
When The News Leak Out

Ronan and Lucien had been very secretive about what was going on in the fertility clinic, but news eventually leaked out.

Not to the nosy fans that were still chasing after Lucien's shadows incessantly, but to Dane and Adele Silverback who were very unhappy to be the last people to know about the babies.

"Technically, Mom, you are not the last people to find out," Ronan tried to placate his mother, and it only served to infuriate her further.

"Ronan, I am your mother!" she insisted. "And I live one floor under you! Why does the entire Clearwater family know about Lucien's pregnancy, but not me???"

When the words "Lucien's pregnancy" was mentioned, Lucien felt compelled to correct his mother-in-law.

"Mother, technically, I am not pregnant."

Adele Silverback waved her hand at Lucien impatiently.

"Yes, yes. Same thing."


"It is my right to know about my future grandchildren!!!"