
Caspian's Dance

The Commodore's second son took his place beside his wife for the duration of the feast. There were so many couples that the greetings were far noisier than usual. He watched as Roland made the rounds, congratulating each newlywed pair. 

He noticed one or two of the Rhone girls nearly swooning over the handsome prince of their home country despite the fact that he was married, and now, so were they. It made him wonder if his own wife found Roland attractive. 

He watched her as she observed the festivities. She seemed far more content in this scenario than she had at their own wedding. Though many women reveled in the spotlight, he found that his wife enjoyed watching people more than having to interact with all of them at once. 

"You seem to have made more friends," He observed as she waved to a couple of the Rhone girls. 

"Yes, I met them when I was helping Mayra. They are very sweet, I hope they will find good men." Naomi replied. 

"Have you known many that have come?" Caspian asked curiously. He'd heard the Rhone were split up into many nomadic groups, in a similar way to how the Cetoans had many fishing villages in addition to the centralized settlement. 

"I have seen one or two acquaintances, but no one with whom I was close. I am not usually good with names and faces. I didn't even put together that Brenna was the same girl who was rumored to have served the Void until after Mayra told me later." Naomi shuddered. 

Caspian took in the information a little guiltily, but set the emotion aside in favor of moving forward. 

"Would you like to dance?" He asked as the music began. He held out his palm and his heart stuttered as she lit up and placed her hand in his to rise. 

"I never loved dancing, in Rhone," Naomi confided as they began moving together in step to a song. "I always felt awkward and as if I couldn't get the dance correct." 

"And now?" His brow furrowed. He didn't want to coax her into doing something she wasn't enjoying. 

"It is one of my favorite things." She smiled at him in a way that made it hard to swallow. 

"Why?" He managed to ask. 

"When you are leading me, I feel as if I can do anything. You don't stumble, never falter. I don't understand quite how you make me think I am the best dancer here, simply because you're directing me." Naomi bit her lip in thought. 

"Eventually, we will need to get you some Cetoan dresses," Caspian said, causing her to look at him with mild confusion, "but I think you should save one or two of the dresses you have, just for dancing." 

"Why is that?" Naomi asked curiously. 

"The way they spin is quite satisfying," He said close to her ear before demonstrating. He lifted their joined hands as the music crescendoed and sent her under his arm in a twirl that made her long Klain skirts swirl about her legs like a flower curling its petals delicately towards the sun. 

She laughed as he pulled her back into a closer dance position. The shorter Cetoan skirts were not as free flowing and did not make such a display. 

"I see what you mean. You like to show off." She smiled.


"Only sometimes. Usually when Edmar's around," Caspian cringed as the words left his mouth. "Which, of course, he's not, tonight." 

"Will he be alright?" Naomi sighed with concern. She already knew enough about the situation from Mayra and Cora to be doubtful of an easy resolution to the situation.


"Nobody knows. Time will tell," He shrugged. 

"And if he doesn't get better?" She looked as if she feared asking the question. 

"If he is unable to lead, I'm afraid that responsibility would fall to me. I don't want it, and as you seem averse to too much attention, I rather think you might not enjoy being the wife of a Commodore, so we must hope for his full and speedy recovery." Caspian sighed. 

"Indeed, we must," Naomi swallowed. "I wish there were more I could do." 

"You can keep the next in line for the position in good spirits so I don't think about such a future," Caspian suggested. 

"Am I up to such a task?" She lifted her delicate eyebrows. 

"How will you know if you neglect to try?" He responded. 

"Then I shall do my best," She smiled at him. The song ended and the next began. 

It was an unusual song, and Caspian doubted Naomi had heard it before, let alone danced to it. It necessitated a much closer dancing position than most others, and he wondered if the music were an effort by Cora to encourage more matches between the Rhone brides and potential grooms.


It surely would cause a stir amongst them. 

Naomi blinked at him in a silent question, and he smiled and pulled her into a new dance position. He reasoned that there was no cause for hesitation; after all, she had spent nights curled up next to him in bed. They also happened to be married. 

He drew her closer, until her chin was nearly resting on his shoulder, her temple against his cheek. Her breath against his neck sent pleasant shivers down his spine, and the subtle scent of her hair filled him with an undefinable emotion. 

He pulled her with him around the dance floor, and she seamlessly kept pace with him. The way she was pressed against him made it seem as if they were moving as one person. The rest of the crowd seemed to fade away from them. 

"What is this dance?" She asked softly. "Is it new?" 

He tilted his head down slightly to whisper into her ear. 

"It is an old one, not often used. I imagine my mother has requested it to encourage the men to find brides quickly." As his breath moved her hair, she shivered in his arms, delighting him. 

"Has a song that kind of power? It would seem scandalous to be held like this if we were not married." Naomi's voice was timid. 

"The unmarried couples dance in a different position," He turned his head slightly, nudging hers with his chin to turn and observe the other dancers, who had visible distance between their bodies. "But it is said that once you dance this song with a person, you are fated to be together." 

"Oh," She said breathlessly, and he pulled her tighter still. She trembled, and he hoped it was in pleasure and not something else. 

Neither spoke for the rest of the song, enchanted with the closeness of the other. It was somehow different than sleeping next to each other, more intimate to be moving together to music as their hearts beat with the exercise and the music drowned out the sounds of the crowd. 

His leading hand was at her lower back instead of behind her shoulder blade, and he wondered if she were also reminded of the morning on the beach when he'd kissed her with abandon. If it weren't for the crowd around them, he'd be tempted to do so again now. 

He loved her. He wanted her. Needed her, even. Roland had been less than subtle in breaking the news to him, but it was painfully obvious now that he was absolutely lost in his affection for his wife. There could be no turning back, no recovery. 

She was perfectly imperfect. He had to put her before himself, because she would not put herself first under any circumstances. Her flaws encouraged more strengths in him. 

He could not have found a better woman if he'd looked in all the world. 

Her hair was down this evening. Though it had been braided earlier, she'd washed it for the festivities and had to let it dry. Now, her raven curls were about her shoulders like waves of black fire, shining in the torchlight. 

He wondered how rude it would be to excuse themselves early, but he also didn't want to miss a single opportunity to dance with his wife. He couldn't help but think to himself that this should have been their wedding, and no other's. 

Now, he was committed to loving and caring for her forever. 

"You seem a little different tonight," Naomi whispered as the song ended and they reluctantly stepped apart. "Are you all right?"


"Aside from the obvious things that are wrong, everything is wonderful," Caspian chuckled, unable to describe exactly what was going on in his mind. 

"Oh, of course," Naomi seemed to feel a little silly for asking the question, but he understood that his mood did not entirely match the underlying circumstances of his brother's enchantment and the ongoing search for Brenna. 

He squeezed her hand, still nestled in his. "That wasn't sarcasm. When I'm holding you, everything seems wonderful." 

Her eyes flew up to his, a bit wide and startled at the declaration, but soon a warm smile tugged a the corners of her lips. 

"I think so, too." 

Heating up over there! Better turn on the air conditioning.

TheOtherNoblecreators' thoughts