
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

History Till Now

Center of Lucifaad, Lucifer Clan Castle, Inside Prince's room.

After meticulously absorbing the memories embedded within, I arrived at three conclusions, the last two of which were particularly disquieting. Firstly, I now possessed a flawless memory and a frighteningly heightened comprehension, propelling my IQ to unprecedented levels. Secondly, I found myself situated within the world of High School DxD, a realm within the Draconic Deus universe, affirming the existence of other multiverses and the vastness of the omniverse, igniting my anticipation for the events yet to unfold. And thirdly, we stood on the precipice of the Great War's conclusion, a juncture both promising and perilous.

The imminent cessation of hostilities promised a respite from conflict for the next six decades, a welcome reprieve. However, it also heralded the need for immediate action, for with my newfound knowledge, it became evident that certain aspects of the future required alteration. In just five days, the Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig and Albion, would succumb to the machinations of Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels, reigniting their age-old struggle. Twenty days hence, the cataclysmic battle between Trihexa and God would reach its climax, while a mere ten days remained until the Great War's conclusion. Time was of the essence, and decisive measures needed to be taken to steer the course of destiny.

Let's dissect what I've gleaned from the memories. Firstly, despite my previous understanding, I find myself existing for a millennium, a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom. Secondly, I am the offspring of Lucifer and Lilith, rendering me a Pure-Blooded Devil of esteemed lineage, holding the esteemed rank of Super-Devil. While this designation provides a modicum of reassurance, the absence of the DarkLight Trait inherent in the Lucifer Clan and the presence of only a subdued version of my mother's Negation Trait present an enigma. My laboratory would undoubtedly prove invaluable in scrutinizing my biology and bloodline, a task I must undertake once I am reunited with it.

Thirdly, I possess superhuman physical attributes beyond quantification without appropriate instrumentation. My proficiency in Devil Magic, which manifests through the power of imagination, encompasses a diverse array of abilities including elemental manipulation, force field creation, teleportation, illusion weaving, and mind manipulation.

Fourthly, despite my exalted status as a Super-Devil, my rank belies a startling mediocrity, underscored by a weak foundation that impedes my ability to ascend in combat prowess. Indeed, while my energy attains the heights of a Super-Devil, my physical form languishes at a mere Ultimate rank, failing to even reach the stature of a Satan. This realization fills me with a profound sense of inadequacy, compelling me to devise a meticulous regimen of schedule and task to rectify this deficiency.

Lastly, I stand at a height of 176 centimeters, bearing a weight of 66 kilograms, with cascading silver locks framing a visage of youthful allure. Despite my appearance of twenty years, my physique boasts a chiseled six-pack, a testament to my physical prowess.

Let's establish our priorities. Firstly, securing the bodies of both Heavenly Dragons should be our foremost objective, given their pivotal role in the imminent conflicts. Secondly, acquiring the bodies of the original Satans and the 72 Pillars for experimentation purposes is paramount to advancing our understanding and capabilities.

Thirdly, obtaining the bodies of Trihexa and God, along with their law crystals if feasible, holds immense strategic value and warrants immediate attention. Fourthly, assembling a comprehensive collection of bodies from all species, excluding the God races, such as Angels, Fallen Angels, Vampires, Yokai, Dragons, and Asgardians, will provide invaluable resources for research and experimentation.

Fifthly, establishing expansive storage dimensions is essential to accommodate our burgeoning acquisitions and facilitate our endeavors. Sixthly, setting up our laboratory and developing a myriad of technologies, including advanced AI systems, equipment, and the integration of magic and technology, will lay the foundation for our future pursuits.

Seventhly, seeking out a mentor to refine our foundation and deepen our knowledge of magic is crucial for our growth and development. By prioritizing these objectives, we can embark on a path of advancement and achievement in the multifaceted world we inhabit.