
New rescue mission

Despite Simone's declaration that she wanted to ride, she had some doubt about her ability to get into a saddle. Adrenaline had fueled the mad rush away from the bandits with Shayn, but now that the initial wave of it had worn off, she was feeling the pain keenly. 

From the way Shayn was glancing at her as he hitched the horses to the wagon, he'd noticed her limp. 

She was entirely at sea about what to think concerning the man. He infuriated her so easily. He was stubborn, and irritating, and prideful. Yet, he'd saved her life twice now. That was no small thing. 

And gentle, when she thought about how his fingers had moved against her cheek to remove the splinter. Her face colored slightly with the memory, and Shayn glanced at her with raised eyebrows. 

She shook her head, the thoughts bumping against one another and falling to one side as it came time for her to mount the horse. She wasn't sure about using her bruising leg to lift herself up. 

Shayn had apparently thought through the problem, because he led the saddled horse to stand next to the wagon seat. The thoughtfulness of it touched her, and she was able to get up the wagon wheel to get better leverage on mounting the gelding. 

He looked at her questioningly as she made herself ready to climb atop the creature. She was determined to not embarrass herself by falling while attempting the maneuver.

She darted a glance at Kyler, who was getting himself settled on the wagon bench seat next to her before she climbed off. He looked at her with compassion. 

"Are you really ok, Simone?" He asked, and she softened. Shayn had often, and repeatedly, earned her ire, but looking at Kyler's open face, she could summon no irritation as a wall against emotion. His question provoked a fresh torrent of tears. 

Which was maddening. Victoria was still in danger, she needed to be strong! 

"I'll be fine, Kyler. Thank you for asking." She sniffled, giving him the same response as she had to Shayn, but he pursed his lips. 

"Would you like a hug?" He asked. She hesitated and then nodded. 

The man opened his arms and she moved into them. His embrace reminded her of being a little girl in her father's home, before he sent her away. It was one of the only pleasant memories she had of her early childhood. 

The feeling intensified her tears and she sobbed against Kyler's chest for a moment. He patted her back. 

"It's all right. We've got you, and we're going to get Victoria next," He assured her. 

She sniffled and pulled away, a little rattled as she realized that Jerry was still tied up in the back of the wagon, staring at them. 

"Thanks, Kyler," She said quietly, breaking eye contact with the bandit to turn and climb up onto the horse Shayn was still holding.

He had an unreadable expression, with his eyebrows drawn together slightly, and his mouth in a flat line. He held the reins still, one hand out in case she needed extra support while making the transition. 

"Isn't this your horse?" She asked once she was atop it. It was wearing a strange saddle that Shayn had taken from one of the others, but she recognized the animal anyway. 

"He'll be good for you. I'm not sure about these bandits' horses, how well they behave, so I'm going to ride one myself for now." He gave her a half-smile from the ground as he handed her the reins. 

She blinked, both touched and insulted. "I'm capable–"

"You're injured, you said so yourself," Shayn interrupted. "It'll save me a lot of trouble if I don't have to chase you down on another bolting horse." 

"That wasn't my fault, it was–" She began. 

"The horse's fault. So I'm putting you on a horse that has no faults," He replied, patting his gelding's neck and turning away. 

Simone wanted to argue further, but she'd just watched Omar's mount rear and stomp a few minutes ago. She was unlikely to be able to handle such an animal. It was a strange transition, she realized, watching Shayn calm the creature and swing himself atop its back. 

He was still abrasive as ever, but his actions toward her were so keenly at odds with his words. He'd saved her, twice now. He gave her his own horse while he rode a strange one, so that she would have an easier time. He'd so gently taken the splinter from her cheek, brushing her skin with his cool fingers. It was getting to her. 

The group set off, with Shayn and Simone riding ahead of the wagon to follow the trail left by Walter. He rode close to her, though it was unnecessary. His horse was indeed a calm and gentle one, well-behaved in every way. 

The thought amused her, that such an unruly master should keep such an obedient creature in his care. 

Shayn was glancing at her surreptitiously. Probably to make sure she wasn't going to burst into tears again and delay their journey. She was determined not to do that. They would find Victoria, and then…

"What will you do with Jerry?" She suddenly asked. It made sense that they needed him for information about Victoria's whereabouts, for now, but after that? 

"Do you have any opinions on what should happen to him?" Shayn turned the question on her, and she shifted in the saddle. 

"I'd rather not be the one to make that decision." She shuddered, "I just don't want him to hurt anyone else." 

"I could teach him a lesson he won't soon forget," The man's voice turned a bit dark, and Simone studied him. There was a deep anger in his eyes now. Almost murderous. She felt the urge to lighten the mood.

"Make sure the lesson includes personal hygiene," She attempted a smile. "His breath and body odor are both atrocious." 

Shayn's face darkened further. "You're sure he didn't…" 

The sentence hung in the air, and she caught on to what he was asking after a moment. Bile rose in her throat at the implication of what might have happened in her absence. 

"I am unharmed, apart from some minor bruising and a scrape, which I mostly inflicted on myself while attempting escape." She assured him, and his shoulders visibly relaxed. Had they been holding that much tension? "It is kind of you to worry about me," She added. 

He startled a bit, and glanced at her with a strange expression. "Was that a compliment?" 

"Rare enough between us, I know, but you did save my life," She shrugged. "That probably deserves a compliment or two. Perhaps even a special dinner, once I learn to cook better." 

The offer had been one of expressing thanks, but she realized when it left her mouth that it could sound like a different kind of dinner invitation. 

"Every dinner you cook is special. In fact, every one of them, I can confidently say I've never tasted anything like it before. Utterly unique." Shayn's lips twitched. 

"You've said so before," She eyed him. At the time, the words were meant to walk the line between insult and compliment, with plausible deniability for either. 

He shrugged with a lopsided smile. The conversation lapsed, but it wasn't the uncomfortable, tension-filled silence that normally hung in the air between them. It was… friendly, almost. She reached down to touch her bruised leg, regretting that she had kicked so hard. 

Her mind wandered to Victoria's captivity. She hadn't figured out when the girl was left behind that the business partner was a halfling. He hadn't seemed to want her. Perhaps he'd left her behind, and they could just pick her up? That was overly optimistic. She needed to temper her expectations. 

"What are you making?" Shayn interrupted her mind's working through the problem.


"Pardon me?" Simone tried to gather her scattered thoughts. 

"You offered me a special dinner in honor of my dashing heroism," He reminded her. 

"I don't think I used those exact words," She corrected. 

"Perhaps not, but I'd like to know what you're planning to make before I accept or reject the offer." He scratched his jaw in thought. 

"Oh… um," This train of conversation was completely not what Simone had expected. "What's your favorite?" 

He'd find it hard to criticize her if he were the one making the suggestions, wouldn't he? This was all hypothetical anyway, they weren't anywhere near where she would be able to get ingredients for a special meal. Hopefully he would be satisfied with…

"Oh no," He looked at her suddenly with wide eyes. 

"What?" She glanced over her shoulder, wondering if he saw something sneaking up behind her. Had he turned pale? 

"Nothing," He replied, looking down at his hands and then forward to the trail. "I was just thinking about more reasons to get Victoria rescued as quickly as possible. By dinnertime, hopefully." 

Simone stared at him for a moment and replayed their conversation with an irritating realization. 

"Are you implying that you're now more motivated to find Victoria because you realized you'll have to put up with my cooking until we find her?" Her tone turned icy. 

"I didn't imply anything. You're inferring quite a bit," Shayn avoided looking at her. "Whether accurately or not, I couldn't say for sure." 

It looked like their tentative truce of verbal spars was over. The battle was back on.

All's fair in cooking and war. Also something else, but I forget

TheOtherNoblecreators' thoughts