
Purple Dragon Bewitches the Heavens

A boy with fear of women found a treasure that will change his future, follow through the Long Shi adventure as he bewitches the heavens and grows to uncover his destiny. Author Notes: This is my first novel and also english it's not my native language, i'm doing it to learn and grow, so please don't get mad.

DaoistWhiteclaw · Eastern
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61 Chs

Daiyu Jiao

Seeing Shi disappearing in the forest the two young men sighed in relief, but they only had one way now, to capture those two girls and bring to the Evil Cloud Young Master.

Sadly for them Shi didn't really go away but was hiding behind a giant tree, looking at the 2x2 fight, Long Shin asked him with curiosity "Why did you come back?".

Shi's face got red as he said "I forgot to take the loot from those four guys, besides I wanted to ask some information from the women, but my desire to know the lady with the juicy voice was too strong and I forgot about it".

"CLANG" the ponytailed girl laughed sweetly "hahaha" sending a pleasant tingling on every male spine that was in the scene, her sword and scabbard would make a weird pair, she would use the scabbard as a bait with sword techniques giving the young man she was fighting a headache.

Shi was glancing almost entranced at the woman's aggressive swordplay, some times her scabbard looked like a sword, but it was just a scabbard, but it was giving just an impression of a sword, Shi was comparing it to the Tiger descending the mountain intent.

Ever since he had that empty feeling holding a sword he always felt a palpitation in his heart, that empty feeling wasn't good, but Long Shin said it was a good omen, but for some reason Shi never liked it.

So that's why he kept trying new things in his swordplay, he hated thrust because his first sword was a short one, so to make a thrust was to put himself in danger against a longer weapon.

He learned it by taking hundreds of beatings from the little monkey girl that was his neighbor, sadly women grow faster than men, and soon enough her father didn't want her training with him.

Taking a look at the ponytailed girl she was just too enchanting making Shi ask his father why was that "Why I just can't take my eyes off her, and her voice makes me feel so good?" to his surprise the dragon lazy replied with "she cultivate bewitching arts, Cuifen and you had an enchanting nature because your bones, but you two didn't cultivate any bewitching techniques and that's made a lot of difference".

"So when she made that bow and let me see her cleavage, that was a bewitching technique? and that blink too?" asked Shi, having a new sight on the woman.

"In fact no, she was just being herself, that's the problem with cultivating bewitching arts, it affects your behavior, practicing it made your behavior more coquettish and flirty, but being a natural like you and cuifen made everything just enchanting, not on a 'sexual' way, but in a truly fascinating way, that's why a lot of those women are friendly to you" answered Long Shin.

Shi's mouth made a 'o' he knew his bones would make some difference but he didn't know it would make him a fascinating person to the point women would befriend him easily.

He looked at the juicy woman, she had a robe with some lotus details in red, over her fitting black outfit and her robe was knotted by a belt on her waist, giving her a refreshing look, now the two things intriguing him was why she had a scabbard, did she use her sword on her hip? and why she wasn't using a veil?

Putting all those thoughts aside he knew he needed to hurry, he shot two throwing knives at the man who was fighting that bland woman, she was using the same veil all other women in the Blossom Lotus Evil Sect used.

She had her hair all knotted on a high bun like an old madam, her white forehead without any luster because of the makeup, her eyebrows are straight and her eyes serious, Shi could see that she had a deep foundation because her stance was sturdy as a mountain.

All her movements looked like she practiced it a thousand times, she would chain all her stances and techniques like a flowing river giving her bland look a new feeling.

"Everyone has their own charm" was the only thought on Shi's heart.

The young man seeing two flying knives coming at him became pale with fright, even if they didn't see the entire fight, they still took a look or two, so he knew it was Shi coming for him, he wasn't wrong Shi comes right after he took the time to defend against the knives, but he wasn't alone.

The bland woman pierced his right rib way to his lungs, feeling the death coming to him from both sides, he decided to take the woman with him, he clamped all his muscles, the woman tried to take her sword back but it didn't move a little, people without fear of death are scary.

Seeing the enemy weapon coming at her head her face become pale with fright but happily for her Shi spirit sword slashed the enemy hand and after slashed his head off.

"Sigh" she exhaled deeply, her chest was waving up and down, then she inhaled like she was without any air then said with a gasping voice "I owe you my life".

Shi only gave her a little smile before jumping at the other man. This one was even easier than the last, the juicy woman was an incredible fighter, the only reason she couldn't kill her target was that he knew all her moves, after all, he was courting her for years.

"Oh? Did you come back for us? This way we sisters have to give you a better gift hahaha" she laughed making big waves on her chuffy chest as she sent a blink to Shi.

They kept talking and sending attacks at the encircled man, almost like he was invisible, making him mad, if he was about to die at least he would make a scene "DAIYU JIAO YOU FUCKING WHORE, I GIVE MY ALL FOR YOU ALL THOSE YEARS AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK A LITTLE AT ME!"

He was feeling humiliated and desperate, all his efforts into nothingness, he would die because of his stupid fear and greed.

"Hmph. Be my name or my family name none should be called by trash like you" the juice voice was gone and only cold was in Jiao's voice's now.

"Ahahaha I never understood how women in this sect could be so arrogant, it's all your mother's fault, do you really think that you are special? If it wasn't because of your mother, the matriarch, you would have already tasted all the cock in the sect" the young man shouted in madness.

Shi only gave him a cold look before sending him on his way to the yellow river with a chain thrust, he was getting fond of his new technique.

Finishing his looting, he asked the women about Yue and Cuifen, making Jiao pout at him "Mo~~ the first thing you ask is about other women? You don't know how to treat a woman Prince Gorilla!" stomping her feet like a pampered young girl.

Her voice sent tingling sensations over his body, making him ask for forgiveness "Please, stop! Juicy Gorilla this bewitching technique of yours it's too fierce for this little brother" he put his hands in the air making a 'surrender' gesture.

"Hahaha! you are more interesting than I thought" said her satisfied with his reaction "Sigh, about Cuifen the entire sect is searching for her, last year we had an assembly with regional evil sects and since Yun Xinghong saw her, he became insane, everything he does is for the sake of having her".

She got herself a stick and started to draw on what was left of the battlefield "The information we have it's like this, this circle is where we are right now, in this circle teams made from core disciples at the 4th layer are fighting" then she made a smaller circle inside the larger one.

"This one is where the 5th layer cores disciples are fighting, this place was where Cuifen has shown herself some hours ago, everyone knows it because a running survivor of their sect started to shout after she killed his team, attracting everyone".

Her voice this time was way less enchanting but still gave a good feeling to Shi, glancing at the drawings on the destroyed grass field, he took a dried bamboo paper and started to make some cogitation on the map as he used the moonlight to give him a better view of it.

The women shot a glance at the crude map, giving them a surprise, Shi was using beast nests and types of trees to mark spots on the map, it was opposite how their maps are, using mountains, rivers, and buildings as spots.

The bland woman took a dried beast skin from her space ring and gave it to Shi "Here, take this map, isn't the best map, but at least it can give you some kind of information" she said in a loud tone.

Jiao shot a glance at her sister, making her face red, Shi took the map and opened it, it was a simple marked map with some buildings and terrain as marks, making him understand more about the neutral zone and the valley, suddenly something on the map caught his attention "Why this river has some redraw in it?" he asked, pointing to a drawing of a river that cut the neutral zone in two.

"This is called Huang Abyss, a long time ago this guy called Huang made a huge dam because of a dry period in Yun State, since won't rain in the valley, all our water came from there, by the years that place became dry forming a giant abyss" replied Jiao.