

in the world where there exist 'Brahmans' and 'rakshasas.' a boy came to the city of Tokyo in hopes to become a Brahman, so he could "purge" all of the rakshasas. Our main protagonist is quite mysterious. what is a Brahman? what is a rakshasa? what is our protagonist's ambition? To follow his adventures & understand the concept, do check out this novel! P.S: I'll improve my writing quality alongside with the upcoming chapters. Please do read till volume 3. From there, the story will get better and better.

Soraren_Miyamoto · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Unite Battle: Part 2.

Unfortunately, The kick failed to land. That rakshasa unexpectedly blew a gust of wind towards Azusa, deployed faster than the speed of sound, without even moving.

"What!?" Azusa was shocked by the unexpected scenario.

Due to pressure generated by the blowing air; towards Azusa's direction, he was blown away a couple of metres away, before his foot could even make contact with that composite rakshasa's face.

However, as we know Azusa isn't someone who would have fallen that quick. He somehow managed to take control of the momentum; successfully landing on the ground beneath; standing.

"It seems like this rakshasa can manipulate wind."

Azusa said after viewing the gust of wind employed by that composite rakshasa; without even being in motion.

After stating that, he took some steps forward (instantly) which rendered him invisible. Now, he was standing with the other Brahmans, after covering some distance.

"From my observation, I can say that this is also a special type of rakshasa, which is capable of utilising elemental powers." Said Azusa.

"Then it's a 'special composite rakshasa'. I've never seen this type of rakshasa before." Zero said before continuing, "We're dealing with a new type of foe, which we never fought before, don't let your guards down."

Zero said, telling all of the brahmans to not let their guards down. The foe they're dealing with is no ordinary, who knows what will happen if they fight it impulsively.

"Alright, Rohiz. It's our turn now." Said Zero.

"Okay, I'll make a move first. Maybe I can take them on with my rakshasa's arm." Rohiz replied.

("Rakshasa's arm? So he's the one I've been seeking for. Interesting.") Azusa thought whilst being silent.

Taking a deep breath, Cendrilas Rohiz opened the flow of chakra; from its core. After that, he focused the flow onto his rakshasa arm, in order to increase its offensive and defensive capability.

Without a forethought, Rohiz clenched his right fist (rakshasa's arm), which had its status amplified, and moved up his body horizontally; launching his body upwards. Rohiz then launched a punch via rakshasa arm in order to gain extra momentum; increasing his travel speed.

("What is this, why am i suddenly sensing a powerful energy radiating from this brahman..")

That composite rakshasa thought as he seemingly sensed that Rohiz was radiating a powerful energy. It was surprising to see them 'thinking' considering they never thought the entire time, during the scenario.

The composite rakshasa, rolled its eyes downwards. In front of their sight, Cendrilas Rohiz was heading straight towards them, to land a punch.

("That hand..is that Brahman a..?") The composite rakshasa conclude their thought processing, right there.

They realised that there was no time to think. They have to counter that punch, somehow, instead of wasting time, thinking.

That composite rakshasa clenched their upper-right fist (out of four) to clash their own fist with that Brahman's rakshasa-like fist.

As soon as Rohiz' fist collided with that composite rakshasa's fist.

The collision was so strong, a deadly shockwave broke throughout the City, which slightly shook up the City of Tokyo. Due to the range being really high. However, to Rohiz' surprise, his physical strength didn't seem to be capable of taking the composite rakshasa, head on.

A sudden realisation hit Rohiz.

("I should have known this before, this rakshasa's physical strength surpasses my own..!")

He was currently being overwhelmed by the brute force of that composite rakshasa. Which he instantly realised.

Rohiz was trying his best to keep up the pressure, in order to render the composite rakshasa off guard. But in the end, Rohiz was overwhelmed by the brute strength of that composite rakshasa. His right hand was knocked off its current position.


That fist unleashed by that Composite rakshasa was about to hit him.

However, at the last second, that composite rakshasa's fist, which was about to hit Rohiz, was blown away into pieces. Blood was spitting all over the area like a fountain. A huge sword was planted on their abdomen as well.

That rakshasa screamed out in pain before moving back in quick succession, their movements once again caused the earth beneath to shatter like a pair of glasses.

Rohiz fell into the ground, which slightly cracked the ground, but he immediately stood up either way. He took some considerable damage but he was still in the condition to battle.

"Thanks for the back up, Guys." Rohiz said.

He was thanking Zero and the others.

Zero and Azusa launched a blast of chakra towards the fist of that composite rakshasa, completely blowing it with their merged effort. As for Claire, She created a gigantic sword to take advantage of the situation, and planted it on their abdomen.

"Alright, we somehow managed to overwhelm that rakshasa for now." Said Zero.

He had his index finger pointed towards that composite rakshasa, which was the same case for Azusa. Indicating that they were the ones who shot the blast of chakra.

"This foe is much tougher than I imagined.." Azusa commented on the toughness of that composite rakshasa, it was also obvious that he was concerned.

"Yea, I guess this may be one of the hardest battles we'll ever face.." Said Claire, with a concerned look on her face.

Rohiz let out a deep sigh before exclaiming,

"We have to purge this rakshasa… RIGHT NOW! "

Seeing that Rohiz' determination is still present. All of the other Brahman's felt enlightened, which sort of motivated them as well.

"Bet!" All of them said, at once.