
Pursuit of Dao (Reverend Insanity)

What is luck? Lucky is to be reborn in this world where there is an opportunity that one can pursue eternal life and live forever. So what is misfortune? Unfortunately, it is being reborn as the brother of the demon protagonist. So? what? See how I as Gu Yue Fang Zheng bring out my own legend in this world. .. Structure: Currently, there are six volumes. Volume 5 is Reckless Savage Biography (4 parts) Volume 6 is Other Information which will include some really good articles on Reverend Insanity and details about updates Volume 7 (planned) will be the continuation of the fanfic from Volume 4. .. This is translation of a famous RI fanfic. I am not a professional translator and doing this for free. It would be great if you could support me. However, this is completely optional. My Patreon link is below: p atreon.com/ReverendReader just remove the space between 'p' and 'a' .. Please provide your support through Reviews, comments and power stones! This is my only motivation to continue.

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Rest and Rectification, Tie father and daughter Investigates the Case (edited)

Sure enough, everything started to develop according to the original work, and Tie Xue Leng entrusted Tie Ruo Nan to investigate and deal with the case.

  The dishes were put on the table, the aroma was fragrant, and the mellow liquor formed a line from the wine jar and poured into the iron-blooded cups.

  The wolf tide has just passed, and the Gu yue Mountain Village has fallen into the most difficult period. The consumption of a large amount of materials will lead to a shortage of food and materials, and even people will starve to death.

  But even so, in order to entertain the iron-blooded Gu Yue clan, they still pieced together this banquet.

  As the patriarch, Gu Yue Bo, he sat on the main seat, beside him was Tie Xue Leng and the young girl Tie Ruo Nan.

  In addition to them, there are Gu Yue Chi Lian, Gu Yue Mo chen, Gu Yue Academy elder, and Fang Yuan, Fang Zheng and others, all of whom are family elders.

  Before the Wolf Tide, there were dozens of elders of the Gu Yue clan, but now only this table is left, not even ten.

  Not only that, all the elders present here are all injured.

  Gu Yue bo and Tie Xue Leng toasted each other. After drinking this glass of wine, Gu Yue bo looked around the crowd and his eyes were red, sighed, and sat down slowly.

  The father and daughter Tie Xue Leng and Tie Ruo Nan couldn't help but persuade Gu Yue bo.

  "Why didn't you counterattack and just severed the wolf's nest?" Tie Ruo nan asked puzzledly.

  "It's because there are more than ten thunder gas insect swarms living in the wolf's nest, the number is close to one million, there are a large number of wild Gu insects mixed in, it is difficult to shake, unless the three jointly send troops." Fang Zheng explained first.

  On the one hand, to avoid Gu Yue Yao Ji from speaking, the longer the Tie Xue Leng investigation was delayed, the more it would help Fang Zheng to prepare for leaving Qing mao Mountain. On the other hand, because Gu Yue Yao Shi died, he would not be able to support Yao Tu's position without killing Yao Ji.

  When he said this, he couldn't help but snorted, "But the possibility is too small. As a family elder, he is accustomed to being pampered. Naturally, he cherishes his life and refuses to take risks. There is also a family elder in our clan who decides himself to avoid fighting. One arm to avoid going to the battlefield, after all, the older people are more afraid of death, I understand..."

  After listening to Fang Zheng's words, the other elders couldn't help but shift their eyes to Gu Yue Yao ji's body.

  After all, the elders are not young, and they can still see the little trick of losing an arm in exchange for evading the battle.

  Therefore, all the elders looked at Gu Yue Yao ji's expressions, with dissatisfaction, contempt, and faint anger.

  This made Gu Yue Yao ji very dazed, she didn't know why Fang Zheng had no grievances with her, and why he wanted to engage her.

  "I was really injured by an accident! It's not like some family elders who escaped, raped and skidded." Gu Yue Yao ji knew well that it was not appropriate to refute Fang Zheng at this time, otherwise it would have worse effects. So it was misfortune, trying to divert everyone's attention.

  "Don't you explain?" Gu Yue yao Ji Yin smiled, "It's a felony to escape before the battle!"

  "Do I need to explain to you, the villain who broke her arm in order to escape?" Fang Yuan sneered, "and wasted family manpower for searching her granddaughter. Have you found her now?"

  "You, you little bastard! Bloody mouth! How could our Gu Yue clan make such a thing as you!" Gu Yue Yao Ji flushed her eyes, wishing to rush to strangle the junior who exposed her scars.

  "Gu Yue Yao Ji!" Gu Yue bo changed her color suddenly, and drank in a deep voice, "You sit down for me, and there are distinguished guests here, what kind of demeanor is it? You will not be an elder in the future."

  "What?" Gu Yue Yao ji slumped on the chair, looking at Gu Yue bo's gloomy face, she didn't dare to speak any more.

  Gu Yue bo dealt with Gu Yue Yao Ji, then turned his gaze to Fang Yuan: "Fang Yuan's old man, I need you to explain. When the wolf tide attacked the village, where did you go?"

  Fang Yuan displayed a very profound concept of choice, and he ruined his political future, simply and neatly.

  Not only did he avoid seeing through his mind with iron-heartedness, but also escaped from the political struggle, which was really killing two birds with one stone.

  This couldn't help shocking everyone present, and let the Tie Xue Leng resent Fang Yuan, and the devilishness was too heavy.

  For the future of Chi faction, Gu Yue Chi lian was willing to sacrifice his political future and preserve Fang Yuan.

  In Bai village, Bai Ning bing looked at the night sky through the window lattice.

  A bright moon, crystal clear, hung in the night. The howls of wolves from the distant mountains from time to time add a bit of desolation to the moonlight.

  In the study, the head of the Bai family was sitting aside, with a desperate look on his face at this time.

  Bai Ning bing has found his way, and will never be confused about life and death again.

  The painting-like indifferent boy, with snow-haired white clothes, looks like a fairy in the cloud, which is eye-catching.

  "I don't know if what Fang Zheng said is true, but I have already seen through life and death, and this cultivation level will bring me more excitement." Bai Ningbing calculated.

  Next, the head of the Bai family took Bai Ning bing to the place of the Bai.xiang Immortal Snake for the last fight.

  Because it didn't become Rank Six, Bai xiang Immortal Snake just lived in Bai Ning bing's aperture.

  Gu Yue Village, on the Ancient Moon Medicine Stone Mansion.

  "Yao tu, Gu Yue Yao Ji has been dismissed, and Gu Yue Chi Zhong is also dead. The only thing I am most optimistic about is you." Fang Zheng played with a copy of Gu material in his hand and looked at the past Members of the same group.

  "Thank you, the elder of the family, for your cultivation. I will be grateful for this, and I will definitely not let the adults down." Gu Yue Yao tu said with sincerity and fear.

  "By the way, I feel that your medicated ice is also very talented." Fang Zheng said casually. "Understand, I understand, my lord, I will pay attention."Yao Tu said, clapping his hands, and five or six domestic slaves walked in.

  A total of four large boxes filled with primordial stones and three very delicate boxes were brought in.

  "The elder is my father's best friend, and he has cultivated me for many years. This is my little heart. I hope that the elder will accept it." Yao tu said sincerely, "If you don't accept it, you don't give it to you."

  "Okay, okay, I can't live up to your heart. I am very optimistic about you as the person in charge of the medicine. Please come to me if you have any trouble in the future." Fang Zheng said with a serious face, "I and your elder after all, it's a year-long acquaintance! Hahaha."

  Under the system, members are willingly exploited. Fang Zheng did not imply anything, many people took the initiative to bribe, took the initiative to seek refuge with contacts, and were embraced by women.

  This is true no matter which world you are in.

  "People in the world are always ridiculous. When they are stolen, stolen, and robbed, they will resist fiercely and shout injustice for a little bit of loss. Bribes and gifts, bodies, and virginity are all willing to give gifts to the upper level, lest they fail to do so. Tonight. I have harvested a lot of primeval stones and gu worms, which can be regarded as a big gain. Alas, no matter which world it is, people can't change this habit!" Fang Zheng sighed, "But because of this, I left Qing mao Mountain to be so rich. "

  Fang Zheng began to calculate, "When the crane disaster begins, I will ransack the family's Secret Treasury, Gu Worm Treasury, and the secret recipe pavilion, and I must not waste it."

  Gu yue Village, an iron-blooded residence.

  "Now you're going to analyze the person below the source." Tie Xue Leng said to Tie Ruo nan.

  "He is a very sensible and clever person. Everything he said when he introduced us to villagr was just right and well-organized. His..."

  Tie Ruo nan took a breath.

  Tie Ruo nan analyzed it carefully and felt that Gu Yue Fang Yuan was very suspicious, and what he said was too clean.

  Tie Xue Leng not only sighed at Fang Yuan's talent, but also regretted his poor aptitude.

  Fang Yuan walked on the streets with no one, his steps were a bit heavy, but very firm.

  He had just been in contact with Tie Xue Leng, which made him feel a lot of pressure, and an intuition told him that Tie Xue Leng would definitely break his business.

  Pressure from all sides came to him, and Tie Xue Leng had already begun to solve the case, feeling as if he was sailing on a submerged reef, in danger, how could he break a road?

Interesting situation. A good take on original events

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