
Chapter Five

"Two days later"


Lauren:(sitting on the couch with a policeman on her right and her colleague on her left).......

Ermias:.... (Out of words, looking at pictures).....

London :... (Sitting next to Ermias).......

Ermias:..... (Emotional, holding himself together).....

London:(puts her hand on his shoulder in comfort)....... How did you learn of all this?

Lauren:..... My friend's daughter is a friend of Zara's.... She helped with all this.....

London:....... Wow. I don't know how to thank you enough....... We've had agent after agent but none of them were of help..... It all led to the same destination..... Nowhere.....

Lauren:... I'm glad to have helped. I love my job...... The minute I was told, my aim was to complete my mission.....

London:.... (Breathes out).....

Ermias:....... These are only the documents of Zara and Jennifer's well being ..... Are there any pictures? ....... And where is the proof of the abuse?.....

Lauren:........ That's why I came all the way here..... I need you both in south Africa as soon as possible...... All the evidence is at the firm.....

Ermias:...... Even today is perfect.....

London:..... Babe. That's a lot..... We have the kids to worry about...

Ermias:... And what's Zara?...... She's my daughter and she's in danger.......


Ermias:....... I know Jennifer...... I know how violent she can get......... My princess probably cries all day because of all this.

Lauren:...... Once we get the camera footage we're good enough to call the police.....

Ermias:... And we'll be there to receive Zara as Jennifer is sent to her rightful place..... (Continues talking)......

London:... (Goes to the kitchen).....

Emani :... (Peeping at the door with Vanessa)......

London:.. (Walks in)....

Vanessa:... Are they taking daddy away?....


London:.... No... (Reaches for the fridge).....

Emani:.... Then why are they here?

London:..... (Gets herself a juice box)..... Zara. They found her.....

Vanessa:(excited)...... Really?..... Oh my God..... When does she get here?....


London :.... We are going to get her today.......... In south Africa....

Emani :(shocked).......

Vanessa:(screams in happiness)..... Road trip....

London:.... Air trip baby....

Vanessa:... We're going on a plane?....

Emani :we can't drive to south Africa Vanessa.......

London:(takes a sip of her juice).........

Emani:............ How long will we be there for ?.....

London:.... That question is for your father.... (Walks away)......

Emani:(peeps through the door again)......

Ermias:... (Talking to Lauren)......

Vanessa:... Are you excited to meet her?.......

Emani:........... I don't know her Vanessa, so what do you think?...... (Goes).....

Vanessa :(sad, watches her go).....


Kuffi :(on her phone, by her locker)..... She met him for real?.... (Excited)...... She's really efficient..... I thought she was being a little extra when she said she was going over there.......... I'm so happy for Zara you have no idea.....

Zara:(pops up).. Hey....

Kuffi:(freaks out)...... Hi...(cuts the call)......

Zara:..... Did I scare you?... (Laughs a bit).....

Kuffi:..... (Her hand on her chest, breathing heavily)....... Take a wild guess....

Zara:... Sorry. Who were you talking to?..... Are you doing some surprise party for me or something?

Kuffi:(laughs nervously).... Why would you think that?...

Zara:.... You just cut the call because I showed up.....

Kuffi:.... I was talking to kahilu.... And no the call just ended.

Zara:(clears her throat)....... I don't think its so important but I think I have to tell you......

Kuffi:......... What?

Zara:..... We kissed the yesterday. Kahilu and I.........

Kuffi:... (Jaw drops, smiles)...... Are you being a hundred right now......

Zara:.... (Nods her head)....

Kuffi :(Realises)...... Wait wait wait...... Wrong reaction.....


Kuffi:Ewwwww........... You two kissed for real?

Zara:.... Yeah but its no big deal........ We texted yesterday...... We can't be you know.....

Kuffi:........ My brother's just scared, he'll come around.....

Zara:.... I'm glad he's not. I don't want a relationship....

Kuffi:...... Boo....

Zara:.... Whatever. I really don't want one.

Kuffi:.. What did my brother give as the reason...

Zara:.... That I'm your best friend and that I'm a child

Kuffi:(laughs)...... You'll be 17 soon and his 19....... He is a bad excuse giver for sure..... Why didn't you tell me yesterday?

Zara:....... I forgot.

Kuffi :..... How does that happen?... (Almost laughing)....


Tandeo:(walks up to them)... Hi girls......

Kuffi and Zara:.. Hi

Zara:.... Where's Jhene?.......

Tandeo:.... Home, sick.....

Zara:... Oh....

Hakeem :... (Gestures Kuffi to go to him)......

Kuffi :. ...... See you guys around... (Smiles)......

Zara:..... (Shakes her head).....


Tandeo:...... Class?

Zara:...... Sure.... (They go off together)......


Tandeo :...(both eating their food)......... I stopped being their friend because they bash people...... They say these negative things about most people and that's not me......

Zara:..... (Humorously)..... Twelve years or even more...... And you noticed this now...... (They both laugh)......

Kross :(walks up to Tandeo and Zara)....... Hi

Tandeo :.... Hi.


Kross:..... Tandeo can I talk to her for a second?

Tandeo:.... Uhm sure..... (Takes her food with her and goes)....


Kross:.... (Sits down, facing Zara)... I don't want to lie.... The other day was as obvious as was seen...... I did things and I regret them....you're probably upset..

Zara:I'm not....

Kross :(shocked)..... How come?

Zara:as I said before...... You are not my type...... You're not of my interest and I'm sorry if I sent the wrong message ...... You do you with whoever..... I have no right to be bothered..

Kross:...... (Even more shocked).....

Zara:.. Honestly I don't know why I kept talking to you. If I stood my ground none if this would have happened....

Kross:.... I get you're upset....

Zara:.... I'm not upset. I actually feel like an idiot...... I feel so stupid....... cause I don't like you...... I just...

Kross :..... Zara...

Zara:... No don't say anything. It was really stupid of me to let you get me to that point.....


Zara :you should just get back with Lebana, she's your type and you're hers.......

Kross :.........

Zara:....... The other day didn't happen okay......


Zara :.... We never kissed....... And the conversations didn't happen as well.........

Kross:... The thing is that they did..... And I want them to continue......

Zara:.... When did you think of that?..... Before, during or after you banged Lebana? .....


Zara:....... I don't have time for this..... I have bigger worries.


Zara:.... We're not going to talk any more....... You know a little too much about me ...... don't go around sharing with your whores........


Zara:.... (Goes).....


Lebana :.... (Looking at Kross from a distant table)...... I don't know what Zara is feeding him but she is frustrating my soul.....

J'hream:... Relax..... He'll come around.

Lebana :...... (Angry)..... I thought he already came around but he clearly hasn't ....


"A week later"

(Waterford high school, Zara's class)....

Students:... (Leaving the class slowly, talking among themselves).......

Hakeem:... (Walks in, walks up to Kuffi)......

Kuffi:(writing something in her note book).....

Zara:... (At her desk with Jhene and Tandeo, talking and laughing).....

Hakeem:... (Reaches Kuffi).... Hi

Kuffi:(indifferent)...... Hi..... (Finishes writing, puts her book in her bag).......

Hakeem:what were you writing?

Kuffi:.... My homework...... I won't have time later.

Hakeem:.... So are we going?...(smiles).....

Kuffi:.... No....

Hakeem:(smile fades, shocked).... Why not?....

Kuffi :(gets up)... I have plans with my friends.....

Hakeem:.... But we planned this a week ago....

Kuffi :(puts her bag on her back).... Yeah. But as I said, I have plans with my friends today......

Hakeem:... Am I missing something?...... Are you upset with me?.....

Kuffi:... (Shrugs)...... (To her friends).... I'm done guys....

Zara:(gets ready to go)....

Tandeo:(walks up to them).....

Jhene:... Let's go then.....


Kuffi:(walks away)....

Hakeem:.... Have I done something?.....

Tandeo:.... You called her your friend sir......... You two have been talking.... Sending each other heart emojis....

Jhene:... Making out...... Etcetera etcetera

Tandeo:... But today..... You called her your homie, .......

Zara:(reaches them).... Let's go...

Jhene:... Yeah so that's that..... (They all go)...


"Lauren's house 4:15pm "

(Living room, all watching the big screen).....

Jennifer:(in the clip)..... WHOSE HOUSE DO YOU THINK THIS IS!......

Ermias :... (Watching).....

Zara:(also in the clip)..... (Backing away from Jennifer).....

Jennifer :WHERE ARE YOU GOING!.....

Zara :(scared still backing away)...... (Bumps into the the flower jar on the table)........ (The flower jar falls to the ground and breaks).....

Vanessa:(scared, covers her eyes)....

London :.... Emani take your little sister to the kitchen....

Emani:.. Let's go.. (Takes Vanessa away).......

Jennifer:.... (Choking Zara)....

Zara:(crying between her struggles to be free).....


Zara:... (Holding Jennifer's wrists).... I...... I can't... (Coughing)... I can't..... I can't breath

Jennifer:.... (Let's her free)...... That flower jar was priceless........ You need to be punished.....

Zara:.... (Holding her neck... Far from Jennifer).....

Lauren:...... (Forwards the clip)......

Jennifer:... (Hitting Zara with the belt buckle).....

Zara:(screaming and crying, a cut bleeding on her cheek).......

Jennifer :(continues the action)....

Lauren:(pauses the video).....

Ermias:.... (Bending, his elbows resting on his knees, looking down....... Sad, his eyes a little glassy).....

London:(her arm around him)....

Lauren:... There's more...

London:... No more please. This video was more than enough......

Kuffi:(also in the room)....

Kahilu:(sitting next to Kuffi)...

London :(to Kuffi and kahilu).... Thank you so much.

Kuffi:you're welcome....

Kahilu:... Yeah............ And, I think Zara should she see a therapist after this....... She's not okay.

London:.... What's wrong with her? ..... other than the physical abuse?.....

Lauren:.... She's not suicidal or anything like that...... She doesn't aspire to kill herself....... She doesn't even hate her mother...

Kahilu:...she keeps going back to the same horror....... And when anyone see's her...... They would judge her to have this fairy tale life full of joy...... But that's not the case....

London:....... So she's too happy....

Kuffi:.... She's comfortable........ She's become tolerant to the abuse.

London:.... Oh my God.

Ermias:..... We should get this reported quick...... I can't even... (Pauses)....

London :(rubbing his back)... Its okay babe.

Lauren:.... Now that we have the videos we can report this tomorrow........

London :.... Okay, you have our numbers...... Call us any time you need us

Lauren :..... (Agrees).....

Vanessa:(comes back with Emani)........ (Hugs London)...

London:(puts her on her lap)...... It's okay baby..... Its all over now....

Emani:.... (Sits on the couch, looking at Ermias)......

Kuffi:... (Whispers to kahilu)...... Emani kinda looks like Zara....

Kahilu :... Yeah.


Lauren:.... I'll have the police informed and we'll let God do the rest.


"Later that night"

(Lauren's house).....

Lauren:...(living room).. Goodnight.....

London:. Goodnight...

Ermias:... Goodnight....

Lauren:( now walking up the stairs)....

Ermias:... (Gets back to his laptop).....

London:(sitting next to Ermias, her feet on the chair).......so I took the test....

Ermias:(still on his laptop)..... What test?

London:....... We're having a baby... (Smiles)....

Ermias:..... (Looks at her in shock, upset)..... Are you serious right now?

London:(smile fades).... Are you?

Ermias:... We have so much on our plates already.... We can't have another child right now.....

London:(upset).... Its not coming now..... We have eight months.......

Ermias:(gets back to his laptop).... You're suppose to be on birth control....

London:... For what?.... You were in jail all along. How did you expect me to be on birth control.....

Ermias :..... I have no time for this.

London:.... I can't believe you right now.

Ermias:... (Looking at her).... Babe I don't have a job...... You know that right...... We can't afford a child...... Already we have to deal with Zara when she gets here.....

London:..... (Rolls her eyes).... Oh but for Zara we suddenly have the money?

Ermias:(gets back to his laptop)....

London:..... I'll just abort it then......

Ermias:(looks at her in shock).... Are you insane?..... Why would you murder our child......

London :.... BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT IT!.......

Ermias :...... Its bad timing but its happened......


Ermias:...... Look babe...

London:... Just get back to whatever...... I'm going to sleep.. (Walks away)......


"The next day"

(Zara's class)......

Teacher:..... They're two methods of solving this equation but at your level we'll be using the first one only....

Students:(paying attention to the teacher).......

Kuffi:... (Glances at Zara)....

Zara:... (Looking ahead at the teacher)....

Kuffi :......... (A little scared).....

Teacher:... So...

Secretary:(walks in)..... Sorry Mr Smith.........


Secretary:.... Can I have Zara Ahli reporting to the principal's office right now.......


Students:(murmuring among themselves).......

Secretary :Zara.....

Zara:... (Gets up)...... (Follows the secretary)....

Kross:(looks at Kuffi)....

Kuffi :(looking down, scared).....


"The room before the principal's office, on the left, about seven police men and staff sitting on the chairs and on the right, Ermias, London, Emani, Vanessa, Lauren and her colleagues sitting on the chairs).....

Zara:... (Walks in)....... (Confused, scared, shocked....)....

Lauren:(gets up)..... Hi dear...

Zara:(confused, freaking out)..... Aren't you...

Lauren:... Homeless. No...... I was simply an aid. Kuffi enlightened me on the situation involving you and your mother....

Zara:.....(looks at her dad and his family, looks away with no reaction)....


Zara:... (to Lauren)......Where's my mum? ...... (Tears up)......

Vanessa:(whispers to Emani).. I thought she would be happy?

Emani:... same...

Zara :.... Where is my mother?

Chief officer:... Jennifer Lilitha is behind bars where she is suppose to be

Zara :(tears roll down her face, uneasy, wipes her tears)..... Why can't you all just mind your own business..... We were fine.....

Ermias:.. Zara..

Zara:(angry)... DON'T TALK TO ME!.......


Zara:.... Take her out now...... I'm not pressing any charges....

Lauren:..... The evidence is already there.... With or without the pressing of charges....

Zara:.... Take her out.... Just take her out..... (Crying)....

Chief officer:.... That woman is a child abuser and she had to bare the consequences


Lauren:..... You will leave with you father and sisters in Mauritius........ All the pain will end as you wanted it to.....

Zara:..... excuse me?....

London:... Its for your own good.

Zara :(rolls her eyes)..... I'm not leaving with any of you..... (Storms out of the room)......

Chief officer:.... Block all the exists now.....

Policemen:(rush out)......


Vanessa:(to London)..... I thought she would be excited....

London :...... Guess not....


Lauren:..... I'll talk to her...

London:.. Okay.

Zara:(wipes her tears, enters her classroom)........


Students:... (In silent curiosity).....

Zara:(packs the books on her desk in her bag, walking out)....

Teacher:. Zara where are you going?....

Zara:..... Ask Kuffi.... (Walks out of class)....

Kuffi:(looking down, holding back her tears).....

Students:(all looking at Kuffi)....

Teacher:...... Okay. Let's continue....

Students:.... (Whispering among themselves)....

Kuffi:(quickly wipes off a tear).....

Teacher:....... So... (The siren goes)..... Continuation tomorrow........

Students :(noise building up)....

Kuffi:(packs her books quickly)....

Teacher:.... (Walks out)....

Kuffi:(gets her bag on her back and storms out)......

Kross:(follows her hurriedly).......

Lebana :... What the hell is going on?...

J'hream :.. You tell me, I've never been this blank before.....

Jhene:(to Tandeo).... Any idea?

Tandeo:... No. I thought you knew.....

Jhene:(shakes her head)......

Kuffi:(rushing out)...... (Tears rolling down her face)....

Kross :(holds her back).... Wait wait wait wait... Whats going on?

Kuffi:(wipes her tears)..... I just want to home okay....... (Going)........

Hakeem:... (Walks out of his class).....

Kuffi:... (Reaches him and hugs him).....

Hakeem:(confused looking at Kross).....

Kross :(shrugs)......

Hakeem:.... Let me take you....(looks around)......

Kuffi:(wipes her tears)...

Hakeem:(takes her away)......

"Counselling room"

Emani:(sharing a couch with Vanessa..... )

Zara:(sitting opposite Emani and Vanessa)...... (Leaned back, upset).....



Kross :(opening the door slowly, peeping in).......

The girls :(look at the door in curiosity).......

Kross:(walks in)..... (To Zara).... Hey..... (Walks up to her)....

Zara:.... Hi....

Kross:... (Kisses her)....

Zara:(looks away after).... I told you not do that...

Kross :... You also told me that you forgave me...

Zara:..... I never said that......

Kross:(looks at Emani and Vanessa).... Hey

Emani:... (Waves)...

Vanessa:... Hi

Kross:.... who are they?.....

Zara :.... My father's other kids....

Emani:... I'm Emani..... She's Vanessa....

Kross:... Okay. I'm Kross..... Zara's soon to be boyfriend.....

Zara :(reactionless )....no. His not..... You're too cheesy and delusional.....


Emani :(not so loudly).... Why the hell are you smiling?

Vanessa :.. (Stops)...

Kross:... Okay. Are you okay?.....

Zara:..... (Shakes her head, looking down)......

Kross:(sits next to her).......

Zara:..... (a tear rolls down her face)......

Kross:(hugs her).........

Zara:(hugging him).........

Kross:.. (Breaks the hug)..... You don't have to tell me now...

Zara:(sniffs, wipes her tears).... Kuffi had this person investigate me........ I didn't even know that I shared my whole story with her............


Zara:.... Now my mum is in prison.

Kross :......... I don't know what to say....

Zara:... You don't have to say anything....... The court case or hearing whatever is tomorrow.

Kross :.... Damn.

Zara:..... There's no trial....... Its just sentencing because all the proof is given and its beyond reasonable doubt.....

Kross:..... Do want me there?

Zara :.... No, you have school......... And practice.... I don't even think I want anyone around me after all that...... And they're also taking me to Mauritius with them so....

Kross:....(tense) There's no way they're taking you

Zara:I won't let it happen...

Vanessa :(without invite)..... Mauritius isn't that bad... You'll like it...

Emani :are you slow?


Kross :you can't leave..

Zara:... I won't. I don't know these people..


Zara:it will be okay. You should go for practice... You'll be late....

Kross:... Look call me any time you need me today even tomorrow.....

Zara :okay...... as a friend....

Kross:..... that's better than nothing.....

Zara:...... cool....



Kross :... You're strong, you'll get through this and no one will force you to leave.....


Kross:... My coach will be mad at me.... I have to go....

Zara :.... Okay.....

Kross:(walks out of the room)....

Vanessa:.... (Smiles).... You two are so cute....

Zara:(smiles politely).... Oh really

Vanessa:.... Yeah. I think you're cute together...

Emani:.... (On her phone).... Or you're just hella weird.....

Vanessa:(feels bad)....

Zara:....... (Looks at Emani)....

"The Ahli's rented mansion"

(At the entrance).....

Zara:(still in her uniform looking around the luxurious house)......

Emani:(arms folded, indifferent)....

London :.... Welcome to our new home..... (Facing them)......

Ermias:(impressed)....... This house is beautiful.....

London:........... Yeah. So Zara feel at home.....


Zara:.. Where are my things?...

London:the last room on your right upstairs......

Ermias :... We got what we thought could be....

Zara:..(rudely)... I just wanted to know where my room was. Thank you....... (walks away).....

Emani:.... (Also walks away).....

London:.... Great, now I have to deal with two of them.....

Ermias:.... Emani's only ten..... Zara is sixteen.... That's even more of a challenge

London:(ignores him)..... Let's go see your room baby... (Takes Vanessa's hand)....

Vanessa:... I love the house... Its so big...

London:(walking up the stairs with her).... Do you....

Vanessa:.... Its better than the house back home.....

London:.... (Reaches the top)....

Ermias:..... (Sighs).... This will be a long week.

"That night"


Ermias:you're sure she said she wasn't hungry....


Ermias:... Let me go try.. (About to get up)....

Emani:.. Dad, she clearly doesn't want to eat with us....

Ermias:(sits back)....

Emani :.... Why would she want to seat at a table with people she believes have ruined her life? .....

Ermias :......

Emani:... She won't come.

London:.... Vanessa lead us in grace please...

Vanessa:okay... (Puts her hands in prayer)......

Everyone:(holds hands).....

"Later that night "

Emani:(walking to Zara's room with a food bag in her hand).................

Zara:(in her room, on her bed...... On her phone).....

Emani:(knocks at Zara's bedroom door)......

Zara:...... (Looks at the door)....

Emani:.... Hey Zara. Its Emani....

Zara:..... Er.. Come in....

Emani :(walks in and closes the door behind her)......... (Walking up to her)..... I couldn't sleep knowing you were hungry...

Zara:... I'm not. But thank you...

Emani:.. (Puts the bag on the cabinet beside the bed)......I'm glad you've been found.....

Zara:(curious)..... Why?

Emani:.... My dad talked about you a lot.... It was Zara this Zara that all the time. Every time we visited him in jail he'd always say something about you.... It was a song I got tired of listening to.........

Zara :(laughs a bit)...... Okay. So you found me annoying way before you met me....

Emani:(smiles).... I didn't mean it like that..... Can I sit?

Zara :.... Uhm sure.

Emani:(sits on Zara's bed)........ It was kinda cute though....... How he talked about you and how happy he would be to see you again......


Emani:...... His so obsessed with you.......He literally almost named Vanessa Dara or Tara, Because it was close to your name.....

Zara:(laughs a bit)..... You're not being serious right now.....

Emani:.... I'm serious. When I was younger he always called me Zara by mistake.....

Zara :.......

Emani:...... I used to get so mad but then............ He just really loves you I guess..... he would say that we looked a like....


Emani:..... London always got upset when he kept talking about you....

Zara:she hates me right?

Emani:... I don't know. She likes to be the "they're my kids even if I didn't carry them" type... (Laughs)

Zara:(laughs)......... Where's your mum?

Emani:.... I have no idea. My dad.... Or rather our dad, said it wasn't important, that London was enough.....

Zara:.... Is she?

Emani:..... I don't know anymore, I mean she used to be....... But now that I know she's not my birth mum..... I'm curious and I tend to push her away a little..... I don't know....


Emani:..... Your mother's your mum you know. Whether you know her or not...... There's just this connection....

Zara :... Yeah that's basically me. I understand........ My mum is this..... Monster. But at the end of each day..... I love her because she's my mum.

Emani:...... How did you get through all that you did without hating her?.......

Zara:..... I know she's sick. I believe she is........ I can't hold a grudge knowing she's mentally unstable.


Zara:.... I never saw this coming...

Emani:... What?

Zara:... Me talking to you...

Emani:(laughs)... Why?

Zara:... The whole day today, you where on bitch mode....


Zara:... Like major bitch mode..

Emani :... I have my moments and I kinda like you already so..... You probably won't get the mode everyone else gets....

Zara:... Why do you like me?

Emani :.... I don't even know, I just do.....it's weird I know........ (Gets off the bed)..... I should let you sleep now.... And please eat

Zara:... I'll try. And thank you again....

Emani:... Anytime. Goodnight... (Walking out)....

Zara :goodnight.

"The next day"

(Scene muted, Zara sitting at the centre on the left side of the court room......... Ermias, London, Emani, Vanessa, Lauren, Lauren's colleagues, Kuffi, kahilu and their mother sitting at the right side of the court room)......

Zara :(formally dressed, her hair well tied together....... Sad, looking straight ahead).....

Everyone else:(also dressed formally)................

Judge:... (Walks in)......

Everyone:(raises at command).....

Judge:(seats down)......

Everyone:(seats at command)....

Officer:(opens the door at the front).......... (Pushing in Jennifer on a wheel chair).......

Jennifer:. (Oddly calm, her head tilted on the side).....

Zara:(tears up).....

Emani:(looks at Zara. Feels bad)....

"A while later"

(Scene no longer muted, song stops in the background)....

Judge :.. Miss Jennifer Lilitha, will from toady February 2nd 2019 serve a jail sentence of.....

Zara:..... (Hopeful)....

Judge:.. Sixteen years

Zara:(tears roll down her face)

Kuffi:(glances at Zara, her eyes glassy)...

Judge:in which she will receive the requested medical, social and emotional... Care....

Kahilu:(puts his arm around Kuffi)...

Kuffi:..... (Crying softly)...

Judge:.. On this day, February 2nd........ Miss Jennifer Lilitha has lost all the rights and obligations towards sixteen year old Zara Ahli

Zara:(her head down).....

Emani :(tears up)....... (Trying to hold herself together).....

London:(looks at Emani)... Its okay baby... (Leans Emani's head on chest)......


Vanessa:(puts her head on London's lap).....

Judge:... Sixteen year old Zara Ahli will be under the care of Ermias Ahli..... Her father. And London Ahli, his wife.....


"Scene mutes"

Everyone :(gets up at command).......


Officer :(pushing Jennifer away on the wheelchair ..).....

Zara:(crying even more)......

Officer:(turns the wheel chair to face everyone ahead, opening the door)....

Jennifer:(looking at Zara, tears rolling down her face).....

Zara:(looking at her, holding herself, crying shaking a bit)....

Everyone:(looking at Zara).....

Officer:(takes Jennifer away).....

Zara:..... (Sits down in powerlessness)...........

Lauren:... (Touched by emotion).....

Zara:(wipes her tears)........ (Looking down)......

Kuffi:........ (Looking at Zara)......

Zara:(looks up at Kuffi)......

Kuffi:(tears roll down her face).... (Her lips).... I'm sorry.

Zara:... (Looks away, gets up and walks out of the court room).....


Everyone :(starts walking out slowly).......

"Later that day".....

Ermias:(at his work table).... (On his laptop)..

Zara :... (Walks up to him, her eyes swollen and red).... Can I talk to you?

Ermias:(turns to face her).... Uhm, yes sure...... You can sit...

Zara:... I'm good. I just want to ask for one thing......

Ermias:... Anything...

Zara:uhm. Can we not leave?


Zara:... Cape town is my home........ And...... My friends are here too......... And......... I want to visit my mum anytime I want to.

Ermias:..... You already have the citizenship Zara. Its easier to stay in Mauritius than here.

Zara:(tears up).......

Ermias:.... Sweetheart, I can't let you see that women... Not after everything I watched and read...........


Ermias:... I read pages from your own journal.....

Zara:(looks at him in shock).....

Ermias:.... You expressed your anger and pain........... You wanted to be saved from the pain of that monster....... These were your words not mine.

Zara:...... Yeah, but......... That monster is my mother and you made her what she became....

Ermias:... Is that what she told you?

Zara:.... You're not a saint........ You're not the perfect father Vanessa and Emani think you are........... You left me....... You left me in the hands of of a monster...... A monster I grew to love because I didn't have anyone else...... My life is here and all I ask is for you not to take it away.

Ermias:....... (Sighs)...

Zara:... That's all I wanted to say(walks away)...

Ermias:(stressed)..... (Breathes out)....


Ermias:.... So she won't eat again....

Emani:..... Today was even worse......

Vanessa:... She'll starve.

London:.... I'll take her some food after this..

Zara:(walks down the stairs in her pajamas.... Wearing shades).....

Ermias:... The tables have turned.

Zara:(reaches them)...... Uhm. My friend has come over, I don't know if that's okay with you.

Ermias:... Its okay.

London :(gets a text, checks her phone)..... I guess that's him.... (Replies to the text)......


Vanessa:..... Why are you wearing shades at night?.....

Emani:... Are you slow?

Ermias:... Never ask your sister that ever..... that's a rude way to address her.....

Emani:... Do you hear what she asks though like Every time....

London :.... She's six Emani.....

Emani:.... Okay


Kross:.... (Walks into the room by the lead of security).....

Zara:..... He's here.....

Ahli's :(all look at him).....

Kross:... (Holding a gift bag in his hand).... Hi, sorry to interrupt your meal....

London:.. Its okay.....

Zara:... Uhm. This is Kross..... Kross(showing him)...... London, Emani, Vanessa.......... And uhm....... Ermias.

Kross:... Nice to meet you all

Ermias:... Same here Kross...

London:.. Same..... You can have your privacy....

Zara :... Let's go to my room....

Kross:....... Okay..... (Follows Zara's lead).....

Emani:...... Grace?.....

London:... Please, I'm so hungry...

Emani:... (Laughs a bit)....

London:.. (Smiles, they all hold hands)........

"Zara's room"

Zara :(with the shades still on).... (Both sitting on her bed, her legs crossed)..... I know I needed this healing but....... but this freedom hurts more than the pain I used to feel........

Kross :..... So are you okay or not?........

Zara :..... I don't know. But I know for a fact........ I'm a bit happier than usual nights.....

Kross:..... I'm glad your happier.

Zara:.. She really put scars on my body...........

Kross :........... Uhm......... Can I see?....

Zara:..... (Rolls up her sleeves).......

Kross:(looking at her arms)....

Zara:..... I broke some glass plate............ She pressed my arms against the broken glass.

Kross:........(looking at her).... She was horrifying.....

Zara:.... And most of them are belt buckle hits....... While trying to cover my face, she hit my arms instead and cut me each time she hit me with a belt.... (Rolls her sleeves back).....


Zara:... I also have them on my back......... (Turns, giving Kross her back).....



Kross:..... Uhm...... (Rolls her shirt up)....

Zara:... (Holding the front of her shirt to avoid rolling up as well)......

Kross:..... (Shocked)........ (Touching the scars with his fingers)........... This shit is crazy...... Your mum was insane.

Zara:...... (Gathers her hair together in her hands, her shirt rolls back down ).........

Kross :... (Looking at her neck in its redden condition)..... Does your neck hurt?

Zara:.... No.

Kross:(touching her neck)..... It looks like its hurting......... (Nervous a bit, moves closer to her, opting to kiss her).....

Zara:.... (Senses his approach)......

Kross :...... (Pauses).....

Zara:... (Her hands still holding her hair).......

Kross:..... (Leans his head aiming for her neck, kissing her neck gently).....

Zara:(eyes closed, let's her arms down).....

Kross :(still kissing her neck, pushing her hair to the side)......

Zara:...... (Bending her neck to one side)....

Kross : (stops, goes back to his previous position).......

Zara:.... (Turns).....

Kross:..... Sorry for that......... I uhm... Yeah. Sorry.....

Zara:(her dimple out)..... Uhm........ (Adjusts her shades).....

Its okay.

Kross:..... I thought you'd blow me off....

Zara:..... (Shakes her head)....... (They both laugh)......

Kross:....... Why don't you want to date me?

Zara:..... Do you see my blushing right now?

Kross:(laughs)..... You're blushing?

Zara:... Its so embarrassing actually ......

Kross:.... So you do want to date me?.....

Zara:....... Maybe....... But you're you.... And you still with Lebana..... I don't want to be with you..... I want to be with the idea of you..... the one that didn't smash his ex in some school closet....

Kross:(expressionless)...... (Attempting to take her glasses off)......

Zara:(swerves).... No no no. My eyes look gross....... I've been crying the whole day

Kross:..... So?.... who doesn't cry?

Zara:.... (Laughs a bit)..... Just no.

Kross :...... Be my girlfriend.

Zara:(smiles).............. Oh God.

Kross:........ So?

Zara:....... Kross you were with Leb...

Kross:( interrupts).... I know I know....... But..... I'm sorry. Sincerely........ an apology is supposed to be followed by an explanation...... I don't have one.... I was stupid..... and I'm so sorry.

Zara:........ (Looking at him)..... okay.

Kross:(kisses her).....

Zara:(smiles after)....... I shouldn't be but I'm glad you're here right now.

Kross:(smiles)....... The song playing from your speaker suits this moment....

Zara:(smiles)...... Yeah....... I can't be your girlfriend...... but I'd love to be your friend. Your better as a friend.....

Kross:...... (ignores her statement)......Get happy again soon okay. I miss you.....

Zara:(hugs him).....

Kross:(hugging her).....

"Ermias and London's room"

London:.... (In bed, on her phone)......

Ermias:(joins her)......


Ermias :...... Is this about Zara?

London:....... Why would I have a problem with her?.... (Still on her phone)......



Ermias:.... Whats wrong London?.....

London:.... Nothing 'Ermias'.......

Ermias:...... You never call me by my name....

London:.... Neither do you but it seems that's what we are doing....

Ermias:.... Can we talk and resolve what it is that is bothering you?......

London:........ The fact that you're so ignorant makes it hurt even more if you didn't know.....

Ermias:..... Babe talk to me. I won't know whats bothering you if you don't tell me....

London:(get out of bed)...... I have a bedtime story to read..... (Wears her bed slippers and robe and leaves)........
