
Pursuit for happiness (moved to a new link)

Pursuit of happiness explores the journey of an undergraduate called Anne as she journeys in search of her happiness and peace.

Osasogie_Edosa · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

chapter eleven

"How do you think your father will react to our union". Collins asked with a look of worry on his face.

They were currently in a five-star restaurant, having lunch, even though Collins insisted he was not hungry. He had to make his worry state real enough but as far as he was concerned, he didn't give a fuck. He felt a little guilty though.

"I have been thinking about that too, my father is a difficult man, it won't be easy to get him to come around, especially in a matter as delicate as this". Sugar replied, with the same worried look on her face.

Deep down within Collins, he was extremely happy. The excuse he couldn't come up with for weeks has just presented itself. All he had to do was keep pretending and allow Sugar's dad to do the separation.

The waiter who served them came with desserts and Collins ate only after Sugar insisted.

"What will happen if he doesn't agree?" Collins asked further.

"I guess we'll call it off, after all, all he is doing is to ensure I don't end up living wretchedly with some guy, besides there is little or no hope for you to make it big". She said aloud without care, not minding if her words hurt or heal, as usual. But then it was Sugar, the only person that mattered to her was herself.

Collins was only a little surprised to hear that from her, having known her for months, he expected very little from her but the fact that she was very serious about it made him feel less guilty about his plans.

"You shouldn't be talking like this, like an overgrown baby without sense". Collins challenged angrily.

She found his reply out of place and loudly, she told him how sick and tired she was, of paying the bills whenever they went out, of buying him expensive gifts when all she ever received from him were substandard materials that were not suitable for even a slave, drawing attention to their table.

Collins, who had had enough for the day simply stood up and left the restaurant with Sugar screaming behind him.

This was way more than he bargained for. All he ever did was save her from committing suicide and agreed to not disclose it to anyone. Although she never told him the reason for her suicide attempt, he guessed it had something to do with a guy she was seeing. They had become close friends until Sugar told him how she felt plus the benefits that come from being a boyfriend to a billionaire's daughter. It didn't take him long to decide on leaving Anne and now he felt so stupid and wise at the same time. Stupid because he left an angel for a wealthy, spoiled

brat, and wise because the last time he checked, his bank account was smiling plus his investments were yielding good fruits. The toxic relationship he endured these past months was worth it and he couldn't deny it for a second.

As he headed home, his phone kept ringing and he kept rejecting the calls but she wouldn't stop calling so he had her number restricted.

He got home some minutes later and lay on his bed. There was no way she would come to his house. She doesn't know where he lives. The one time he suggested they come to his house, her face had twisted in disgust that he had dropped the topic immediately and never brought it up again. Now he could see that her refusal to come to his house was a blessing in disguise.

Her outburst didn't bother him, he had had to put up with worse attitudes from her. A part of him was grateful for the outburst as it served as an excuse to walk away from her. He honestly wished she would get angry with him for walking out on her. He knew that this was it, they were done for real this time.

He switched on his phone, still expecting her call even though it's been days since he t

called Anne and got no response. He knew she didn't have his new number and she couldn't have guessed it was him calling, but he wasn't sure if she would take the call, knowing who it was.

He was dozing off when his phone rang and with expectations, he brought out the phone and hissed loudly when he saw the caller.

He was going to make her suffer a little before officially breaking up with her.

* * * * * *

Collins walked out of the hall with a few of his friends. They had just completed a test and were on their way home when one of his friends drew his attention to the car packed a few feet ahead of them. It was undoubtedly one of Sugar's cars. They turned in the opposite direction immediately and soon realized their mistake. She too was coming from the opposite direction and with the look on her face, she wasn't here to joke. They made a U-turn and turned to their initial direction with Sugar walking behind them, raining all sorts of insults on him, not minding the people around or the scene she was creating. Collins with the help of his friends went away almost unaffected because the people who didn't know about Collins and Sugar wouldn't know the insults were directed at him. All they know is that she was referring to one of the four guys walking side by side with each other. That helped Collins to feel a little better plus they have officially broken up. While she kept ranting from behind, Collins took one last look at her, and only then did he see the ugliness of her heart, and in a split second, he felt sorry for her.

His friends who at one time expressed how lucky he was and how jealous they felt now understood why he always complained about her.

When they got to Collins' home, they celebrated his freedom with a bottle of cheap wine and some pieces of fried meat.

They weren't aware of the benefits he got from her or the investments he had made. That was his little secret.

After they ate and drank, making a mess of the room, they got ready to leave but Collins would not hear of it, and insisted they cleaned up which they didn't.

"How many times did your girlfriend clean up for you??" One of them, Francis, a guy who is rather too tall asked and this provoked laughter from the others including Collins who was in such a happy mood, which was a surprise for someone who had just gone through a breakup.

They left a few minutes later, after another round of drink was poured, leaving Collins to clean up and think of his next move.