

lovely_women · Fantasy
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The beginning

It was a cold stormy night in the woods. No one around, no one to hear. It was perfect, for me at least. I am trying to escape from my wedding. My father sold me to a wealthy man to marry.It was horrible I hear the man is horrible, but he pay so much money for me. And just to have the wedding at night.

It isn't like my father is better, he forced my mother out when he found out that I was just a girl when I was born, but thought I'll be good use. I see what he means now. Although I will not marry this man. As I ran out of town it seem my father noticed.

"Caroline has ran away!" He yelled. The whole town now knows and probably thinks I'm a rebel child. I ran fast as I could. I'm know as the most beautiful woman in town. So of course they are gonna chase me and try to get me. Hell maybe even worse. It doesn't matter, I found a place to hide for now and then rip my dress and wrap my feet up with the fabric. It's better for me to run and not hurt my feet as much. Once I got done I headed out and kept running, then I heard some men from the town.

"Hey is that her right there!" One of them yelled out.

"Yeah I think so who else has such long black hair!" The other yelled. I kept running, then I saw a castle. I ran towards it, then I saw this man. He wasn't from our town, I ran towards him begging him to help. He looked at me and smiled.

"You need help?" He asked.

"Yes!" I yelled back crying.

"Ok then." He grinned and picked me up and took me off with him. He was so fast, no way he was human. In town the people talked about the mysterious demon in the woods. They said that he kidnaps people and eat them. Although he does not live in the woods but yet the mountains. Is this really how it is gonna end? Am I never gonna live my life? I was so scared now, more scared than the men hunting me down. I never looked at his face and close my eyes. Although it's mid winter and very cold but I felt warm. I fell asleep in the mysterious man arms.

Once I woke up I was in a strange bedroom. It was like no other I seen. It was big and fancy then I noticed that I had no clothes on I was scared. Did this man **** me? No no I am sure he didn't because he saved me. I kept asking myself questions and responding with dumb answers to comfort myself. I couldn't believe I ran away with a strange man that I met in a storm and begged him to save me. I realize how dumb my mistakes were and starting to regret all of it. But what if I didn't ask him or talked to him? Would I be captured? It wouldn't matter I'm perfectly safe now. Then all of sudden I remember the rumors in town. I'm in the house of a demon who eats my town folks.

Honestly, I always come up with stories fast not even thinking about it so my friend told me to write on this app

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