
Chapter Seven

"The next week"....

Zara:(at her desk, reading a novel)........

Students:.. (Chatting in groups, laughing etc).....

Kross :(walks up to Zara angry).... Why the hell would you tell my friends that we aren't together?.....

Zara:....(looks up at him)..... Because they asked and we're not.......

Kross:.. (Laughs with sarcasm)..... When did we break up?

Zara :..... (Closes her novel)..... firstly, I never said yes to being your girlfriend........ secondly you didn't talk to me all week..... You don't text me back or call me...... Look Kross. I have no time for your melodrama...... Just leave me alone.....

Kross:... Time for my...... Zara what's going on that I clearly don't know....... I remember you saying okay when I asked you to be my girlfriend..... we kissed......and Yeah I didn't talk to you the whole week but I had shit going on and needed my space....

Zara :.....oh so you didn't hear the part where I said that you're better as a friend.... Oh okay.... (Sighs).... You and Lebana are to die for..... Everyone wants to be you two. Stick to that..... Keep me out of it.....

Kross :(confused)...... Can you stop with the riddles and just tell me what's actually going on.....

Zara:(drained, gets her phone from her bag)........ when you asked me to be your girlfriend I blushed..... but I said I wanted to be friends.... I didn't really only want to be friends but then...

Kross :(waiting)........

Zara:..... (Shows him the picture)......... You weren't talking to me because you had shit going on but you were comforting yourself in her arms though.....

Kross :(drained)..... Wow.


Kross:... I can explain this..... I barely even hugged her...

Zara:..... Whether it was tight or not we are not in a relationship, you don't owe me anything.... Just like last time...... You're going through a hard time, I'm your friend you can talk to me......... If its too personal so be it, don't tell anyone about it..... But hugging you finding comfort in your ex...... It completely erased any sort of possibility of being with you.....

Kross :.....

Zara:..... I didn't know you had stuff going on..... But it looks like she knows....

Kross :.....

Zara:... I'm way out of your league...... I'm not popular or whatever she is......


Zara:... You clearly want her back so......... Take her back. I give you all the permission..... I'm not your girlfriend .....

Kross:........ (Walks away)......

Zara:(gets back to her book)......

Kuffi:(sitting at her chair, glances at Zara)........

"The end of the day"

(Bench in front of the parking lot)......

Zara:what did she say?

Jhene:that she thought she was helping you but it went wrong......

Zara :.....

Tandeo:.. What did Kuffi do that was so bad?.... What help did she give you that made you hate her

Zara:I don't hate her.....

Kuffi:(walking to her ride, sad)....

The Girls:(watching her)....

Jhene:...she's sad everyday....... She doesn't talk like she used to.... .

Zara :....

Tandeo :.... She's had really bad days.......

Kuffi:.... (Enters the car)....

Kahilu:(drives them off)....

Zara:..... What's going on with her?

Jhene:... Firstly there's your drama.... Her mum is getting married to some man she doesn't like....

Zara :...

Tandeo:... Her mum is also selling the house......

Jhene:.... Hakeem broke up with her......

Zara:(shocked)... Why did Hakeem break up with her?....

Jhene:... He was a hit and run.... And now his talking shit like she's the one that ruined the relationship.....

Tandeo:...... He never even really asked her out.... I don't get guys sometimes you know.....

Zara:........ Wait.... Hit and run?..... They had sex?


Zara:(even more shocked)......

Tandeo:... It was a bad first......

Zara:.... (Sighs)...... She was so in love with Hakeem.....

Jhene:... Yeah. And that has crushed her......... That and you are not talking to her......


Tandeo:... You two should resolve whatever it is.....

Jhene:honestly I'm tired of swaying back and forth repeating each conversation because we can't be together....


Tandeo:...... Don't you miss her, even just a little bit....



"Kross ' house"


Kross:(eating a sandwich at the breakfast counter also on his phone).......

Thulani:..... (Organizing her glasses in the cabinet)...... When's my daughter in law coming over for dinner?

Kross :..... Never, she never wants to be with me

Thulani:(stops with the glasses, faces him in shock).......


Thulani :why?

Kross :..... (Puts his phone down)..... I really don't know....... I feel like I've tried so hard...

Thulani:and what are you doing about it?

Kross :.... Hoping she's just upset. She's always in this mood..... If I didn't approach her today, we wouldn't have talked for probably the rest of the school year....

Thulani:... Ask her what's wrong...

Kross:she said I leave her alone....

Thulani:(drained shaking her head).......

Kross :what?....

Thulani:.... Boys of today are total rip offs....

Kross :(laughs)... What?

Thulani :.... If your father left each time I told him to.... You wouldn't be here right now....


Thulani :go talk to her.... Find out whats wrong...... Maybe its you...

Kross :... (Laughs a bit).... it is me mum........ she gives me so many missed signals and then it's like she remembers that she wants nothing to do with me and pushes the whole being friends agenda on me....

Thulani:... I want her here for dinner so do something about it...

Kross:... Monday....

Thulani :... You know where she lives don't you.... And she has all the time it being the weekend....

Kross :... Monday mum...

Thulani :... Why Monday?

Kross :... Its her birthday...... So let me do something then.

Thulani :.... Plans for a gift?

Kross :.... I don't know..... Shoes, Chocolate....... A card.... Flowers, I don't know..... Whatever I can get I guess.....

Thulani :.... Okay, now hurry with that sandwich...... I need help with my car....

Kross:again?..... (Whining).... Just get a new one....

Thulani:.... No, I love my car.....

Kross :... Get the same model....

Thulani:... It won't be the same..

Kross:..... Oh wow...

Thulani :(continues with the glasses).... So just hurry okay....


Zara:(walking down the stairs in her full school uniform).....

Vanessa:.. (Also in the Waterford uniform, holding a seven and a one helium balloon in each hand.... Smiling).....

Zara:.... (Smiles with little enthusiasm).....

Vanessa:... Happy birthday

Zara :..... Thank you....

Vanessa:..... Follow me to the kitchen (rushes off).......

Zara:... Okay.... (Follows her)...

"Kitchen "

(With aqua marine balloons on the floor and counters, with gold ribbons sprinkled on top).......... (A large chocolate dripping cake at the counter... With two candles on top, one a seven the other a one).....

Emani:(in the Waterford uniform, ready to launch some confetti)......

Zara :(walks in).......

All of them:... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!..........

Zara:... (Smiles)..... Thank you..... (Notices the chocolate cake)..... Chocolate cake......

London :.... My specialty.... I figured you would love it

Zara:.. (Admiring the cake, walking up to it).... I do. Thank you.....

Ermias:... Happy seventeenth birthday dear.....

Zara:.... (Smiles)..... Thank you....

Vanessa:...... Make a wish....

Zara:...... (Smile fades).... It may never come true...... But.... (Closes her eyes)....

All of them:(looking at her).....

Zara:.....(opens her eyes and blows out the candles).....

Vanessa:.. (Cheers)....

Ermias:... (to Zara, with his hand on her shoulder)....It will come true....


London:... Okay, school time..... The cake and the gifts will come later......

Vanessa :... (Whining)..... I don't want to go to school.....

London:..... You have to....

Vanessa :... What if I get bullied..


Emani:(suddenly).. Come to me.

Vanessa :... (Smiles)....

Ermias :(smiles).....

Emani:(awkward)..... Okay. I'll be in the car....... (Gets her school bag and leaves).....

Ermias:... (To London).... I'll see you later....

London:yes.... (They kiss).....

Zara :... Uhm. Vanessa...... (She leaves with Vanessa).....

Ermias:... Drive safely...

London:...(going)... I will...


"Prison, hospital room"

Jennifer:(sitting in a chair, in hand cuffs..... Calm)....

Zara:(sitting opposite Jennifer across a round table).....

Jennifer:what do you want?

Zara:..... Er, its my birthday...... So I wanted to see you....

Jennifer:...... (Now tense)...


Jennifer:... (Rudely).... So what do you want me to do?


Jennifer:(with heavy sarcasm)..... Oh hail Queen Zara on her birthday...... (Spits on the ground)...


Jennifer:(in Xhosa).... Total rubbish.....

Jennifer :(looking around)..... Look at the place you sent me to.....

Zara:... (Looks around and then back at Jennifer)......

Jennifer:..... Tell me. Does it look like a birthday venue? .....

Zara :.....

Jennifer:..... Fuck you..... Fuck Ermias and his wife..... And fuck the day you were born....... FUCK TODAY!.......


Jennifer :.... That was the worst day of my life........ And it will always be....

Zara:(tears up)....

Jennifer :not even your father was there........ Do you know what you are?...


Jennifer:.... A curse. A curse that sent her own mother to jail..... You are a disgrace.......

Zara:.. (Tears roll down her face)....

Jennifer :....... In fact.... As the judge said..... I'm not your mother...... And you are not my child.....


Jennifer:...... You are an grateful...... Selfish.....


Jennifer:Never come here again...

Zara :....

Jennifer :... OFFICER!.... OFFICER!...

Zara:.. (Shocked)...

Officer:(rushes in)......

Jennifer:(in sudden terror).... TAKE THIS GIRL AWAY!.... NEVER LET HER COME HERE..... (struggling in her chair)....

Zara:(crying even more).........


More officers and nurses :(rush in)....

Jennifer:... TAKE HER AWAY!..... TAKE HER!..... (crying).....

Nurse:..... (Puts her hands on Zara's shoulders).... I'm afraid you have to leave.....

Zara:..... (Crying)......

Nurses:.... (Holding her down to inject her).....

Jennifer:.. YOU RUINED MY LIFE!....... (Still struggling in her chair).....

Nurse :... Miss, you need to go....

Jennifer:... I HATE YOU ZARA! ..... I HATE YOU! ......(gets injected)...

Zara:.. (Struck)......

Jennifer:(passes out slowly).....


"Parking lot"......

Zara :... (Enters the car, sitting at the passengers seat)..... (Looking out the window)......


Vanessa:... (Whispers to Emani)... Is she okay....

Emani:(shakes her head in disagreement).....



London:(starts the car)......... (Starts driving)....


"Waterford Parking lot"

Zara:(walks out of the car).....

London:are you two ready for school?


Emani:(looking out the window at the other kids)......

London:.... Emani?

Emani:..... Uhm, yeah........ I'll be okay..... (To Vanessa).... Let's go....

Vanessa:.... Bye mummy.... I love you...

London:.. I love you too sweetie.... (Smiles)......

Emani:(gets out of the car).....


London:(opens her window).... Emani...

Emani:(looks at her).....

London:.... I don't need you to reply.....


London:I love you..... Enjoy today........ Your dad will love to hear all about it.... And I from him too....

Emani:....... (Smiles a bit)..... Come on...... (Walks off with Vanessa)....

London:(watches them leave)......

"Zara's class "

Zara:(walks into a noisy class)....

Kuffi:(at her desk, her hands clumped together in a fist).....

Zara:.... (Reaches her chair, pulls it...... Finds a small gift box on top of her chair with a small card written. 'From Kuffi).....

Tandeo :.... (Watching Zara).....

Jhene:(to Tandeo)..... What if she throws it away?

Tandeo:..... That will be crazy...... I hope not.

Zara:.... (Puts her bag on her chair, walks up to Kuffi)... Can I talk to you....... Outside....

Kuffi :(gets up immediately)....

Zara:(leads them out).....

Kross :. (Watching them)

Asani:..... Are you two together or you broke up for real?

Kross:.... I don't know......

Martin:..... Yes or no Kross...

Kross:............ No. we were never together in the first place...

Marques:.... Did you get her anything?

Kross:.... Can we go back to talking about soccer...... Please....


"Outside the classroom "

Kuffi:(leaned against the wall)....

Zara ;.... (Standing at a distance).... I was never upset that you chose to have all that was going on investigated and dealt with....


Zara:... I was upset with how it was handled......


Zara:.... My mum was all I had to love and I did love her....... She did the worst things but she was a better soul and I can't judge a person who is mentally ill....


Zara:...... I'm sorry I added to the drama in your life.... Your mum, the house...... Hakeem.

Kuffi:... They told you....

Zara:.... Yeah.

Kuffi:I was looking out for you from day one....... I was never trying to hurt you.......


Kuffi:I got tired of seeing you sad and putting up this smile that wasn't a real smile...... A cover of the truth.


Kuffi:....... I'm so sorry....

Zara:...... You don't have to be.... (Opens her arms wide).....

Kuffi:(smiles, hugs her)...... I missed you....

Zara:.... I missed you....

Kuffi:.... (Breaks the hug)..... Guess who drove to school today?

Zara:... You?

Kuffi:... Yep, I pulled up in a ford.... (Smiling)

Zara:.... (Laughs a bit).... What? Was it a gift for the confusion? ....

Kuffi:...... I don't know...... But my mum's fiance got it for me....

Zara:..... Ooh..... Happy for you....

Kuffi:.... I still don't like him but..... I love the car.........

Zara:... Are you sad about Hakeem?

Kuffi:.... No. Fuck him....... Now that I look at him, I was better than that.....

Zara:(laughs).... Okay....

Kuffi :what?......

Zara:... Nothing. Girls just shock me sometimes you know....

Kuffi:(laughs)...... Its an easier way to get over things...(They both head for class)

"Later that school day "

Zara:..... (Taking her notes)....

Students :(doing the same)......

Mrs Style:..... (Sitting at the teachers table on her phone)....

Emani:(knocks at the open door with Vanessa next to her).....

Students:..... (All look up).....

Mrs style:.... (Still on her phone).... Come in......

Emani:(walks in with Vanessa).....

Girls:... Awwwwwww.....

Emani:(walks to Mrs Style with no emotion to the reaction of the class)......

Vanessa:(standing nervously at Emani's side).......

Zara:.... (Looking at them)....

Kuffi:(looks at Zara)....


Mrs Style:... (Loudly)....oh, you're Zara's sisters........


Students :... (Alarmed, whispers erupting slowly)......

Mrs style:.... How come you all look different.....

Emani :(irritated)..... (Looks at the board).....it says biology.... So you teach biology...... Yet you're asking me why we're different....

Students :.... (Laugh).....

Vanessa :......

Emani:.... Can I talk to my sister? .....

Mrs Style :(ashamed).... Uhm okay..... Zara.....

Emani:.... (Walks to Zara)...

Zara:.... You have a problem.... (Smiles)...

Emani :(smiles).... Its not me.... I've heard that question too much....

Zara:.... What's up?

Emani :.... We do half the day but dad doesn't know that neither does London......


Emani:... We can't wait for you we're hungry..... We want to uber...

Zara :... Are you crazy..... People can have you kidnapped......

Vanessa:.... We're hungry...... (Almost in tears).....

Zara:....... (Thinking)...... Go to the principal's office and have your dad called....

Emani:... We have no idea where that is......

Zara:(gets up).... Let's go....(walks them to the door).....

Mrs Style:where are you going Zara?....

Zara:... Principal's office...

Mrs Style.:.... Oh. It must be the middle child in some sort of trouble.....


Zara:... Can I?....

Mrs Style :... Sure deal with it....

Zara :(leaves with her sisters)....


Asani :(to Kross).. Isn't she an only child?...

Kross :(without looking up)... No.....

Lebana:....... This girl is a creep I swear..... One minute she's an only child the next minute she has two sisters who look nothing like her...

Roshai :how is she a creep because of that?.....

J'hream :(also confused)...... I'm also lost....

Lebana :... You don't question you just agree....

J'hream :....

"Ahli house"

Zara:(walks into her room)...

London :(in the room standing next to boxes of gifts)...... Hey

Zara:.....uhm, hi...... (Closes the door behind her)......

London :... Sorry to invade but I wanted to surprise you....... So surprise (smiles).....

Zara:(smiles)..... Thank you. How many are they?.... The gifts...

London :.. Seventeen. Your father said he missed a lot...

Zara :..... Cool....

London:...... And then from me....... (Opens Zara's walk in wardrobe...... Filled with clothes and shoes)........

Zara:(excited)..... Oh my God...... I don't even know what to say..... All this?

London:...that reaction is all I wanted to see...... You don't have to say anything.....

Zara:... (Goes closer).....

London:... I noticed you wear long sleeved tops almost all the time so I got you some short sleeved tops...... You know its getting hot....

Zara:.... I wear long sleeved tops for a reason..... (Pulls her sleeves up then rolls them back down)......

London:...(awkward)..... Oh..... I also got zip hoodies, wind breakers and throw over's.... You wear them over....

Zara:.. Definitely....(laughs a bit)....

London:...... Out of curiosity. What did Kross get you?

Zara:(looks at her)...... Nothing. He didn't even wish me a happy birthday.....

London:... Not even a text?...

Zara:....I blocked him..... So I don't know if he texted me....

London :.... Why did you block him?

Zara:..... I just did.... (Sighs).....

London:... Unblock him.... Maybe he texted you....

Zara:(gets her phone from her pocket)....... (Phone notifications heard in number)....... That's a lot of texts....

London:... Any birthday wish....

Zara:.... (Reading)....the recent message is an invitation...

London:to what?

Zara:....dinner with his mum tonight... (Looks at London).....

London:... You should go......

Zara:.... I can't think of what to wear in three hours..... And.... (Looks at London)....

London:(smiles).....I can dress you up.... I got this really beautiful black dress... It will look perfect on you....

Zara:... I just...

London:... No no. I'll dress you up... Do you hair... Some light make up...... He likes you common on.....

Zara :(laughs a bit)...

London:... Am I wrong?

Zara:......(shakes her head).... No, you're not.

"That night"

Zara:.... (Wearing a black body hugging dress, upper thigh length.... Bear at the back accompanied by several strings criss crossed..... Wearing black open toe block heels..... Her hair well gelled together in a high bun, with light make up and a white purse)...... (Walking down the stairs)........

Ermias :.... (Watching TV with Emani and Vanessa).......

Zara:... (Reaches down the stairs with London)....

London:..... Attention please.....

Ermias:...(looks back with Emani and Vanessa)....... Oh my God......


Ermias:....you look so beautiful darling....

Zara:... Thank you...

Emani:.... Wow....

Vanessa:.... You look so perfect...

Zara:(laughs a bit).... Thank you..... It was all London so....

London;.... Yes. But you are generally beautiful.... I didn't do nothing....

Zara:..... Okay. Kross is at the door.....

Ermias:... Okay, go...... Say hi and tell him to bring you back before 11......

Zara:(shocked)... 11?....

London:... 11:30?...

Zara:.... No like....... 11 is good... (Going)......

Emani:.... Bye...

Zara:.. Bye.....

"At the entrance "

Kross :(wearing a black knee length coat, a black shirt, black jeans and black air force 1's).....

Zara:(opens the door).....

Kross :(looks at her in admiration)........... You look.... You look out this world

Zara:....(gives a polite smile)...

Kross :.. You look so beautiful...

Zara:.. (Clears her throat)... Same..... (Walks down to him)....

Kross :.... (Leans in and kisses her).....

Zara:..(pulls away, walking).....

Kross :..... Okay...... (Follows her, unlocks his car with his keys).....

"Kross' house"

Zara:.. (Sitting at a table with Thulani and Kross... All done with their food)................. (Laughing)...

Thulani:... And he was seven.... You can imagine how I felt as a mother....

Kross :... Mum please.... You're embarrassing me...

Zara:(laughing)..... I'm a girl and I never did that because I honestly thought it was too girly........

Thulani:... Oh my God my son...

Zara:(still laughing)....

Kross :(embarrassed).....

Zara:.... And now his turned into this boss...... No one would even guess that he did all that.....

Kross :(looks at Zara).....

Thulani :..... (Sighs)... Thank God.

Kross :....okay, story time is over.... Can I talk to Zara.... Alone...

Thulani :... Okay. You two go on.... I'll clear here....



Kross :(also walking)......



Zara :(also stops)....

Kross :.. Happy birthday...

Zara:... Thank you.

Kross :(kisses her)....

Zara:(pulls away)..... can you not.....

Kross :... Or I forgot. You hate me still.....

Zara :.... (Looks at him).....

Kross:.... I was sad........ Lebana came to ask about me and it was clearly a scam....

Zara :.... Why were you sad?

Kross :.... My mum's pregnant, she doesn't know the father...... It was some club disaster and it made me angry....... But I'm okay now......

Zara:.... Well..... Sorry. I had no idea it was this grand.....

Kross :.... I high key wanted you to come check on me but you were vexed all week....

Zara:... I had my own issues........ And I also high key wanted you to check on me too but you were MIA

Kross :.... Misunderstanding?

Zara:yeah....... I thought you didn't care...

Kross :...... You blocked me.... You literally ghosted me.............. (Laughing).......

Zara :(laughs a bit).....

Kross :........ I was so confused....... I thought I lost you when I barely had you.......

Zara:.... (Smiles a bit)...... I'm sorry.

Kross :.... I'm sorry too. Lebana is nothing to me....... I have no business with her........

Zara :.....

Kross :.....am I forgiven now?....

Zara:.... (Smiles)... Yeah....

Kross:........ can I be your boyfriend?.....


Kross:...... I'll keep asking. I'm never going to stop until you say yes......


Kross :(holds her hand).... You're so beautiful....

Zara:....(smiles)..... Thank you...

Kross :(pecks her lips twice and then goes in for a full kiss, one hand on her waist the other on her ass)......

Zara:......(her arms around him kissing him).......