
Purpose of my Cursed Destiny

A boy, whom even the grace of nature had abandoned, strived to survive in the world. Existing as an anomaly, that even he couldn’t consider himself a human anymore. Asking the question who he was and what his purpose was in the accursed world, which after all, had no place for a person like, he continued to spend his days with the coldness in his heart. Until one day, by the twist of fate, a noble family takes him in after a really terrible accident and starts to look after him. Was that a sign of his cursed fate was finally changing? Or was it the start of a completely new life for him with unknown twists waiting for him? Will he finally understand what his purpose was? ... Discord: lon_okami#9417

lon_okami · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Where was I?

The tone of voice changed, as it felt like it was coming from right next to me. Now that it didn't sound as blurry as before, I could tell the voice was rather soft and gentle, like a feminine voice. I slowly opened my eyes and everything appeared rather blurry.

As I opened my eyes, I realised that I was inside a room, and the floor beneath me felt really soft. My eyes slowly gazed around me and I noticed the dim light coming from right next to my head.

I tried to sit up using my hands as support but my forearms and core muscles felt really sore, a pale hand touched my chest and the voice I had been hearing for a while spoke again, "Oh, wait… don't move."

I raised my head from the pillow underneath and turned towards the source of the voice to notice a girl around my age with rather expensive clothes and golden coloured hair looking at me with her azure eyes which were reflecting the light of the lamp.

"You're finally awake." She retracted her hands back and gave me a sharp look while standing up from the wooden chair she was sitting on. Her luscious hairs flowed freely as she walked towards the door.

"Wait here… let me call Dad." Before closing the door, she peeked in for one last time and her eyes met mine as she closed the door and heard her footsteps getting fainter. As she left, I was again left alone in the room with a bunch of questions trailing in my mind.

I sat up in the bed after a bit of struggling and looked around me. The room was quite big and the bed I was sitting on was really comfortable and the blanket covering me seemed like it was fabricated out of quite elite materials. I turned around to catch the glimpse of a piece of art that seemed custom made kept on a table next to the bookshelf.

By all means, this house wasn't of someone ordinary. Everything in that room was giving off royal vibes. My eyes shifted outside the window and I could see nothing except leaves and trees. It was night time so it was really silent around me.

I looked at my hands and noticed that I was wearing completely different clothes than what I could remember. I was wearing a white shirt with the top few buttons open as it seemed like I was examined while I was asleep.

I looked underneath the blanket to notice that I was wearing different trousers too. I touched the fabric and it felt soft like cotton. Suddenly, I realized that if my clothes were changed then whoever did that must have seen it.

I was really confused and didn't know what to do. My situation was rather complicated as I was in someone's house who I assumed to be some royalty. If by any means these people were bad, I would have no options other than eliminating them.

The girl who was sitting here said something about calling her dad. She seemed really weird by the way she was staring at me. Judging by how things develop from this point, I would have to see if this weird turn of events was something useful to me or not.

The shirt I was wearing was quite big for me as the sleeves were swaying freely over my palms. I pulled up the sleeves of my left arm with my other hand and noticed bandages wrapped around my forearm and knuckles.

I was dressed as well as my injuries. My memory of the past few days was not clear but I think these people, whoever they are, helped me somehow. But it still doesn't make sense how I ended up in this room on this comfortable bed.

I peeked inside my shirt and found that there were bandages around my abdomen too. That explained the pain I was feeling when I tried to get up a few moments earlier. By no means was I in a good state.

Though it wasn't a big deal as I was used to getting injured. These were nothing but mere scratches for me. Considering how my body is developed, this will heal in a week or so. I have gotten injuries worse than this so it didn't matter.

Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps approaching the door, and the doorknob turned as it opened with a creaking sound and a tall man with broad shoulders and cold eyes entered the room. His dark blue eyes glared at me, and there was a strange sense of pressure in them.

He walked in and following him the girl entered as well as two other boys who seemed to be taller than the girl and were wearing the same sort of attire as her. The shorter boy among them looked at me and rolled his eyes with a sigh of annoyance.

A lady entered the room soon after with a bag in her hand. She had long brunette hair tied in a braid that was kept over her shoulder. She was wearing a white coat and skirt which made me assume that she was a doctor.

She looked at me with concern in her eyes, as she walked up to the man and whispered something in his ears, and his sharp eyes shifted towards me. He said something back to her in a low tone while his eyes didn't move away from me.

The man was quite tall, around 6 feet tall with menacing eyes and silver earring hanging from his left ear which swayed a little every time he would move his head. He was wearing a white shirt tucked in his trousers with a blue overcoat with black borders.

He walked a bit closer to my bed and leaned towards me as his jet black hair fell in front of his face and the hard expression changed into a rather soft one as he asked in a deep voice, "So Boy, how are you feeling?"

I didn't say anything because I was rather dumbfounded in that situation. Coming up with the right choice of words would be important for me. The whole room was silent, expecting the answer as I kept staring into the man's eyes.

Hi guys, Author here and I hope you'll like my novel. This is the first time I'm writing a fantasy story so please let me know your opinions, good and bad both. And show me some love with your power stones as well. <3

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