
Pursuing The Indifferent Celestial Deity

The ancient deity Fan Xinyue was the last of the fan clan. Detached from all desires and emotions he lived only for his duties. Anger, hatred, pity, love - they have long faded from his heart. Maybe that was the main reason why the heavenly emperor could trust him without a single doubt. After all, someone without desires won’t go against the heavenly realm. The heavenly emperor felt at ease assigning the duty to tame the rebellious nymph clan to his hands. —--------- He hasn’t lived for millennials in vain. It would be an absurd phenomenon if he couldn’t subdue a young nymph. ‘Had nymphs always been so troublesome to manage? Who knew?’ the ancient deity pondered to himself as he eyed his almost demolished castle. A wish of air surrounded him. He waved his hands in the air without a change in his expression. The wisp of air immediately disappeared taking the form of a nymph. “Tch! How petty, I was merely appreciating your gorgeous features.” Yan Lixuan muttered under her breath. Not quite satisfied with his indifference, she caressed his cheeks lightly for one last time. before he could flick her hand away she disappeared into a wisp of air again and flew away through a small opening in the castle wall.

Light_Breeze · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Born With The Shadow Essence

In the majestic hallway, the Baiye waterfall shone translucently, reflecting the nine realms under the heavenly realm. The time wheel rotated steadily, heedless of everything else. Above, the swirling vortex of clouds shaded the entire hall. Fan Xinyue walked elegantly across the hallway, holding the Qingluan's Winged Mirror in his hand, which reflected the intricate designs of the walls painted in vivid colors.

He stopped in front of the heavenly emperor's chamber.

"Your Majesty, the Celestial Keeper of Nine Heavens is here." the guard immediately reported to the heavenly emperor.

The heavenly emperor, Tian Qi shifted his gaze away from the waterfall. "Let him enter," his authoritative voice echoed in the chamber.

The guard bowed swiftly before welcoming Fan Xinyue inside.

"The demon clan in the north has colluded with the banished Yan family. The present crown prince of the demon clan has offered a peace treaty, but only if someone from the demon clan can take over the celestial guardian position, which has been empty for over a century now. Any suitable candidate has yet to appear," Xinyue spoke gravely.

The celestial guardian was responsible for ensuring the safety of mortals and beings in all other lower realms. Unfortunately, he had been demoted to a mere mortal for breaking heaven's rules and would have to undergo a millennium of reincarnation cycles to regain his memories as an immortal. In his absence, the heavenly sovereign had stepped in whenever situations were out of control. However, if the demon clan joined forces with other clans, the heavenly sovereign would not be able to handle it, not to mention he had his own duties to attend to.

"Why don't we run an assessment to choose a suitable candidate from the lower realms?" Xinyue responded thoughtfully.

The heavenly emperor's gaze flickered. He indeed had thought about this. No, not to pick a suitable candidate in reality but they can pretend to have found one. And when the demon clan makes a wrong move in a hurry, he won't have to move a finger. Heaven will punish them accordingly for violating the rules.

"It would be hard to deceive the new demon prince Wang Yue." The heavenly emperor sighed. The previous king was not someone who took the bigger picture into account. Which made it easier for the immortal sect to keep the demon clan under control. However, in the recent war with the monsters he lost his life. The immortal sect refused to lend a hand to the demons at that time which further deepened the grudge between them.

"But there is a way." The heavenly emperor said with a somber look on Fan Xinyue. Xinyue calmly looked back at him, waiting for him to continue.

"You know that the previous head of the Yan family, the remaining descendants of nymphs, was a loyal attendant of the jade emperor."

"Yes, he had made a major contribution towards making the yan family submit to the immortal sect and not to the demon clan, but at the end after his death, the family rebelled, causing their clan to be banished."

"Right, but the previous head had a daughter. He probably expected the Yan's to be doomed after his death, and thus entrusted his only daughter, Yan Lixuan to the deity of medicine, Bian Que, at the time of her birth. As for why Bian Que agreed so easily…. He safeguarded her from everyone in Moonlight Pavilion till her coming of age ceremony and officially took her in as his only disciple. "

A look of surprise flashed past Fan Xinyue's eyes. He was indeed unaware of the fact that the recent disciple the god of medicine took in was actually the banished yan family's offspring.

"Her father, Yan Tao intended to keep her away from the clash between the different sects. Which explains why he chose Bian Que among all other deities. The eight immortals approached me with their stellar divination."

Tian Qi hesitated for a moment, then said, "She was born with special spiritual power which can suppress the nine realms as long as she is allowed to unleash her complete power."

"She was born with shadow essence." Fan Xinyue spoke up firmly. After all, why else would the heavenly emperor hesitate so much. If she had pure intentions at her heart then it would be beneficial to all the nine realms. The celestial guardian's position being empty will no longer be a hindrance. If she had been under the wings of the god of medicine she shouldn't have any evil aura. But if she was born with shadow essence, it wouldn't be possible to be purified.

The heavenly emperor nodded affirmatively.

"The shadow essence has no antidote. If even a tinge of evil thought takes place in her heart, the essence will gradually begin to infuse with her spiritual power and she will turn into a malevolent creature." He shook his head with some disappointment.

"She could have been a good seedling…Aye, what a pity."

"I can take her in."

"You! Have you lost your mind?" Tian Qi exclaimed in pure shock.