As Cilia was suffering under Jamie, Lusha had to stop the attacks on Jamie and Markus, as the preservation of her secrecy was more important than harassing them.
Both Lusha and Nisha had already made an alliance, which entailed both of them sharing information about Cilia.
This happened, after Nisha contemplated and researched for quite some time about Lushas background and meeting her after finding no connection with the people, that controlled Cilia.
She finally decided to ask for a meeting, after uncovering her to be the mastermind on the recent attacks.
This time however, an elven messenger delivered a communication device, which looked like a mirror.
A stormed brewed, as tension was visible between certain races, especially humans and elven. However no one knew why, not even most elven nobles.
Since Jamie was one of the decision makers of the council, his work had skyrocketed.
Duo to this, Cilia had the most relaxing time since quite a long time ago. Other than meeting Jamie in the morning, to get him ready and in the evening, to serve dinner, her meetings with him were limited.
He didn't even have time to relax, even less to observe Cilias punishment.
Duo to his stress, Cilia would be send to the punishment hall almost every day and was ordered to give herself the punishment.
But since Jamie wasn't there, Cilia would just ignore it most of the time or act like she was doing it if he came to check on her.
Unfortunately for Jamie, even the servants in his mansion where loyal to Cilia and would never snitch on her. Nobody liked their violent employer, nor would Jamie punish Cilia too much even if he found out.
If someone would snitch, they would just make their life even worse, as all the benefits from Cilia would be gone and she herself would at max be imprisoned and tortured for a month, which was at that point nothing to extreme.
In this time, Cilia was able to freely train every day, while learning a few new things.
The tensing, which had been going on since a few months, had currently reached the apex as ordinary humans feared a war while elves were still confused, as their leaders had never spoken up about waging one.
In a secluded corner of the main city in the human domain, numerous people were gathered.
If one would observe them carefully, most had the vibes of a merciless killer. However they would also be surprised, seeing the diversity of this group. The group consisted mainly of humans and elves, but there were goblins, orcs, dwarfs and even a few demons too.
Their aim? Everyone was different. Some wanted to steal valuable stuff, some wanted to gather information and some wanted to infiltrate a few mansions.
However they had gathered together to make their life easier.
Today, Cilia had once again been sent to the punishment room, though one might call it more of a prison cell at that point. Unfortunately for her, Jamie had decided to observe her today as a means of relaxation and had strapped her to tight for her to be able to escape herself.
After he had his fun and watched for half an hour, Jamie who had to return to his duty's, changed the machines settings to max and locked the door with a key. It seemed like Cilia would be unable to evade her punishment for today.
It was already three in the night and Cilia had almost spend seven hours in this room. Although she wanted to sleep, Jamie had previously used a drug, which would keep her awake no matter what she did.
It would also be continuously be injected into her, by the tube which was placed in Cilias mouth.
As she endured the feelings of discomfort and pain a knocking on the door managed to capture her attention.
Obviously she was unable to respond duo to the tube in her mouth. It seemed like something important had happened, considering Jamie would execute everyone that came even close to this room.
She could hear the mumbles of two persons outside. One of them was Judy, a servant which would always follow her around and help if she was in trouble.
She was nice girl, whose parents had sold her to a slave trader on the black market.
However Cilia was unable to make up the origin of the other voice. The voices disappeared for a few seconds, before she could hear footsteps distancing from this room.
She was shocked to find, that even she could barely perceive them.
Small metal rubbing against metal was heard, as the door sprang open. It had been picked open, as a silhouette walked into the room.
Cilia, who in no way liked people seeing her in tattered clothing, which barely hid anything, began to suppress her embarrassment as she readied herself to fight back at any moment, even if this would only include flaying her limbs around, which were still restrained tight by the cuffs.
With the help of a servant girl, Cilias position was quickly located. Though there were some suspicious points, for example how easily the servant had given her the information.
She had to try though, but her suspicions were heightened after the servant told her not to take any subordinates into the room.
Since she was confident in herself, her subordinates retreated, as only the servant and herself entered the room.
But words couldn't explain the anger she felt after seeing this sight.
Cilia was tied in the air, while a machine continued swinging a whip at Cilias body, with her clothes barely hanging on.
At the same time, Nishas eyes fell on the countless scars, covering Cilias body.
She just stared at this scene, as anger, disappointment, self depreciation, hornyness as well as self ridicule kicked in.
Duo to this, she was unable to stop the servant, who had suddenly stormed and ran towards Cilia.
Fortunately, she only removed the straps and the tube, before taking out a set of clothes and covering Cilia with a blanket.
Finally getting out of her trance, Nisha dashed towards Cilia, as she buried Cilia into a fierce hug.
„It's you! The one I saved that time."
Nisha could only hide the sadness of being forgotten in her heart, as she and Judy helped Cilia get dressed.
Since Cilia was almost unable to walk, Nisha took it upon her to carry her, naturally in the for Cilia most embarrassing way, the princess carry.
However before they could fully retreat, a sudden explosion occurred nearby, as Jamie stepped into the hallway. Seeing Cilia being kidnapped but her not moving to resist them, he knew something was wrong.
„Kill all of them." Jamie commanded, as Nisha was shocked to suddenly find Cilia moving.
Before she could dodge completely, a dagger plunged towards her. Blood splattered, as Judy held her bleeding arm, which was injured by blocking the dagger for Nisha.
Luckily Cilia had not recovered enough to properly attack. While a few shadows held back Jamie, Nisha and Judy quickly subjugated Cilia knocking her to sleep.
Cilia had a dream, in the dream a girl had taken her prisoner, but it seemed like they both got along pretty well.
However something stopped her from discerning any details, as a black wall stopped any sounds from reaching her, while impairing her vision.
Before she could continue watching, the black wall suddenly started taking over the whole space, as it closed in on her.
Breathing heavily, Cilia sat up in her bed, as she looked at where she currently was.
Her eyes stopped, as she notice the gorgeous figure lying next to her. She felt a sense of familiarity but also repulsion.
She stretched her hand out, as she carefully touched the person next to her. Her skin was smooth and her expression peaceful.
Deciding it would be useless to remain motionless in bed, Cilia began walking towards another adjacent room. Her body told her, that this was the place which she was searching for.
As she opened the door, what came into her view was a modest bathroom.
Even though there were no recording devices in this world, Cilia still took her time to look for any peepholes.
Finding nothing, Cilia felt comfortable enough to go to the toilet and take a bath to get rid of all the dirt on her body.
Nisha had finally gotten a good nights sleep after a few months with insomnia. As such, she only woke up at three in the afternoon. Naturally the first thing she did was look for Cilia, who was currently sitting at the desk in the room.
The person in question, was currently questioning her sanity, as she found blueprints which obviously she had written on the desk. But she had no memories of ever drawing them down and not burning them to a crisp right after.
The sudden hug from behind surprised her so much, that her instincts kicked in, giving Nisha a clean hit on the cheek. She was flustered, as she quickly apologized to Nisha, who had already assured her that everything was aright.
Nisha, who found this side of Cilia cute too, reached her hand out to pat her on the head. However to her surprise, Cilia flinched, as her body instinctively dodged her hand.
Just how was she treated all that time, it was a question which had plagued her since quite some time, but she never expected it to be this bad.
Those were obvious signs of domestic violence, something she hoped Cilia would never have to endure.
As she took her hand back to not scare Cilia, the girl in question suddenly jumped ahead and grappled the hand, before pining Nisha to the ground.
„Give it back to me! NOW!" Nisha was shocked by the sudden outburst, as she looked toward where Cilia was pointing. It was the choker, which Nisha had given Cilia to be able to control her years ago.
It was for them to be able to trust each other enough to each perform their individual task, without breaking the agreement.
At the same time, it worked as a seal for Cilias strength in case she would ever betray Nisha.
Nisha quickly analyses the situation, as she summoned her strength and threw Cilia away from the top of her, towards the bed.
Cilia who had lost her cool duo to emotions, was suddenly pinned down by Nisha.
„I can if you answer my questions. Is this important to you and if yes, why?"
„It's something a person whose important to me gave me. But I lost some memories because of an accident, including those of that person. This is the only thing I have from her."
„Alright, last question. Do you know what I does?"
„No? Isn't it a regular choker?"
Nisha stretched out her arm, giving it to Cilia before quickly turning away, hiding the tears which were slowly building in her eyes. She was both happy, that she still considered her as important, sad that it wasn't her, but a past her.
However she was motivated to once again get Cilia to like her.
Cilia, who had gotten her choker back, almost hurt herself, as she put it on.
Since she had the choker on again, Nisha decided to get rid of the magic, which was currently limiting Cilia, which would allow her more freedom.
Although she wanted to stay, her work waited for her and she had to leave for a little while.
However before she could leave, Cilias voice sounded behind her: „Tell me your name please."
Without having to hold her smile back, Nisha answered truthfully before turning around and leaving,
Cilia, who had been blinded by that radiant smile forgot to close her mouth for a few second.
„Make it quick, I want to go back to her."
Judy had previously asked Nisha for a talk, as Cilia had talked about her a lot. At least before she went into a coma.
„Stop ordering me around already, but I can understand you. I would have given it a shot if she wasn't already taken, alas how unfortunate.
Though you aren't half-bad yourself."
„Cut the crap and start talking!"
After teasing Nisha a bit, Judy started talking about how she had come to meet Cilia. She explained how Cilia would often talk about Nisha to her, since she deemed her as trustworthy.
This was also the reason she had instantly taken her to Cilia, when she was threatened by an unknown person. Since she was able to identify Nisha duo to the description Cilia had given.
Though that was only possible, since she was barely able to get Nishas mask off during their fight.
However she also explained how Cilia had started losing memories starting 11 months back and had grown more distant, as the abuse multiplied and her feelings were dulled.
Nishas desire to kill everyone in the council, started to multiply even more as she listened to Judys outlook of the story.
While Nisha went to see Cilia once again, Judy went back to the room, which was given to her after they arrived, As she took of her clothes and washed her body, her relaxed expression disappeared, as an indifferent and cold demeanor appeared.
As she changed into night clothes the emotions in her eyes appeared, as nothing but an emotionless puppet remained.
Taking out an empty notebook, she started writing,
„mission accomplished, I have successfully infiltrated and gained a slight increase of trust with the target."
She didn't have to wait for long, as an answer quickly arrived.
„Continue building trust with the secondary target and keep trust with the main target. Orders will be given like planned."
Reading the text, Judy waved her hands over the text, which disappeared soon after and put it back into her pocket.
Judy and her brother were two of the initial experiments. Unfortunately only she survived, as her brother died while begging her to help him. However since they were nothing but orphans, no one cared about their fate and unfortunately at that point, Judy or who she previously was, had already lost all her memories, emotions and reasoning at that point.
Not like she could remember anything though. She never could, all her missions were nothing but blurry memories which would only help her by guiding her through mistakes, which she had learned about before.
Anything else was irrelevant and thus deleted.
Unlike Cilia, none of the previous candidates were able to endure longer than a year and were quickly turned into tools, which signified Cilias strong will to endure and her reluctance to get her freedom restrained.
Only one more chapter remaining, till I have to write new ones. I expect Volume 1 to end between chapter 23-30.
I hope you wont mind a break after that, where I can write on something else, while stocking up on some Chapters here.
I decided to either make a naruto or one piece fanfic, as I don't watch enough anime to write about other ones.
It will still be with a female lead, though and the naruto one will have similarities with this one.
While I'm thinking of doing the One Piece one from the perspective of Garps adoptive daughter or something similar.