

Finally, all the rumble and explosion subsided.

Maybe it’s about time to emerge from being soaked in the mud. Those stupid ill mannered Jurassic!

I pulled myself up from the mud. A lick in my head and shoulder welcomed me that brushed off the mud. I turned. Oh! It’s Yeshdog!

“Were you here waiting for me to emerge from mud, Yeshdog? Oh, I’m sorry, it looks like you’re the only one left with a manner. Well, thank you for not leaving me behind, Yeshdog,” I said to him, and he grinned with those giant teeth. And he licked me all around and I got cleaned. His tongue is like a sponge, I felt like I went to a saliva shower. But I can smell a little bit of stink though.

“Because of your good deeds Yeshdog, I won't hold a grudge against your kin,” I said to him with a sly smile. And he giggled.

I sensed danger, someone who is in grave peril that needs saving of my charm. I can heart a heartbeat and desperation of that someone who need help, with the silent scream from the heart, it’s a woman! It’s 50 miles away from here, I’m going to leave Yeshdog behind if I go to save her. But I don’t want to leave him behind and lose him.

What would father think in this pinch situation? Even not closing my eyes I could see father’s magnificent face shining with wisdom. “What are you thinking, my precious son?!” There he spoke before me, his face vivid in the air. What a weird Father I got. “Don’t panic! It’s very simple, be transparent to your pet as he has become part of your life. Don’t leave him behind, but don’t let the woman who needs grave saving be forsaken. It’s very simple to solve this problem, all you have to do is think hard. Yes, think harder my beloved son! Alright, let me just tell you what to think and do, prepare your ears and hearts for this strategy my Philemon! Here it is: tell Yeshdog to quickly follow you when you go to save that good smelling woman. He can follow your scent no matter what . . . “

I was appalled and embarrassed by myself after hearing my father’s voice from afar. How come I couldn’t think of such brilliant ideas?! I still have much to learn from my father. I give a smile to myself, and look at the heavens. Thank you, father! But what was that good smelling woman stuff?

“Yeshdog, follow my scent, I'm going to dash very fast, a woman is in danger, I'm going to save her,” I said to him with a serious face. And he caught my vibes, he got serious as well, and bark twice for the go signal followed up with a nod.

Alright! I stretched myself, and ready my footing, pressed my foot on the muddy ground, so I could make some energy! And I pushed to the ground and started running very fast. This speed is nothing compared to father though. I moved by the speed of light, leaving my shadow behind.

In a few seconds, I’m close, and I can see it, I can see them, I can see her. She’s being toyed at by this weird looking guy, with a funny rainbow robe, is he gonna attend a festival? The girl I gotta save her. She’s being controlled and pulled with some kind of pagan power, she’s already hurt. She’s been slammed many times to a hard object, and another slam she will die.

But wait! Is she a girl? Is she a human? By her looks, she’s got a lot of metals all over her body. Is it a tattoo? Maybe it’s just a decoration? Are they fighting for a festival or something? That all doesn't matter, this is not a funny joke to slam a woman. And that funny guy is using a pagan practice, he needs to be rebuked, and he must repent from that taboo practice!

I ran to the girl and carry her over my loving arms and removed her away from the reach of the pagan practice of the funny-looking guy. I carried her with both my hands as she’s not able to stand by her shape.

My hand grasps her legs and backs of her body. She’s indeed a metal one, I heard about it from father a lot, about robots. But what I only heard was they are out of shape, and bald robots with a monotone voice when they talk. I have some toys carved from woods and painted in white as a matter of fact. But this one is beautiful . . . beautifully carved. Not painted with white alone. But it seems like a human. With a pretty face and hair. Only part of her body are metals. Can she talk? Let’s give it a try.

“Are you alright beautiful woman?” I said with a serious face with a sly smile, I gotta keep my looks cool so that this robot won’t release a laser beam on me or go wild. As what father always mentioned, robots must be communicated with a gentle voice and cool look, or else their scan system will malfunction and treat you as a threat and start attacking you. So, I gotta endure my fake smile and cool look.

It blinked at me a few times. Opened its mouth. And my eyes widened by what I saw. Her robot eyes, gone wet, it’s welled with tears. What is going on? Is this robot mad at me? I need to assure this robot woman that I’m here to help and not to harm, that’s why I take her out of that pagan work.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to save you from any harm,” I said as I look away, towards the pagan guy.

She moved; she’s shaking! Oh, no! Is she malfunctioning? What should I do? Should I drop her or throw her away? No, I still gotta be gentle no matter what, that’s what my father said.

So, I slowly put her down with her feet letting her stand on the ground and I added an assistance by holding her in the waist to make sure I’m gentle to this robot, “Can you stand beautiful one?”

Father also said that don’t look at a robot’s eyes when they are about to freak out to avoid it being triggered. So, I keep my look away from her, only lock it on the guy in front.

“Hey, hey, who are you?” the funny guy asks.

I should be asking him a question, so I ignored his question. “What are you doing with this beautiful woman?”

“Beautiful woman? Don’t make me laugh, they are a scrap of metals,” he replied with a wide mock smile on his face. “Besides, by your look, you're not an Edge, are you? You're not a Barbarian either. Don’t tell me you’re from my Race?!” And he pulled himself back with a disgust in his face mixed with a terrifying look. What’s with this guy? What is he saying?

“What are you talking about? Don’t be rude and insulting this beautiful woman, she may have metals on her body, but can’t you tell by her looks that she’s still beautiful. Unlike you, who is wrapped in a rainbow suit. Are you some kind of entertainer? And why are you hurting her?” I said and I made sure that I said it with a sharp voice like my uncle when he scolded me.

“W-what did you say? Entertainer? Don’t know me, you scum?!” He said with his eyes furrowed he’s shaking with anger. But what did I say wrong that made him mad?

“By your looks, you are indeed a big-time, or a boss of something, are you the chief of some entertainment organization?” I replied keeping my look cool and not being harsh to my words.

And he raised hands towards us with his teeth gnashing, why is he so mad? I saw the air burned and floating markings glittered in the air. This is pagan work? And I can sense danger, is he going to ignore me and attack this girl in front of me? I need to stop him.

“I am Magi the Superemi---” he began to utter something, but I’m sorry I didn’t hear all of it because I rushed to him and puch him on his belly, I didn’t do it hardly so that he’ll only fall asleep with that his. Yet he was blown flying and rolling like a rock. The guy was just a show-off, and annoyingly an entertainer indeed. He’s so weak and light, he should eat vegetables, fish, and meat to gain some weight and a healthy body. And I didn’t mean to be rude to cut off someone who is speaking, he should’ve told me that he’s gonna tell me something. Father is going to scold me if he discovers that I disrespected a stranger.

I turned to the robot girl. Her eyes are wet and so her face. So how do they malfunction? They are crying like a human. I gotta go to her and communicate gently.

I walk towards her, close enough to let her feel that I’m not afraid and not harmful. I put my right hand on her shoulder with a tender grasp. I smiled at her. “It’s alright now, you are safe,” I assured her.

Her eyes are wide and looking at me like a human. Her face is calm, and her cheeks are red.

“Thank you,” oh, the robot spoke. I should calm myself then, as she was able to communicate with a human. I should respond softly to keep a good conversation. I never had a conversation with a robot before. I'll do my best; father I hope you can see me now. This is as cool as you always say.