
Pursuit Of Power

A old scientist dies and is reborn in marvel cinematic unviverse watch as he uses his cruelty and ingenious to benefit himself and those he chooses to hold dear.

Flying_Squirrel1 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Gotta start somewhere

Victor awoke with a pounding headache, his mind a chaotic swirl of unfamiliar images and sensations. Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his temples, trying to steady himself. Slowly, the images began to organize themselves into coherent memories, and he realized that these were the experiences of the body he now inhabited—a fourteen-year-old boy named Alex Williams.

Using his perfect recall and years of experience from his past life, Victor methodically sifted through the memories. He watched how Alex had acted, spoken, and carried himself, absorbing every detail. In mere seconds, Victor had skimmed through fourteen years of memories, understanding his new life and its intricacies with a practiced ease.

Satisfied with his understanding, Victor got up and moved to an computer sitting on a desk in the corner of the room. He booted it up and began reading through the available information, his eyes scanning the screen with the same speed and efficiency that had made him a renowned scientist in his previous life.

He came across a tabloid article featuring Tony Stark, who had apparently just had a scandalous escapade with three married women. The headline screamed of his debauchery, and Stark's own comment—boasting about the women's inability to keep up with his "vigor"—only made Victor's lip curl in disdain.

"How did people in my old world ever idolize this enigmatic playboy?" Victor muttered to himself, shaking his head. "All I see is a man who uses women and ruins their lives with a smile." Victor smiles as he realizes that was when this was all a piece of fiction now that it's real anyone can see tony starks behaviour is unbecoming.

He continued scrolling, finding articles in scientific forums discussing Reed Richards and Professor Xavier. These names piqued his interest.

Alex: " if Proffesor X is here the x men are here and that means so are their enemies, people who I'll have to take care of as they are trying to take a world that I want.

Further reading revealed terrorist attacks perpetrated by a helmet-wearing man named Magneto.

With a clearer picture and more information Alex see that this is a mash-up world, blending the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the mutant tales from Fox's X-Men series.

Victor—or Alex, as he was now called—sighed deeply. "So, this is the world the Arbiter has sent me to. A world of heroes, villains, and unimaginable power struggles."

As he pondered his new reality, his eyes fell on a black card lying on his bed. Picking it up, he noticed a piece of paper beneath it with a single word: "Enjoy," followed by the Arbiter's signature. As he held the paper, it dissipated into motes of light, leaving no trace behind.

Alex smirked, a mix of anticipation and determination brewing within him. He walked to the shower and let the hot water cascade over him, clearing his mind and solidifying his resolve. He might be in a new world, but his goals remained unchanged. He would take what he wanted and eliminate anyone who dared to stand in his way.

After his shower, he dressed in casual summer clothes and headed downstairs. It was currently summer, and the heat of Houston, Texas, was palpable even inside the grand mansion. Alex felt a strange sense of calm as he descended the staircase. Houston was far removed from the epicenters of future conflicts and drama, allowing him the time and space to plan his moves carefully.

In the expansive kitchen, a maid greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, Master Alex. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, thank you," Alex replied, his tone polite as he eyed the beautiful maid.

As he ate his breakfast, he continued to think about the world he now inhabited.

Heroes and villains, mutants and gods—this world was ripe for the taking. With the powers he had been granted and the wealth at his disposal, Alex knew he could carve out a place for himself at the top of this world's hierarchy.

A wicked smile crept across his face as he thought about the future. He would use his intellect and experience strategically, ensuring that no one would be able to challenge him. The Arbiter had given him a second chance, and he intended to make the most of it.

After breakfast, Alex wandered through the mansion, taking in its opulence. It was a far cry from the humble beginnings of his previous life. He had the resources and the freedom to do as he pleased. But more importantly, he had the drive and the intellect to manipulate this world to his advantage.

He spent the rest of the day familiarizing

himself with the estate and its surroundings. The mansion was equipped with everything he could possibly need—state-of-the-art technology, a vast library, and even a private laboratory that from his memories is used by his father.

Alex knew that he could begin his experiments and research here without arousing suspicion.

By evening, he was already formulating plans for the future. He needed to establish his presence in the scientific community, gain influence, and build a far reaching business empire. He would start by leveraging his wealth and intellect to create technologies and software, slowly making a name for himself.

Alex sat in his room contemplating different characters to take in and different ways to ensure their loyalty,

Alex smiled as he knows this world is filled with beautiful women and riches used by bad guys that he can claim.

"Hahahahahahahahaha"!! Alex laughs out as he remembers some stupid situations more often than not created by the heroes that they themselves then have to fix, he then chuckles again,

"But not before they always destroy property and terrorize anyone in the vicinity." Alex says as he shakes his head exasperated.

Alex then grabs a book and writes down some things he wishes to build to others it's the ramblings of a child's mind but to him a schedule as he knows these things like the back of his hand as he was the one to patent them in his old world.

As night fell his thoughts drifted back to the Arbiter. Why had he been given this chance? What was the being's true motive? Alex couldn't be sure, but he knew one thing: he would make the most of this opportunity. He would rise to power, not just as a scientist, but as a force to be reckoned with.

A/N damn I honestly wanna apologize to any author I spoke down to writing is too much and making dialogue is like making a bomb you gotta be delicate and ensure everything flows or I'm just rambling but yeah whatever remember guys give me some tech ideas please as yuh boy isn't a big time weeb or neet.✌️✌️


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