
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

chapter 15: Miu Furinji's Dao

3 days later,

Grandmaster Shio Sakaki POV. 

I entered our temporary hotel in the heart of Tokyo.

Right across from the chaos that was the signup booths in this district for Hanma's insane tournament.

I turned to Shigure, her stoic persona replaced with sorrow.

As she stared at the eyepatch that she had temporarily not covered her eye with, I could only look away in order to try to not show her my pity.

I know she wouldn't like that.

I turned to Akisame and ask, "How's that leg?"

"Just a few more toes to go. Then we'll be ready to move. Have you found the disciples yet?" He asked, concern in his eyes nearly overwhelming.

I nodded, "He's with that Majima guy," I shuddered, "sure he's good at training people, but his methods. Seriously what the fuck."

Akisame nodded, he then glanced at Shigure's uncovered eye self-admonishment in his gaze.

Shigure seemed to notice, so she addressed him. "I know that eyes and brains can't be healed by Ki healing. Stop blaming yourself."

she stood up, and wrapped her new permanent accessory around her face.

"Let's go," she said, "You can heal the rest on the way, it's just toes."

Akaiame just nodded, still looking hesitant.

He stood, as I said, "Hey man, look, Miu won't blame you, everyone knows that Hanma is a total monster and staying would have just killed you.

Let's just go see her.

I need to get Zack to at least the 10th dan in karate and get him started on Battle Aura. He's a total monster, but I still need to teach him."

I nod to myself, grinning. Akisame sighed, but I could see the agreement in his eyes, that if anyone could learn that fast, it was Zack.

We left the hotel, but we didn't check out.

It would be hard to get another room like this and besides I had a ton of money. We'd come back and check out after zack had signed up for the tournament like I know he would.

I just hope Miu won't sign up.

Miu Furinji POV

The elevator dinged as we arrived back in the training facility below the hotel. We just got back from signing up both of us for the tournament.

I glanced over at Zack as he winked at me. I blushed slightly and grinned at him.

"Hey were you two love-birds listening to me?" He asked, looking irritated.

"No," I said, not caring in the least.

"I mean- A bit?" He spoke. I smirked at him knowing it was a lie.

Zack Hammer's POV​

As the elevator doors slid open, revealing the cavernous expanse of Majima's underground training facility, I couldn't help but steal a sidelong glance at Miu.

I winked at her the moment she turned her eyes towards me.


Her cheeks were still flushed from my wink, but there was a gleam of determination in her eyes that sent a shiver of anticipation down my spine.

We were really doing this. We had taken that first, irrevocable step and signed up for Hanma's twisted tournament.

For the first time since being hurled into this chaotic world, I had a clear purpose – a goal to strive towards with every fiber of my being.

We would grow stronger, get that world jump token,

get the hell out of dodge, and then come back and kick hanma's ass.

I'd cripple him, and Miu would give him the final blow.

I fantasized, only to have an unimpressed look be brought to my attention coming from Majima.

blushed slightly and grinned at him.

"Hey were you two love-birds listening to me?" He asked, looking irritated.

"No," Miu said, seeming to not care in the least.

"I mean- A bit?" I lied. Miu smirked at me, showing even she knew I was lying. Damn.

Majima's eyes narrowed, but before he could respond, the elevator opened.

a familiar voice echoed through the chamber, one that carried a weight of authority that commanded immediate attention.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Monster disciple and the Martial arts Princess! Miu, Zack, it's been a while." he then thought for a second. "Well, it's been 5 days. Man, you run fast! Back when I was your age, It took me 7 days to go from our town to Tokyo. Zack, How the hell did you do it in two? Have you been holding out on me in training?"

Shio Sakaki stood there, right in front of us, alive, and I felt relief.

At his side walked Akisame and Shigure, the latter's single eye regarding us with an inscrutable gaze.

I frowned, during our 6 days training intensively, Akisame would often talk about medical arts in regards to Ki, andI realized that

Shigure would never gain the use of the eye that was missing again.

Miu came in like a rocket, and tacked Sakaki in a hug.

"Uncle Sakaki! You're Alive! She let go and did the same to Akisame and Shigure.

"Aunt Shigure! Uncle Akisame!" She broke down in tears as we all tried to comfort her.

"I see Majima's been putting you two through the wringer," he chuckled, clapping me on the shoulder while gently patting Miu on the back. Although, he clapped me on the shoulder with enough force to make my knees buckle.

"Good, that's exactly what we're going to need to do if you want to survive this gods-forsaken tournament."

His piercing gaze bored into mine, and I found myself unable to look away, transfixed by the sheer

weight of experience and power that radiated from the Powerful master.

The one who mastered all of this Immense Karate Knowledge in just 30 years of life.

"Because make no mistake," he continued, his voice dropping to a grave murmur.

"This is no game, no mere test of skill. This is a crucible forged in the fires of oblivion itself, designed to cull the weak and elevate only the strongest to true mastery."

He leaned in closer, his words a solemn vow that sent a chill racing down my spine.

"By the time I'm through with you, you're going to be monsters – living weapons tempered in the unforgiving fury of the battlefield itself.

Because that's what it's going to take to even have a prayer of standing against Hanma."


I have decided. Gone were the days of simply training to uphold the tenets of Katsujinken, the life-giving fist.

That path, that philosophy, had failed in the face of Hanma's apocalyptic power.

If we were to have any hope of confronting that monster on his own hellish terms, we would need to transcend such limited ideals entirely.

As my gaze met Zack's, I saw that same sinister resolve blazing in his eyes. He understood, just as I did, that we stood upon the precipice of something profound and irreversible.

There would be no going back from this path – only a brutal, uncompromising climb towards the pinnacle of destructive might.

"Good," I said, my voice soft yet laced with an undercurrent of steel.

"Because I'm done holding back. Done playing by the rules that allowed a monster like Hanma to slaughter everyone I loved." I exclaimed.

I felt Zack tense beside me, and heard the sharp intake of his breath. But I pressed on, heedless.

"If becoming a monster myself is what it takes to avenge them, to make that son of a bitch pay for his crimes..." I trailed off, letting the weight of my words hang in the air like a thundercloud. "Then so be it."

Sakaki regarded me for a long moment, his expression inscrutable. Then, slowly, that broad grin stretched across his weathered features once more.

"That's not something I wanted to hear, but-," he rumbled. then he looked away.

"If that's what you want I can't stop you. No more hesitation, no more doubt. Just an unwavering will to grow stronger, no matter the cost." He shook his head.

Then turned he back to look me in the eye.

"I guess the old man would be rolling in his grave. But I won't stop you."

His single eye bored into me, as if peering into the darkest depths of my soul and finding...approval.

"Don't worry, little flower," he said, his voice sad.

"By the time we're through with you, mercy and restraint will be foreign concepts. You'll be tempered into a force of annihilation itself, a harbinger of oblivion given human form."

With a sudden blur of motion, he lashed out – not to strike me, but to ruffle my hair in a strange, almost paternal gesture.

"I'm going to break you down until there's nothing left," he promised, that terrible grin widening.

"And then I'm going to rebuild you into something this world has never seen before." He continued.

"But I hope you'll not go full towards Satsujinken. Your grandfather- He wouldn't want that." He looked away for a moment, trying to hide his misty eyes.

As he pulled away, I found my breath caught in my throat, a mixture of exhilaration and dread churning in the pit of my stomach.

This was it – the first step on a path from which there could be no turning back.

But as Zack's hand found mine, his calloused fingers intertwining with my own in a silent show of solidarity, I knew that I wouldn't be walking that path alone.

Together, we would embrace the madness that lay ahead, shedding our fragile humanity like a chrysalis to be reborn as unholy harbingers of blessed oblivion.

But I would still remain selective. I wouldn't just kill like Hanma.

I would kill those who deserved it like a raging asura.

I would save those who deserved to be saved like a rampaging buddha.

My will solidified.

My path set.

I nodded to myself and repeated it aloud.

"I will kill those who deserved it like a raging asura."

"I will help those who deserve to be saved like a rampaging buddha."

"None shall stop me."

If that was the price to be paid for the strength to face Hanma...then I would pay it without hesitation.​

Echoes throughout the world caused cracks around us in space.

I heard a chime

Dao recognised.

Dao of Karma has been established.

For unlocking a Dao in a world without the Dao's influence, +200% martial comprehension.

+200% Ki Comprehension.

Squeezing Zack's hand tightly, I lifted my chin to meet Sakaki's pitiless stare with eyes that burned like searing coals.

"Let's get started," I growled. "I'm ready."

Zack POV​

Okay, what the fuck Miu? Seriously What the fuck? This is crazy! 

as a writer who is still broke as shit, I would appreciate any help you can give me!

remember to check out my Ko-Fi or patreon.



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