
Pursuit of Dao (Reverend Insanity)

What is luck? Lucky is to be reborn in this world where there is an opportunity that one can pursue eternal life and live forever. So what is misfortune? Unfortunately, it is being reborn as the brother of the demon protagonist. So? what? See how I as Gu Yue Fang Zheng bring out my own legend in this world. .. Structure: Currently, there are six volumes. Volume 5 is Reckless Savage Biography (4 parts) Volume 6 is Other Information which will include some really good articles on Reverend Insanity and details about updates Volume 7 (planned) will be the continuation of the fanfic from Volume 4. .. This is translation of a famous RI fanfic. I am not a professional translator and doing this for free. It would be great if you could support me. However, this is completely optional. My Patreon link is below: p atreon.com/ReverendReader just remove the space between 'p' and 'a' .. Please provide your support through Reviews, comments and power stones! This is my only motivation to continue.

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A pack of wolves attacked the village, Fang Yuan succeeded (edited)

Gu Yue Yao le and Fang Zheng watched Xiong Jiao man and his party leave Gu Yue village, gradually drifting away.

  But the difference was extremely short. Only a quarter of an hour later, Xiong Jiao man and others returned to the bamboo building again.

  "Unlucky, I caught up with the wolf tide." Xiong Jiao man explained with a wry smile.

  The Gu Masters in the bamboo building all looked tight after hearing this.

  Xiong Jiao man, a group of people, crowded and powerful, will be forced to retreat to the cottage, which shows the scale of the wolf tide.

  "Don't panic, everyone, get ready, let the friends in XXion village see how brave our Gu Yue clan is." Fang Zheng said.

  "That's the reason." A group of people responded quickly.

  As soon as everyone's voice fell, the Dangdang siren resounded throughout the cottage.

  The village was silent for a while, and immediately boiled.

  "Hurry up, gather all the team members together, it's another fierce battle!"

  "This siren is... A large-scale wolf pack has attacked the village."

  "Damn, I haven't had a good night's sleep, these damn wolf cubs."

  Some of the Gu Masters cursed, some pursed their mouths, and their faces were indifferent. All of a sudden, on the top of the bamboo building and on the street, Gu Masters rushed towards the four gates and the outer wall of the cottage.

  Fang Zheng was caught in the crowd, came to the edge of the outer wall, and climbed up the bamboo ladder.

  Looking around, there are thousands of electric wolves all over the mountains and plains.

  The countless green wolf pupils were like ghost fires, which made people chill in the bottom of my heart.

  These electric wolves are basically hungry, and even some electric wolves are hungry and skinny.

  There is no way, there are too many electric wolves to breed, and a wave of wolves has formed, expelling all the surrounding beasts. For wolves, food is getting less and less.

  Now there are only three popular cottages in Qing mao Mountain, which have plenty of food. For the hungry electric wolf, it is the ultimate temptation of hysterics.

  In addition to ordinary electric wolves, there are many powerful electric wolves. Although it is mixed in the pack of wolves, the power wolf is still very conspicuous.

  Their bodies are the size of a calf.

  There are more than 30 heads!

  Many people can't help but tremble when they see this scene.

  This is the second time the village has been besieged by wolves in May this year. But this time the scale is more than twice as strong as last time.

  Of course, in addition to these powerful electric wolves, there are even more threatening crazy electric wolves.

  Fang Zheng searched, and found three huge wolf shadows behind the wolf pack, in the shadow of the woods.

  Crazy Electric Wolf is the King of Thousand Beasts, and each head is the size of an elephant.

  Fang Zheng looked at it again, there was no sign of the Thunder Crowned Wolf. Thunder crown-headed wolf is the king of all beasts, and he is the leader of all beasts. It can only be strangled by the strength of the Gu Yue Village.

  Although there were only two thunder-crowned wolves in this wave of wolves, there was also a strange beast that was sly and awkward. It was very difficult to deal with, and its wisdom was much higher than that of thunder-crowned wolves.

  If the original work were not for the help of iron and blood, everyone in Gu yue Village and Bai Village would most likely be destroyed by the group.

  However, in this life, because of the Hemostatic Gu and Blood-Producing Gu refined by Fangzheng, the Gu Yue clan's Gu Master's survivability has been greatly improved. Therefore, there are far more Gu Masters of the Gu Yue clan than at this time in the original work. Therefore, it is relatively safe to defend against the wolf tide this time.


  The three crazy electric wolves raised their necks together and made a long howling sound.

  In the howling of wolves, countless electric wolves received orders and directly attacked the cottage.

  The Gu Masters here in the village had already been prepared and were waiting.

  The Gu Masters who turned around were all standing in the corner, their hands against the cold wall.

  Rank 2 Gu Masters, some climbed up the bamboo ladder, and some gathered on the top of the tower.

  In the fortress behind them, the Gu Masters who were also stationed, some reserve teams, and some were the Healing Gu Masters in the Medicine Hall, scouting ancient poems shuttled between them, constantly sending information to the rear.

  The family elders kept their strength and suppressed the scene.

  Standing on the bamboo ladder, Fang Zheng, together with the Rank 2 Gu Masters on the tower, launched the Moon Blade at the wolves.

  The moonblade shrouded toward the wolf tide like a rain of arrows, and suddenly the blood spattered, and the wolf's limbs fluttered away.

  A super electric wolf flew up the city wall. When Fang Zheng saw this, a thunderball hit it and knocked it down. The super electric wolf was also taken care of and was beaten to pieces of meat.

  But at this moment, a powerful lightning wolf that was originally under the city wall leaped up, covered with a lightning shield, and landed directly in Fang Zheng.

  Fang Zheng was an energizing spirit, rolled to avoid the attack, and used Moon Raiment Gu to defend against the galvanic wolf's electric attack.

  "It's really thrilling! If you don't have the strength of Rank 3, it is really easy to die!" Fang Zheng was frightened in a cold sweat, "It seems that the strength of the next 3 ranks has to be announced. Without using the strength of the rank 3, it is really easy to lose. Before breaking out of Qing mao Mountain, he was already dead!"

  This is simply a war.

  The power of the Rank 2 peak seems to be small, and only the rank 3 Gu Master is the mainstay and can calm the scene.

  If you remember correctly, Gu Yue Yao le should be taken away by Fang Yuan at this time, and the adult beast burial gu will be cultivated.

  This battle between humans and electric wolves has been going on for a long time. The corpses of the wolf have been piled up from the pit and are already close to half the height of the wall, and the Gu masters have suffered heavy casualties.

  Although there is a bright moon, the visibility is not as good as during the day. The three mad electric wolves were still standing behind and not moving, their figures looming.

  As long as they are not damaged, no matter how many electric wolves are cannon fodder, this is a super electric wolf, and it is just a high-level victim.

  A crazy electric wolf took a step forward, opened its huge mouth and spit out a thunderball.

  Turn Three Thunder Gu!

  This started the signal that the mad electric wolf led the electric wolf to attack. A mad electric wolf needs at least three groups of Gu masters that cooperate with each other to hunt together. If it is a Rank 3 Gu Master, at least three people are needed to resist it.

  Nine family elders and three crazy electric wolves form a three big group. Wherever they went, most of the Gu Masters or Electric Wolves who were swept into the battle group had no good end.

  The elders cooperated tacitly, and their tactical advantages quickly gave them the upper hand. After a moment of fierce fighting, he took control of the overall situation.

  "It's cruel." Fang Zheng saw another Gu Master who was swallowed by the electric wolf. "According to the plot, the hidden mad electric wolf is out, should it come out?"

  There was a sudden roar outside the east gate, and an electric wolf grew bigger and bigger, from the size of an ordinary electric wolf to the size of a giant elephant.

  "There is even a crazy electric wolf!" Many people were shocked when they saw this scene.

  "Oh, did you show up?" Fang Zheng looked in the direction of the east gate. "The situation at east gate is quite bad!"

  "Beast, stop!" Gu Yue Yao ji screamed while running madly there.

  Crazy Electric Wolf chased and intercepted Xiong Jiao man who was pulling Yao le. Soon, the sound wave Gu broke out, and Gu yue Yao le was directly released into the village.

  Fang Yuan therefore took advantage of the chaos and left the village and began to realize his plan to break through the third rank.

  Fang Zheng kept looking in the crowd, and found that Fang Yuan was not found. "Heh, I can't find the figure of my brother. It seems that Yao Le is really bad this time. In this way, Yao faction The successor will be emptied, and perhaps can use this to get another rank three Gu worm from the old medicine stone clan."