
Pure Dark leaf (english)

Tired of normal RPG level up stories? With boring girls and empty/dumb MC? If so, this one is for you. Remanescencia is the kingdom that lives closest to the great black tree, due to mythologies and tales, nicknamed Yggdrasil, inside the tree, there are many ores, monsters, and plants, attracting attention from people desperate for better living conditions, or people who crave fame and power, "Ambition is not greed" However, those who live in other kingdoms and countries are slowly being overrun by abnormal animals, villages are being destroyed and kingdoms are falling into famine and misery for the last 83 years, getting worse every decade. Legends hint at the possibility of "Ragnarok", known as the "end" or restart of time, "the long winter." Note: I do know how to write english, and I most of the time see North American content, however, I'm still not fluent in English, and I count on your understanding. Obviously second note: I'm still creating all the story, the ideas walk on my mind, I write, I think, I change, please be patient, the new chapters will mostly be a draft. ~There is always a room to improve~ "Hlovet" (I guess)

Annoyingbeing · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Decided to go

"Ah hello adventurer! Welcome to the explorers' main base, we are currently closed, can I help you with something?" A person inside a big red suit of armor with blue details asks, the corridor made of blocks with shiny wooden cladding, didn't have any other soul, the person was sitting behind a counter, papers could be seen.

"How do I become an adventurer?"

"Hm... I'm afraid you don't have the strength, even health, or equipment to become a renowned adventurer, are you sure about that?"


"There are two ways, you get recruited by a guild, or the recommended, in case you're too eager to start, or finish... Creating your guild, currently, thanks to the popularization of the 'Lucifer' guild, being an adventurer is leaving from being a nightmare to become a dream"

"What do you recommend for a foreigner?"

"Well, I'm afraid that given your current condition, it's wise to focus on your health first, currently the demand for equipment and supplies is increasing, if you already have experience in these areas, It might be more interesting for you"


"I want to become an adventurer"

"Are you sure about that? Being an adventurer is a dangerous job, I'd say at the moment, it might even be worse than being a Drasil's"


"Hmmm... I recommend you buy some good equipment and treat those wounds first, as I already said, many people want to get into this business, if you want to be recruited it as you are now, may take a few months"


"How do I create a guild?"

"Due to the recent increase in guilds, it is now necessary not only to pass on a test but also to be a citizen, I'm afraid you'll need to speak to the Duke about this, but I think it's unlikely you'll get it, you're not the only person in this situation"

"Where can I find the Duke?"

"Usually he stays at the Palace, but at this time he's probably in his bedroom, planning tomorrow"



Silence fills the room, and both not knowing what to say.

"Do you have money for the night?"


"I won't, where is the Palace?"


The person, not understanding what the stranger means, surprised by the attitude, decides to show a gold coin.

"You are going to need this to be able to have a normal life, where did you come from, foreign?"

Despite not being so common, there were still places in the world that did not use coins as a form of exchange, still practicing barter, many of these places did not use money because it was not necessary, the land they stepped on was more than enough for a good life, although, there were no near places known by that.

"It doesn't exist anymore, I know what money is, where is the Duke's palace?"


"I'll take you there, could you wait a couple of hours? I'm already finishing deciding the new guilds, maybe I'll decide yours tomorrow"

The stranger, in her torn and dirty clothes silently sat down on a near chair and stayed still, barely blinking, for 20 minutes.

"I-I don't believe I had introduced myself before, my name is Marianna, and I am the sword of explorers"



"Agatha eh? That's a nice name"

Marianna usually habilitates guilds at night, all alone, however, the way Agatha, a stranger stays silent, makes her feel awkward, she normally used the "stay immobile" way to force discipline on newbie soldiers, but Agatha wasn't one.


"You're in a state of shock aren't you? You can rest in my house, I'm still single, I live alone"

"You said you would take me to Duke's palace"

"Yes, I can show you him tomorrow, there is no need to worry, you don't have money to spend the night comfortably, do you?"


"You said I couldn't possibly get through to the duke correct? I ate before I left, take me to the palace"

"Well... That's good, however, it's already late, as most people, he must already be asleep, you have to wait until tomorrow"


Agatha thinks, people are desiring to be adventurers, however, is necessary to be a citizen, it must have been some trying every morning, the more early she knows him, she will become an adventurer.

"Take me to the palace, now"


"You don't plan to spend the night in front of the palace, right?"

"I do"

"Are you crazy? It's snowing outside, your face is even deeply burned, it was a hard trip to get here, wasn't it? You must be exhausted, what's your age girl?"


"Ah... An adult, understand... You can, but you shouldn't, you might not wake up anymore..."

The foreigner then remembers a song, which she was thinking about a few minutes ago, her father sang it a few times, and she enjoyed it despite never said, even If was incomplete.

"You can throw my body to the monsters with a sword, life has no value"


Marianna didn't understand the meaning of those words, but she took it as a refusal, being more sure that something was very wrong with this girl.

"It doesn't have to be now, it's just one night, I don't have clothes for your size but we can buy some tomorrow, stay with me just this night, you need to rest properly"


(What the hell is going through her head?) Marianna thinks.

"I can rest later, I have something to do first"

"And what could it be..."

"I need to speak with the Duke"

Marianna then takes a short breath, even though she has been trained for years, not remembering when the last time was, she starts to lose her temper.

"Agatha, listen, you can't sleep in the cold, come with me"

Marianna was resolute at that moment, she knew it wasn't the best thing to do to let Agatha walk around and eventually die of hypothermia, she kills monsters every day for people don't die by their claws, she couldn't let someone die, not like that.

"let's go to my house, It's not that far"