
Puppets & Top Hats

Natalie's mother, Claire, thought it was a good idea to buy her daughter puppets for her birthday. Little did she know, these puppets were actually magical. Now, Natalie is stuck taking care of magical puppets meanwhile trying to live out her normal college life.

JustCallMeJess · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 - Let’s Talk

After feeding the cats, Natalie picked up all the cans and threw them away. After double-checking to see if she had missed a can, Natalie quickly went on her way to her College Campus.

Welkin, A college located in the city of Maygain. Natalie goes there to learn more about astronomy, it was always her dream to study the stars. Welkin was where she also met her best friend and coworker Margret. They had both worked at FoodMart, a small convenience store, but never really talked to each other. That is until they discovered they went to the same college. Soon after, the two girls became inseparable, best friends.

"Hey, Margret! Am I late?" Natalie said gasping for air. On her way to campus, Natalie realized she was about to be late. After getting off the bus she sprinted to her classroom.

"Nope! You're just on time actually since the professor hasn't walked in yet," Margret said walking over to her seat with Natalie following behind.

"Phew, that's good news to hear," Natalie said with a sigh. She took her seat next to Margret and waited for class to begin.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, my cousin Tanya is getting married soon. She invited us to her wedding."

"Really? That's great Margret! Tanya is super cool, I can't wait to see the wedding. Want to go shopping later today for dresses?"

Tanya Lloyd, Margret's cousin, has always been a sister/motherly figure to Natalie ever since Margret introduced her. The three of them got together really well even though they've known each other for only a few years. If only the same could be said about her snobby sister, Rita Lloyd.

"Sure! I just have to grab something from FoodMart on our way there. Yesterday I forgot my phone in the break room."

"Sure, that's fi-" Natalie was cut off by the door being slammed open and their professor walking in.

"Whoops, went a little too powerful on my entrance. Anyways, let's now begin." Their professor said walking to the front of the class.

Natalie was grabbing her things and placing them into her bag while Margret was waiting for her. The day had already ended and they were getting ready to head to FoodMart. Once Natalie finished grabbing all of her stuff, the two best friends walked out of the room.

"Why do you always take so many notes in class? I get that it's your dream and all to study astronomy and learn more about the universe, but, don't you think you're going a little too over and beyond? You know it's okay to relax and take a break once in a while right?" Margret questioned her best friend. She was also passionate about astronomy but not as much as Natalie was. Natalie was the literal definition of passion when it came to those types of things.

"I know, I just can't help myself! I always loved looking at the stars from my window when I was younger. At my mother's home in SpringValley, she would always tell me stories about how my father and how he worked hard to become a great astronomer. Those stories inspired me, along with the beauty and curiosity of the universe and stars. I just can't help but go all out." Natalie said with a smile on her face and a dreamy look in her eyes. This made Margret happy and inspired her to also work hard for her dreams.

The two girls continued to talk with one another on their way to the small convenience store near the college campus. Eventually, they had arrived and told their manager if they could retrieve Margret's phone. Once they retrieved her phone they went on their way towards Charleston Mall.

"What store should we head to first? They all sell super nice clothes but they're super expens- Natalie? What are you doing?" Margret questioned her best friend who was currently hiding behind her back.

"O-Oh… umm… I was just-"

"Don't even try lying to me. Just tell me what's wrong," Margret said as she turned around to face Natalie.

"It's really nothing, it's just- Okay, remember when I told you about Ashley Barrett?"

"You mean that brown-haired, blue-eyed, bit-" Margret got cut off by Natalie putting her hands on Margret's mouth. She never really liked cussing and prefers to avoid it.

"Yes, that one. I thought I saw her walking into one of the stores," Natalie said with a nervous sigh.

"WHICH ONE!!! I'LL POUND HER IN FOR YA!!!" Margret yelled, soon after being quieted by Natalie's hands.

"Shh!!! I'm still not sure if it was her! Let's just let it go and continue for what we came here for. Plus you still haven't told me all the information on the wedding," Natalie said changing the topic.

"Oh, yeah! That's right! Well, the wedding will be held at Starview Hotel. I hear they have the greatest view of the sea and a wonderful event hall for weddings. I'm surprised you haven't received your invitation yet. Did you even check your mailbox since your little stay at your mother's house?" Margret went on, forgetting about Ashley completely.

The two girls continued to talk about the wedding as they entered one of the stores and searched for the perfect dress to wear. After picking up their dresses and a few other things along the way, they went to grab something to eat at the food court. Unfortunately for them, that was where their peaceful evening out will turn into an embarrassing disaster filled with painful memories, vengeful tears, and a whole lot of anger. Everything was going great until SHE had to show up, Ashley Barrett.

"Oh my gosh! Aren't you Natalie Aster from Amanda Saint High? I thought I left you in SpringValley with your dead father and lonely mother. Oh, and how could I forget that thick ass cat of yours, what's his name again? Buttons? How is he? Did he die yet from being too overweight?" A female voice called out from behind Natalie.

'Oh great, here comes trouble,' Natalie thought to herself.