
Captain’s Log.

A tall blonde sat in her cushioned chair on the bridge of a large, sleek spaceship. The USS E. May soared through the stars as the captain watched on, sighing to herself. "Captain's Log. Stardate: 4007/05/22. We have finally reached the uncharted Galaxy Coco. So far we have come across a Nebula and several stars with no orbiting planets. One star had a satellite in the form of a meteor it caught in its gravitational pull. That is all for this log entry End recording." The computer of the bridge dings as the recording ends. The bridge is quiet, sleek metallic walls fitted with holographic projectors in lue of screens surrounding the lone captain. The crew of the bridge off to relax or sleep for the night.

"Maybe I should get to bed too…" The captain lamented. Standing up and going towards the door out of the bridge. Before she could open it though, a loud blaring alarm came on and the ship shook violently. The captain grabbed the nearby wall, stumbling as she moved away from the door and back to her chair. Another shake sent her towards the floor but she grabbed on to a desk, dragging herself back to her feet and then stumbling the rest of the way till she was seated.

"COMPUTER, REPORT!" She called out gripping the chair as another round of shakes rattled the ships. The computer turned the volume of the alarm down, then spoke in a crisp, clear voice devoid of panic.

"Alert: Double Star implosions, we are caught between two black holes." It's soft, emotionless voice replied. The Captain grit her teeth and stared ahead through the screen, the stars and other objects within visible range beginning to distort and bend.

"Time until we're completely torn apart?!" She called out to the computer. Bracing herself for the next wave of shakes and the answer, pieces of the hull flying past the viewing glass as she sat there, the seconds feeling like several minutes.

"T-Minus, 2 Earth minutes." The computer replied, once more it's voice ringing out like a calm bell amidst a raging storm. The captain shook as she looked down at a miniature map of her ship.

"All power to reverse thrusters, Then forward thrusters on my mark." The captain said, as she spoke several men and women of assorted species rushed into the room, all of them wearing brightly colored shirts. For a second the captain thought she saw an odd purple shirt amidst the crowd, but wrote it off as stress when she didn't see it a second later.

"Computer has informed us about the situation, Cap'n! Slingshot maneuver?" A young irish woman with fiery red hair said in her usual loud, energetic tone, Danielle had never met a challenge she was scared of, and if she ever did, the captain had no doubt the young woman would simply down whiskey bottles until it was no longer intimidating.

"Affirmative Danielle, P1, I need SOS' sent out to any neighboring star ships." The captain turned her head to a tall metallic being, so sleek and silver in color that when he wasn't moving he was often mistaken for part of the wall. He nodded his perfectly round head as he moved to the nearest hologram panel.

The captain sighed in a bit of relief as her crew came to assist her. Shaking it off quickly she reminded herself that they were not yet out of danger. As if to accompany the captain's thoughts the computer rang out. "T-Minus, 1 minute."

"Captain there are no starships that are close enough to pull us out. Whatever your plan is, we're on our own for it." P1 spoke over the now thunderous metallic groans and shrieks.

"Danielle, Slingshot us!" The captain ordered. The redhead saluted as she tapped on her halo graphic screen. The ship lurched forward when she finished.

The ship speeds faster and faster, then with another lurch began to slow. "Forward! Wait for my signal!" The captain shouted. The crew scrambled to their stations and began buckling in any and all safety harnesses in the area.

"NOW!" The Captain ordered, falling back into her chair as the ship suddenly shot in the opposite direction of where they had just been going, with a loud snapping sound pieces of the ship fell into the two black holes as the main body of the ship flew to safety. The alarms blared once more at the major loss of parts.

"Status report!" The captain turned her head. As everyone ran to check on what was lost.

"Front and back engines have been lost. We're stranded, however all personnel are accounted for. Everyone made it to safety." The captain let out a sigh of relief at this news, slumping in her curved, metallic chair as everyone cheered at escaping near-certain doom.

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TeriasFaldomcreators' thoughts