly sensitive.

"I will grant asylum to your friend and the child, and will hide them amongst the poorer people of the City, where none would think to look. Peacekeepers and soldiers patrolling the area will look out for her, but not be told why. To the best of my ability, I will see she's taken care of, in exchange for what strategic information she has to offer."

Ash nodded. The General did not need to explain his decision to a far subordinate like this, but it was appreciated.

"As for you, I am sending you to the far border. I have researched the Rhone and the last place they were seen was to the far Southwest, driven out beyond the scrubland and into the desert. I believe there are a few small villages in the region. I would like you to start a new life there. Not one as a soldier, but as something else, anything else. I need an informant in the region to notify me of any disruptions or potential invading forces.

"Betty informs me that she does not think there is currently the capability of launching a full attack through a portal. An army would need to march from their place in the desert. I must ask you to watch over those lands and be the first line of information if anything strange should happen there."

"Yes, Sir." Ashmayne saluted.

"Before you go," The General said, standing and moving to a decorated case in the corner, "I have something for you. Unfortunately, this cannot be with all the pomp and ceremony it deserves, as we are trying to keep these matters secret, but nonetheless. Yesterday you saved my life from an assassination attempt. The man was found nearby, dead by the wound you dealt him. His possessions have been confiscated for research.

"You also singlehandedly slew four enemy soldiers and successfully accompanied a foreign heir to Klain for defection. These deeds must not go unrewarded."

He opened the case and pulled out an intricately engraved sword. Longer than a traditional sword, it was nonetheless perfectly balanced, and understated in its elegance. It was only on close inspection that the true craftsmanship and effort involved in the sword became apparent.

"I present you, for your bravery, honor, and service to Klain, the Valor Sword."

He extended the magnificent weapon as Ash hurriedly knelt to receive it. His eyes were wild with surprise, he'd only heard of such a thing, and he wasn't sure anyone living had been awarded it. Then again, Klain rarely faced any significant danger, let alone attempted assassination of an official. These were extraordinary circumstances.

Ashmayne took the sword reverently, completely unsure as to the protocol. In a real ceremony, he would have been prepared by someone who would have explained all the pomp, his role, and the order of ceremonies. This informal, yet momentous stolen moment had no audience to approve or disapprove of his lack of knowledge.

"Thank you, Sir. I am deeply honored and humbled." Ashmayne finally said, rising as he held the Valor Sword.

"The honor is mine, to know such a man as you. I am sorry that no announcement will be made, and no celebration. In fact, after I record the award in the military annals, I will need to redact the actual circumstances which gave rise to it."

"I understand." Ashmayne did not want fame anyway. It was better for him that people treat him as they always had.

"I will gift you two military horses and whatever supplies and money you need to start your new life as the reward to go with your new status. What will you be now?" The General asked curiously.

"A farmer, I think." Ash said, "but that depends on the lady."

The General's eyebrows rose. "Oh?"

"If I'm to entirely change my lifestyle, I want it to be one she can tolerate."


Ashmayne came out of the room and took Amelia's hand. He drew her off to a private corner and summarized the events that had taken place in the General's study. She marveled at the sword and her eyes shined with admiration for Ash.

"So, I'm afraid I must leave very shortly for a far away village and start a new life," He concluded.

"I see," Amelia replied. She took a deep breath and held it, waiting for the question she was sure he would ask next.

"I'm afraid, as ungentlemanly as this is, I must press you for an answer." He was far more nervous now than when he was speaking with the General.

"You haven't asked a question," Amelia prodded. He stared blankly at her for a moment, and she continued, "You described the question you wanted to ask, but you never did ask it."

He startled, clearly flustered. Amelia held back her amusement. She'd seen the man fly into combat without a second wasted, but this was enough to ruffle his feathers?

"I deeply apologize, Amelia. What an unforgiveable oversight on my part." He dropped down to one knee, right there in the alcove of the General's residence, and took her hand. "I would be deeply honored if you would honor me with the very great... honor... of accepting my hand, that is, granting me your hand in," he stumbled over his words, stopping suddenly and sighing.

"Will you marry me? Please?" He finished, with none of the eloquence he'd intended.

A slow smile had formed on her face as he spoke. By the time he finished, she was almost laughing, which made him frown. This was not how he had planned it at all.

"Yes." She said finally.

"Yes?" He seemed surprised, almost shocked by the answer.

"Yes!" She beamed at him. "You said please, how could I refuse?"

He laughed, finally ready to believe her, and stood. He was still holding one of her hands in his, and pulled her toward him. She willingly threw herself into his embrace. His lips met hers tentatively, but her eager responsiveness quickly pushed his reservations away. He crushed her to himself with a fervor that made her gasp lightly.

The two stood kissing passionately for a moment before the sound of someone clearing their throat ripped them apart in embarrassment.

"My congratulations," Said the General, who had come out of his office and encountered the young couple. "I'm glad you will have company on your journey, Captain. May I ask when the happy day is to be set? The smaller villages sometimes lack an officiant."

"Oh, um, I had just now proposed, and, as you saw, Sir, we weren't yet discussing, um..." Ashmayne was mortified underneath his joy that Amelia had accepted him.

"As soon as possible. Perhaps you would like to do the honors so we may leave quickly without tarnishing my reputation?" Amelia boldly requested. Ashmayne stared at her in a mixture of awe and embarrassment as she winked at him.

The General glowed, "I was hoping you would ask! I'll be right back, let me get my book." He disappeared back into his study.

"Wait... right now? We're getting married right now?" Ash asked as The General departed.

"You're the one who proposed. If you want to take it back, this is your chance," Amelia stared at him frankly.

"Never!" He swung around to face her. "This is moving more quickly than I expected, but I won't take it back and will never regret it."

She smiled as warmth filled her heart. "I won't, either."

He held out his hand and took hers, holding it gently until the General returned, having combed his hair and retrieved a book, which he held reverently in front of him.

"Dearly beloved..."

I love weddings! Cake, dancing, food, legally binding covenants that last until death...

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