

His desire for her is pushing him to the limit. He wants her so badly, but how far can he be pushed before he can no longer be the nice guy?

MyLadyR_2440 · Urban
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7 Chs


Jennette considered Tracy to be her best friend, which is exactly why some secrets had to be kept. She was still feeling heartbroken by Tracy's brother, Tristan, but Tracy had no idea they had kissed and felt deeply attracted to one another. They would be together except they thought it would hurt Tracy's feelings, but Tracy had no idea anything had ever happened.

"Jennette help," Tracy called out as she entered their dorm suite. She had her hands full of silver designer shopping bags and carrying a large bakers box as well.

Jennette rushed to help Tracy get settled. "What is all of this?"

"I forgot Marcus' birthday is today. When he asked how we were going to celebrate, I told him I got him a cake and was going to cook for him."

Jennette's eyes widened. "Tracy! You don't cook! And we don't have a kitchen!"

"I know," Tracy explained. "I panicked. Will you help me cook dinner at Marcus and Tom's apartment?"

"Yes. Of course, but what's in these bags because I know it's not groceries"

"Welllll," Tracy hesitated. "That's the other thing. I picked up some new clothes...and some lingerie" Tracy squealed and giggled. "I'm going to let Marcus have whatever he wants tonight." The sly smile on her face told Jennette all she needed to know.

Jennette thought Tracy deserved better than Marcus, but she knew Tracy didn't want to hear it. They had discussed the subject once before when Jennette had spotted Marcus out with another girl. Tracy thought she and Marcus were exclusive, but Jennette knew better. Marcus denied the accusation and Tracy believed him, so Jennette didn't bring it up anymore.

Marcus and Tracy had been fooling around for two months, but Tracy kept it to deep fondling and oral sex. Jennette knew that Tracy would be taking things to the next level with Marcus, but she did not want to hear about it.

Jennette was not excited for her friend, in fact quite the opposite, but for the sake of the friendship, Jennette tried to smile supportingly. She was actually kinda sad for Tracy. Regardless, Jennette would help prepare a nice meal just because Tracy asked her to, and that was it.

"What about Thomas? Your brother is going to figure out how serious you two are getting. He isn't going to let you and Marcus just slip off to the bedroom."

"I was kinda hoping you'd convince Tom to go to a movie or hang out with you."

Tracy and Jennette had been spending a lot of time with Marcus and Thomas this semester. Tracy and Marcus were obviously getting closer and closer, and Jennette was keeping her mind off of Tristan.

Thomas was Tracy and Tristan's older brother. The two brothers were very similar in their facial features, but one wouldn't immediately realize that because Thomas always kept a short beard whereas Tristan was nearly always clean shaven. They were also both tall and broad shouldered, but Tristan worked out and his muscular build showed it. Thomas was clearly strong from the many years working in construction, but he appeared more stocky and sturdy.

Thomas was definitely attractive, but Jennette never felt there was anything between them except a platonic mutual relationship. Besides, she only had eyes for Tristan.

Thomas hadn't gone to college. He started his own construction company in high school and with some lucky breaks with clients who were friends with his dad, Thomas had become a successful entrepreneur. His experience had made him seem much older to Jennette than twenty-two. She was eighteen and a college freshman with so much more to do before her life would feel settled.

Thomas was fun, and he had always treated Jennette like she was another sister, but sometimes she caught him looking at her and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. One time he had tickled her to pester her and she thought for a moment that he was going to try to kiss her. She convinced herself that she was imagining it because Thomas always seemed interested in different women - the kind of women Jennette believed were much more beautiful than she was.

After her brief experience with Tristan, Jennette was not interested in seeing anyone romantically. He had moved on and would likely follow in Thomas' footsteps, leaving a lot of broken hearts behind. Jennette and Tristan had only kissed and she was trying hard to not let her feelings for Tristan weigh her down. She just wanted to focus on school and friends...and not getting her heart broken. Thomas felt safe to her. He felt like an older brother protector, who she could laugh with or call if she needed help.

With Tracy ditching her to spend some private time with her boyfriend, Jennette didn't mind the idea of hanging out with Thomas. They would think of something to do, but not a movie - that felt more like a date thing.

Tracy and Jennette made a stop at the grocery store and then headed to the apartment across town. Tracy was excitedly describing her lingerie, but Jennette was tuning her out a little bit. Neither Thomas nor Marcus was at the apartment so Tracy used her key and they got started in the kitchen.

Tracy insisted they make chicken fried steak because it was Marcus' favorite. Jennette did most of the work, but somehow Tracy had managed to be a bigger mess. She had flour hand prints on the butt of her jeans, flour all over her new black rhinestone tank top, and little bits of the egg-milk-flour concoction in her hair.

"I have got to go change," Tracy cried.

"It is fine. I can finish up. Just hurry back." The hot meal was ready and being kept warm in the oven. Jennette turned up the music on the radio and started whipping the mashed potatoes with the hand mixer.