
Pursuit of Eternal

Warning: Please stop reading at chapter 132. I've mistakenly repeated the chapters. If you see this warning, don't buy in batch. *** What would you do, If you suddenly lose everything, but you have a chance to reclaim everything back? Dev got the same chance after losing everyone, he loved. His world turned around when he found out superpowers are real. How will Dev reclaim everything back? Can Dev say 'I am a good guy' at the end of his journey? We'll get all the answers, as we follow Dev along. The journey will be cruel yet satisfying. ************************************************** It will take time for him to start his journey, but after this, the story will be fast-paced. So, bear with the story. The story will only get better. The story will contain much of the Indian element rather than Western or Chinese, so please read the story keeping this in mind. Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbdsUzNV45 ****************************************************** If you think that the author is worth supporting then, Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Pinaka_ Ko Fi link: https://ko-fi.com/pinaka_

pinaka_ · Fantasy
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167 Chs


"So, If I could revive your family and planet, right now. Would you give up on your pursuit of the [ETERNAL],"

The sudden question stunned him. "Can you?" Dev excitedly asked.

"I am the one asking questions. You only need to answer," The stranger responded, smiling. The atmosphere suddenly changed. Even though the stranger was smiling, Dev still felt fear.

When Dev tried to think about the answer, he fell into a dilemma. He wanted to nod, but he couldn't. Whenever he tried to answer yes, the memories of his torture, his family dying appeared in his mind. He thought of the answer for a long time. He finally came up with his response.

He shook his head. "No. I will not stop my pursuit. I do not want to go through what I've just gone through ever again. I do not desire my family's and mine fate being determined by someone powerful, " Clenching his fist and with a steadfast look on his face, he answered.