
Purple Dragon Bewitches the Heavens

A boy with fear of women found a treasure that will change his future, follow through the Long Shi adventure as he bewitches the heavens and grows to uncover his destiny. Author Notes: This is my first novel and also english it's not my native language, i'm doing it to learn and grow, so please don't get mad.

DaoistWhiteclaw · Eastern
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61 Chs

Jiangu crazy plan

Careful walking through the tent, Shi was looking everywhere for signs of traps, even if he was a country boy it was obvious that no one would just leave the prisoner who caused this war to happen alone here.

Every time his feet touched the floor as he was getting near the wooden pole he felt his heartbeat speed a little, this time he could understand it his heart was alerting him about the situation inside the tent.

When he got in front of the wooden pole he could see Cuifen's tired body only being held standing by the iron chains. He could see it was the Cuifen he met a year ago, but his heart was beating like a wild horse galloping.

Holding her cheeks he lifted her face and held it for two breaths before confirming it was the same face he released it slowly to not wake her up. But sadly for him, his efforts are futile and Cuifen awakened.

She was looking at him with her black big eyes, and he was looking back with his purple eyes, for some reason he felt a shudder in his purple bones, and his heart kept beating at high velocity.

Shi lowered his body and said in her ears "It is fine Hot gorilla I will save you, please don't make any noise to alert them" giving her goosebumps because of the hot air on her ears.

Taking his sword out of the ring he lifted it and was about to bring it down cutting the iron chains but he felt a clenching at his heart almost leaving him out of breath.

Long Shin inside the circlet let a smirk out, for him, it was too obvious it wasn't the real Cuifen, even if he didn't use his celestial eyes to look at her, he could see it because of a big flaw, Cuifen had fiery pink eyes like her bones, it was a characteristic of everyone who born with bewitching bones their eyes would always form a pair with it.

Eyes were an important part of the body, a lot of people would use it in human relationships and a lot of civilization called it the window of the souls, and the woman was also using a space ring hiding on her neck, no enemy would let a space ring near a prisoner.

"Have you forgotten about one of her most attractive traits, boy? She had fiery pinky eyes the last time you met her" Long Shin's lazy tone permeated Shi's mind solving his doubts.

Freezing in the spot for a breath he shook his head and with a smile, he looked at her and said "Your disguise is quite good, but sadly Cuifen had a very remarkable pinky fiery eyes"

The woman smiled at him, putting her feet on the floor. The chains also fell to the floor.

"CLAP" 3x

She gave Shi three claps before saying with the same voice as Cuifen frightening him "Very good indeed, by your purple eyes this young woman presumes you should be the 'gorilla prince' right?"

Shi didn't give her any time to speak, it wasn't time to keep blabbering with an enemy, he didn't know how the fight outside was going and if Cuifen wasn't here where was she? So he turned his right wrist to his palm face the floor and sent a slash forward.

The woman changed her countenance at the attack and took a steel pole from her ring and was about to defend his slash but he stopped his assault and pulled the sword to him and with a turn of his wrist he sent a chain thrust at the woman.

She wasn't expecting the sophisticated faint to turn into a high-speed chain thrust trying to block all of his attacks. She jumped backwards and her steel pole started to shine in a red aura and the air became distorted near her. She made the same as Shi and sent a chain thrust.

"CLANG" the two weapons clashed dozen at times, one countering the other.

Shi took a glance at the enemy weapon. It was a 2-meter iron pole who was releasing a hot aura and every time it clanged with the Shi weapon he could feel the temperature near him shoot high.

"This isn't a pole but a staff, the staff is called the grandfather of the weapons, his destructive power is about beating and pushing things, besides it holds the same advantage as the spear: the distance" Long Shin voiced a simple thought about the iron staff.

Hearing Long Shin thought he was countering her attacks and thinking how he could counter it and what was her 'martial spirit' it was probably related to fire because of the obvious hot feeling her spirit qi gave.

Shi was thinking and decided to use an opening as bait and then with <Light Spirit Steps>, he wanted to make her use a more open strike so he could take advantage of it with his speed.

But before everything she said with a gruff voice sounded, that scared him out of his wits, seeing Cuifen speak with that voice was scary.

Seeing his expression, her expression become disgruntled as she said "So? do you want to save her or not?"

Awakening from his stunned state he asked in a weird tone "Save her? Do you mean to save Cuifen?".

"Of course I am talking about her, who would it be?" She asked back looking at him with a taunt on her face.

She was disappointed at his countenance he was the same as the other guys, every time she spoke man would make that stunning look.

It looked fine to be a tall and strong woman, but to have a gruff voice was not fine.

"And why would I believe in you? I don't know you and look at the place where we met, you are just waiting for me to fall on your trap" Shi replied and gave the woman the same taunt face.

Putting her right hand on her forehead as she started to feel a headache she knew it was going to be hard to convince him she wasn't an enemy.

"Look, did you see that flare hours ago? it was me who used it" showing a flare bamboo at him.

"Yes I saw it, but I also knew the one who used the flare was Siyou Yue and not you, I was with her at the time" Shi replied.

"No, I am not talking about the first flare, I am talking about the second one who came from this camp" She tried to argue back.

Rolling his eyes as think about her words, it was truly a yellow flare came from this camp but how he could just believe in her with this, could be everyone there was no proof, she could just take the bamboo flare from the culprit and use it as bait.

"Sorry, but isn't enough, tell me more, give me information about where Cuifen is and her situation, besides tell me about the Yun guy, where and how strong he is? Also about the Zhong something and who are you?" Shi replied.

Jiangu took a space ring from her space ring, it was pink with a red lotus on its top, she threw it at him as she said "This is her ring. The last time I saw her she was just sleeping without any energy, her wounds aren't deep, she is not far from here and is tied to a big wooden pole like this one. About young master Yun I don't know his strength but he should be making a trap to the Blossom Sect forces, and the only Zhong guy is Zhong Yong and he is with the young master".

He was about to evade the ring, he didn't know if it had any danger his heart was still beating hard warning him about something, then he heard Long Shin voice again "It's okay, you can believe in her, and this ring isn't poisoned".

Long Shin was lying, he didn't really know if she wasn't lying but the ring was truly okay, and by their distance even if she tried something funny it wasn't that ring who would give her an advantage.

Picking the ring who was about to fall on the floor he glanced inside and it was full of things who truly could be from her, besides womanly things, there was the same sword she was using when they met, and the clothes inside looked like the one she used back then.

Seeing Shi taking the ring she felt a little hope and started to talk "Look there is one of the storm clouds guarding her, we need to kill him and escape as fast we could from here, even if her sect win, young master Yun would try to his best to use her as a bargaining chip".

Shi was looking at her without blinking. She still didn't tell him who she was, he was only accepting the ring because of the trust he had in his father.

"So I need you to become my fake prisoner, Sima hates you because you helped Cuifen to escape his brother's trap last time, he believes one of you killed him" She was saying words so fast that Shi almost couldn't understand.

"You want me to do what?" he asked in a skeptical tone.

"To be a fake prisoner," she said again with a weird smile, she knew it wasn't credible but it was the only thing she could think.

This time however Long Shin was certain the woman wasn't lying, because of his proposition Shi wouldn't say no, so a Karma thread was being formed between the two and wasn't bad karma so it was fine.

With a mischievous smile, he said "Go kid, this is a good plan, if that guy hates you and this woman is a spy you could use her plan to save Cuifen, go!".