
Chapter 3

Two and half years later.

"Good moin momma!!!" Aww so cute voice of my daughter Sydney always energise my system. She has habit of waking up early and then disturb everyone's sleep.

"Momma luke not wakie! Ombiee." Actually she said him Zombie! Haha she and her pronunciation should be awarded!

"Awww! You my baby wakes up early. Let your brother sleep because he has to protect you right?" She nodded and went outside in search of Sean and Siana. They love me and my kids a lot. They are now my only family. I went down and started preparing for breakfast.

"Mommy uncie and annii not wakie! Sydy bored." That pout just takes my heart away. My kids are so adorable.

"Sydney will make breakfast with mommy! Yeah?" She nodded and started giving me everything I asked and sometimes she gave me more than what is needed.

"Mommyy!" Here comes mamma's boy. Everyday after waking up he will shout like he saw me after two years.

"Baby come on! I made your favourite pan cakes with chocolate syrup! Both of you will brush and then we can eat? Ok?" We went and I helped them brush their teeth and I did mine. By the time we went down Sean and Siana also came for breakfast. Sydney went to Sean and Luke sat on?Siana's lap. They have their breakfast like this. My kids are so lucky.

After showering I left children at their nanny's place. Dolly is very jolly woman in her 50's and stays nearby and love my children. I trust only her, Sean and Siana with my kids.

Ahhh! About my profession, I opened 3 branches of stitching and embroidery coaching classes. I named my coaching institute as AlSydLu Institute. After my classes progressed I studied fashion designing. I am a fashion designer. Sean and Siana wanted me to work with them and therefore I work at S&S creations, but this classes gave me the confidence of who I am today, that's why I still continue teaching in these classes. I work from my Institute for S&S creations, If any important work to be discussed then only I go to office. Melissa, Cynthia, Cara my initial students helps me a lot by managing my branches. We also conduct training programs for big textile companies, colleges etc. for stitching and embroidery.

Today I will sign a very big contract. It's very beneficial as per business view but my past will come back to me. In this case I am ready, I achieved a lot then what I had expected. Today I will sign contract with Martin Industries for training programs to be conducted by us in their different branches for two years. That means I will see my Lovable Ex-husband, in short Kian Martin.

I reached at my head office and started reviewing all the presentations for today's meeting. The meeting is at 12 p.m. I still have one hour for making myself ready. Am I nervous? Of course, but I want to see the shock on his face. Regret when I will show him the truth behind our divorce. I will not take revenge but I will prove my innocence. My self respect is mine to protect. I will prove him that I am not and was not a cheater, but he was one who had trust issues. He is that person who can read sign boards but still asks for directions.

I reached at Martin Industries by 11.45 p.m. I was patiently waited in conference room for Mr. Martin while once again reviewing my presentation. As usual, Mr. Punctual came in at 12, but I had my back facing to him. I am nervous to even turn and look at him, but this was my decision and I have to do this now. I can't go back from my decision. I closed my eyes and tried to gain my confidence to face him.

"Good afternoon Ms. Texas." He greeted in a very professional way. I turned and faced him.

"Good afternoon Mr. Martin." I replied maintaining stoic expression. He was so shocked that he just became statue!!

"Mr. Martin? Shall we start?" I am enjoying this state of my ex-husband!! Haha! I have read in science about solid, liquid and gaseous state. My Ex-husband is in solid state now. Ok! I have a bad sense of humour. He cleared his throat and I came back to my senses.

We began the meeting, after many discussions Mr. Martin has decided to execute the contract. Kian is very professional person, he might have sensed some benefits of this contract.

"So? Is this your plan of coming near me? How cheap you can be?" He can never change.

"Mr. Martin, I left my dirty past in past, now I am concentrating on my present and future in which you have a extra small character of being my business associate and nothing more! So I will request you to give yourself less importance. If this contract would not have been beneficial for my Institute then I would have never seen your face. So all this is purely professional, nothing personal. And while proposing this deal my name was written in bold and capital letters, after seeing that you could have denied the offer." Idiot motherfucking piece of shit. I just turned and left leaving him shocked.