
Pulled Into Shadows

CHAPTER 1: SHEDDING OFF DEAD SKIN The rain showered down on her dark curly brown hair, soaking it strand by strand till it finally ran down her caramel skin. Her hazel eyes shed black tears, red lipstick smeared carelessly about her face and her wild hair went from straight to drenched and tangled. The icky feeling of her drenched cotton overall sticking against her skin gave far less anguish compared to her emotions. As the rain showered down, she stood still, a smile crept up her scruffy face and developed into an outburst of manic laughter. “You’ve finally gotten to me” she spoke smugly. “Never again will I be fooled to such an extent,”...

Luv_Freek · Urban
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2 Chs


The rain showered down on her dark brown curly hair, soaking it strand by strand till it finally ran down her caramel skin.

Her hazel eyes shed black tears, red lipstick smeared carelessly about her face and her drenched shoulder-length hair danced heavily on her upper back.

The icky feeling of her wet cotton overall sticking against her skin gave far less anguish compared to her emotions.

As the rain showered down, she stood still, a smirk crept up her scruffy face and developed into an outburst of manic laughter.

"You've finally gotten to me" she spoke smugly to thin air. "Never again will I be fooled to such an extent,"…

* * * * * *

Kaima sat at the bar stool, her signature nude makeup better than the last; her smooth caramel-brown skin went well with the gold glittery dress her hair bounced below her upper back.

The loud pop music, the strong scent of alcohol and cigarette, and the flashing multicoloured lights went only little to mend her shattered heart. In one gulp, she took another shot of the golden liquid and grimaced at the spirity bitter-sweet taste imparting a burning mouthfeel.

"Tastes like freedom," she said drunkenly. "Another!"

At this point the barman had become concerned, she had already taken three shots of liquor which usually had a strong effect on an average alcohol drinker.

"Miss, I do not advise you take another" he spoke. "You don't look so good"

"SHH…" she placed her index on his lip. "Who are you to tell me what's good for me?"


Kaima grew up in a broken family of three; Her father, an alcoholic addict would always squander their hard-earned money on drugs and women.

Her elder brother, Kendal, left the house one night and never returned, still her drunk father never cared. He would whip and lock her outside for the littlest things.

She engaged in heavy part-time jobs to provide for her high school tuition. Life showed no mercy until she met Richard, the son of a wealthy businessman.

Being a fool, blinded by nothing but kindness and warmth from a stranger, she translated it to be love, something she had never experienced.

They fell in love and became more than friends and she eloped with him. She left her dreaded home and moved into one of the many houses his father owned.

Things with Richard started great at first, he would come to visit her three times a week with groceries and gifts, would spend time with her, and make her feel loved. But things began to change when he started acting controlling, he would tell her how to dress, where to work, and how to act, controlling her entire life completely till she had no say, still, she loved him and convinced herself with an excuse that it was an act of love and care.

She once had been called for a job interview as a clerk in a reputable company with higher wages but he insisted she rejects it. When she protested and got into an argument, he hit her across the face and threw her out of the house for a whole day.

From then on, she began noticing his changing attitude. He didn't act like the same person she fell in love with from the start. He never took her to his parents, not even a soul in the company knew about their relationship.

He rarely visited her but when he did, he brought his friends and made her work as a maid to his visitors. She worked as a janitor in her boyfriend's company and he treated her as a dirty toilet scrubber.

One day during her lunch break, she chose to come out clean with her feelings and opinions on his negligence in their relationship. To her dismay, she caught him making out with the secretary.

On an average day, she would keep mute but she had gotten to her limit.

"What is happening here?" she burst into the room in anger.

All heads turned in fright but when they saw a janitor, the fear on their faces morphed into relief. Kaima's heart melted once reality struck, not even Richard regarded her, he only saw her as one of his cleaning staff.

"Miss. Kaima, can we please speak outside?" he spoke professionally.

Her fury transformed into heartache, he did not only cheat on her but showed no signs of guilt or regret. She nodded uncomfortably and followed him out of the office.

"What was that?" she asked calmly once they had gotten out.

His silence stabbed her confidence so badly she considered ignoring the scene.

The downpour didn't stop him from leaving the building with her. As the car treaded on the empty tarred road, neither did they speak nor look in each other's direction, only the roaring of the rain and the pitter patters on the glass prevailed.

"Richard…" she murmured fearfully.

He ignored her yet again but this time she had planned his silence ahead of time.

"Who was she?" she asked.

Still, he ignored her, his hands were peacefully placed on the steering like she was not even there. A feeling of irritation and anger crawled up from the deepest, darkest corner of her timid heart.

"I'm talking to you!" she gushed out.

"Look…Kaima I want you to stop pestering me about that" he said apathetically. "It doesn't have anything to do with you"

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Aren't we in a relationship?"

"Who said we were?" he asked indifferently.

This was the moment she had feared from the very beginning, she could sense the time for the breakup was fast approaching.

"Richard…what are you saying?" By now her anger had softened into fear.

"I need to make this clear once and for all, we never really dated" he started.

What did he mean? For five years, he controlled her, she loved him and they even got intimate countless times and now he was telling her this?

"I was just helping a poor abused girl get away from her drunk-ass fath…"

Before he could finish his sentence, she landed a loud slap across his right cheek. Her hands shook vigorously, all those five years of her life were a waste and he never considered them anything. His controlling behaviour, insulting words, raised fist, working her like a maid … all for nothing.

The engine halted in the middle of the empty road, the pitter-patters, and silence more deafening than could ever be. He clutched the steering so tight his veins were visible, his breath so loud and deep it could be heard from the passenger seat.

Her actions were reflexes, she just couldn't bare those words from someone she considered her only family. She could sense the anger coming up, was he going to kill her?

"I'm s-sorry" she stuttered. "I-i didn't mean to…"

"Get out" he commanded calmly.

"I…" she began.

"Get out!!!" he poured out his formerly contained outrage at her.

His blue eyes were filled with so much rage and hatred she feared to anger him more. Panic-stricken, she got out of the car into the roaring rain.

"Richard I'm sorry," she cried out in the heavy downpour.

The engine began and before she could intensify her pleading, he drove off splashing a puddle on her.


"But miss…"

"I said SHUSH!!!" she snapped. "Now give me that shot"

He placed another tiny glass of alcohol on the table before her and in a flash, she emptied it.

She would be untruthful if she said she didn't still love him, he had so much control over her life she doubted she could do without him.

In a drunken state, she left the table to the dance floor, drunkenly dancing and teasing strangers. She had been pulled into a deep depression and she relied on alcohol to make her feel better. Five years sounded too long to be wasted on a psychopathic idiot.

"Is this how all men behave?", she asked every single person she staggered past.

Once her hovering eyes got laid on one random man, her heart skipped two beats. His olive skin shone beautifully in the VIP spotlight, his jet-black hair gelled, curled, and messy at the top, and his face sculpted beautifully like a Greek god.

It wouldn't be unusual to find him sitting in a VIP lounge surrounded by a bevvy of seductive ladies.

Her brain did not consider once before foolishly strolling over to him, bolting past his unsuspecting bodyguard and not giving one glance to his companions. She grabbed the wine cup from his hold and sprawled across his parted legs.

"Hello handsome" she hummed in her most resounding feminine voice.

The bewildered look on his face did not go an inch in sending a warning. Her arms were hung around his strong neck as she leaned into his left cheek making sure her lips brushed the tip of his ears.

The ladies around him were shaken, regardless of how clingy they were, none dared to lay a finger on him without his permission.

"As you can see, a woman is keeping him company," she spoke proudly to the ladies.

Impressed by her audacity, his stiff lips spread into a smirk, no one in their right mind would dare walk up to him with such boldness. The guards caught notice of her strange presence in a few seconds and rushed toward her.

"Get away from the boss" they ordered.

Kaima couldn't care less, she came here to have a good time and wouldn't leave until she did.

"Who are you to order me?" she barked thoughtlessly.

Every atom of courage she had suppressed all her life surfaced in her drunkenness. Onlookers of the dramatic scene waited for the boss to react but he didn't say a word. He only had an entertained look as he watched little Missy snap out.

The guards had become agitated and were about to lay a finger on the resistant lady before an effortless hand raise from the boss stopped them.

"Good… like I said return" she babbled as the now unconcerned guards returned to their posts.

"This girl is mad drunk," an onlooker said. "She has no idea who she's messing with"

On orders, the energetic club music was mixed into a ballad

"Care to dance?" she asked.

Without waiting for a reply, she pulled him to the dance floor. She pulled him into a hug wrapping her arms around his waist. Even when he didn't react to her, she ignored it. All she could think of was drowning in the comfort of his concentrated masculine fragrance.

After moments of gliding from side to side, she slowly drifted off, her weight shifting to him as she slowly fell asleep.

He unclutched himself from her hold and tilted her chin up, directing her hazel eyes to his.

"Who are you?" he asked, an amused smirk on his face.

Kaima inspired by the fairy tale situation wrapped her arms around his neck, went on her tiptoe, and planted a quick kiss on his unsuspecting lips.

"There's no need for that," she said with a simper.

Driven by desire, he pulled her closer by the waist and planted a deep kiss on her lips. Ardent flames of passion sparked between them as she went with the flow of his heated kiss.

To her disappointment, he stopped but still had her looking directly into his silver eyes. Her now dilated eyes gave the expectant expression on her face a glitter, fascinating to admire.

"Are you ready to tell me?" he asked.

His voice sent ripples through her bones; she could swear she trembled.


"Who you are?"

His sensual actions paralyzed her leaving her mute and nodding "no" coyly.

"Not even your name?" the disappointment clear in his voice.

"Well… I could tell you my name for being such good company" she babbled as she struggled to keep her heavy eyes open.

Though he didn't reply, it didn't hide the fact that he wanted to hear the name of such a daring lady.

"My name is, my name …my…" she stuttered as she slowly leaned into his broad chest.

His arms wrapped her protectively as he waited patiently in the slow soothing music. A minute passed, and still, she hadn't said anything more than a murmur.

"You didn't tell me your name…"

He was cut off by the sudden loud snore erupting from the dreaming princess in his hands.


The warm bright morning sun shone through the slightly open curtain, on Zain's closed eyes. Even in his sleep, he could feel the blinding light. He tossed to the left, spreading his arms in search of his partner but no one laid there.

The other side of the bed felt cool and arranged as if no one had been on it. He opened his eyes but found no one except an envelope laying neatly like a package from a fairy.

He inspected the envelope and noticed a note written on it, it read;

"Dear Stranger, Last night was great, but I can't deny it was a mistake. I must have been so drunk that I couldn't remember anything, but if I caused any damage, here is compensation. Lastly, don't ever contact me, I hope we will be able to start a new page if we ever meet. Have a great day!"

Zain could feel the fury bubbling in him, he had never been rejected not in business proposals and definitely not by ladies.

He didn't even get intimate with her, how could he, he was not the type to force women into bed in their helpless moments. It's not like he ever lacked women around him, they were just like toys once you get bored you throw them out. How in the entire city could someone reject him?

He opened the envelope and saw dollar notes neatly tucked in. She didn't only insult him, she also compared him to an escort.

He flung it in rage and clutched his black hair tightly, something he did to bite down the frustration. He didn't even get to know her name, how would he find her?

This is the remake of Mafia Boss's Little Troublemaker, hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment, love you guys...

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