
Chapter Twenty Three

"Zara's therapy room"

(Both naked in the circular tub with slight foam).....

Sahari:..... (At one end looking at Zara, facing her)....

Zara:(at the center, her legs folded at her knees)......

Sahari:..... I didn't think we'd get here.....


Sahari:..... And you.... (Smiles)....

Zara:(embarrassed, covers her face)..... Don't remind me....

Sahari:... You are not shy.... Like at all...

Zara:... Well........ I really really like you so I found it easy....... You make a lot of things easy....

Sahari:... Do I....... Even?.....

Zara:... Stop that.... (Splashes water in his face, Chuckles).....

Sahari:(laughs, dodging the water).........


Sahari:.... What happens when the therapist walks in here?...

Zara:(forms a play gun with her hands)........ (Shoots)... Busted...


Zara:(moving closer to him slowly)....

Sahari:.. (Watching her).....

Zara:(gets on top of him).........