
Psycopath throught Multiverse:Anime

It is about a Psycopath if given a chace what he will do to the world that he will visit. Genre:Psycopath,Villain,R18,Rape maybe if needed,Gore,Reincarnated. ------------ This is my first story. Please point out the mistakes that i have made at the end of of the chapter. And please tell if i should continue writing more chapters.

Xezor1322M · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The New World of...

Alex regained his conciousness and saw that he was floating in the void.

After sometime he was transported to a black room. Alex saw that The Being was sitting as always looking at him with a broad smile.

The Being seeing that his slave has arrived said "Are you ready to go to the next world?"

Alex nodded and before Alex could ask in which world was he being sent to he lost consciousness.

Alex regained his conciousness and saw that he was lying on the floor of his room.

Alex was not sure if The Being had successfully able to send Alex in another world. So he got up and used [Dimension] to exit to check if he is still in Musutafu in My Hero Academia world.

But when he got out of the dimension and saw that there were destroyed building everywhere and it was raining around the place.

But Alex thought that he was still in the world of My Hero Academia but when he was not feeling radiation and saw some insects he canceled that thought.

Alex then thought of walking but before he could he started to have some pain in his head but Alex didn't bother with it but after a while Alex clenched his head but after gew minutes the pain went away like it was never present. But after the pain dissapeared Alex got all the Knowledge of the world he was in as it was 'Baruto:Naruto Next Generation'.

Alex had appeared in this world at the time of Naruto becoming the seventh Hokage.

Alex thougth of making Amekagure his base of operations but then he realized that this is a base of Kara organization. Alex then realized that he is in Amekagure so why is no one coming from Kara to look for him as he appeared from nowhere but then Alex realized that he does have chakra as he does not belong to this world so he needs to absorb someone from this world to get chakra coils.

Alex was both happy and sad, as for his happiness he would not be tracked by any doujutsu or sensors but Alex was sad because in these world the differences of power between someone can be large. As in My Hero Academia a hero could be overpowered by Alex using many quirk but in this world every shinobi above chunin have many affinities so defeating them can be problematic but it's not the main problem as the difference of power between a genin, chunin and jonin is not big but the difference of power between a kage like hurizen, Onoki and super kage like Hashirma and Madara and it is just a tip of the ice burg as there are people like Hagoromo Otsutsuki.

Alex put the worries at the back of his head and started thinking about absorbing.

Alex didn't want to absorb a genin to get there chakra coils instead he wanted to absorb a jonin or a kage but he knows he will not be able to take a kage at this state of his.

But Alex knew two kages that he may able to kill Kurotsuchi and Chojuro.

But after sometime of thinking Alex choose to kill Chojuro as it is more advantageous for the long run.

After deciding Alex used [Fierce Wings] combined with [Jet] to fly towards the kirigakure as fast as possible but as he wanted not to be seen by anyone Alex flew high in the sky.

After two day of flying continuously at full speed, Alex finally reached near Iwagakure, Alex stopped near a hill and then used [Invisibility]. After switching on Invisibility Alex flew above the poisonous mist that protects the village and finally reached the place where the Mizukage works at.

Alex was flying above the kage building and after not seeing anyone other than Choujuro working by using [Hightened Sense] and [Eagle Eye], Alex seeing no one other than his target got down on the rooftop of the building and used [Weather Manupulation] to make heavy rain all over the village.

After making the rain Alex used [Overhaul] on the ground and made a hole to go inside after going inside Alex closed the hole back. Alex saw that he was on the celling and to confirm his doubt Alex made a small hole using [Blade] and throught the hole Alex saw that the sixth Mizukage was looking at the weather for sometimes and started working again.

Alex thought of a plan to kill and takes Choujuro's place as Mizukage without anyone knowing and got to work for its success. Alex went from the celling above Chujuro's head, After revicing the plan a few times in his head Alex used [Overhaul] on the celling and fell on top of Chujuro.

Chujuro was able to see Alex when he was falling on top of him but before Chujuro could do anything Alex used [Fibre Master] to bind Chujuro's body fully.

Alex after binding Chujuro saw that Chujuro was trying to use a jutsu but Alex didn't give Chujuro time and held Chujuro's head with both his hands and used

[Ice Release] to freeze Chujuro's head and with [Strength] crushed it killing Chujuro in the process.

After killing Chujuro, Alex used [Predator] on the body of Chujuro absorbing it and getting all his memories, knowledge, components, chakra and nature release.

After absorbing Chujuro, Alex changed into Chujuro and started working. But before Alex could start on the cursed paper work some shinobi's asked for the permission to come inside and Alex disguised like Chujuro would told them "Come inside".

The shinobi hearing the answered came inside the Mizukage office and sat on one knee while looking at the floor.

Alex disguised as Chujuro asked the shinobi "What is the problem?" .

One of the shinobi's told "Mizukage, Some of the shops have been damaged because of the heavy rain so they want the permission to move those to the unused place of the village".

Hearing this Alex disguised as Mizukage told "I allow it, Let them put there shops in the places they want without disturbing anyone".

Hearing this the shinobi's went outside while bowing. After they left Alex was relived as he thought someone had noticed but luckily he was not noticed as a imposter.

After taking some relief Alex started working on the cursed paper work.

After a few hours Alex finally finished the paper work and went outside to inform the secretary about the paper and after informing Alex went to the house of Chujuro that now belongs to him.

After arriving at the house Alex saw that the house is made of wood and cement, it has two floors and from the inside it has a living room, two bedroom, one guest room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

After checking the house, Alex went to his new bedroom and went to sleep. Alex could have gone to his own Dimension to sleep in his own mansion but Alex was not sure if shinobi's are watching him for his safety and if he uses [Dimension] then his chakra will disappear making the shinobi's suspect him.

1 month later..

Alex was in his dimension sleeping on his bed with his Slave Mitsuki.

Alex was able to use [Double] to make a copy of Chojuro and ordered him to do all the work for him while giving him the important information with [Telepath].

After some release from his Slave Alex got up from the bed and wore his clothes while doing his daily routine.

After doing his daily routine Alex went outside the mansion to the training ground to check on Deku. After reaching the training ground Alex saw that Deku was being trained by Mirko as Alex didn't want to disturb the training Alex left using [Dimension] to appear in his new house.

After deciding to get a power up, Alex used [Invisibility] to turn invisible, [Fierce Wings] combined with [Jet] to fly high in the sky and go towards Land of Demons.

Some people felt a kage level chakra from Mizukage's house but dismissed it as they thought it would be Mizukage but Alex didn't realise that some people noticed but he didn't care as his copy is there to take care of the situation.

It took Alex a day of continuous flying to reach the Land of Demons. After Alex reached near the village it was already night so some guards were guarding the entrance. Alex seeing the guards started walking towards them while keeping his hands inside the pocket of his pants.

As the guards saw the stranger they pointed there weapons towards him but before they could do anything they lost consciousness.

As Alex walked towards the guards while keeping his hands inside his pockets, Alex saw that the guards were pointing there weapon at him so Alex without taking his hands out of his pocket used [Ice Release] from his feet to freeze the full body of the guards.

After freezing them Alex used absorb to get all there memories, knowledge and components.

After absorbing them Alex found out about what he was looking for and used [Invisibility] and started walking towards the place.

After a while Alex finally reached the place, It was a big mansion with a lot of guards but in front of Alex none of them survived.

After killing and absorbing all the guards guarding the mansion Alex went inside to find that it had a long corridor, Alex went staring towards the first sliding door to find that it was a living room with a huge photo of three people.

The photo was of Shion her husband and her daughter.

Alex had come her to kill and absorb her power while getting the knowledge of seals.

While Alex was watching someone tried to attack Alex from the back but they were not successful at all as Alex used [Slide] to slide away from that place where the person attacked.

Alex seeing the face of the person was surprised as the person that attacked him was the same person in the photo, Shion's husband.

Alex after finding out who attacked used [Decay] to turn him into dust.

Shion who had heard noises from the outside told his husband to check who is there while she followed along. When she saw her husband attack someone she was scared so she kept a distance but when she saw that her husband was caught by someone's she was shocked. And started going towards the stranger to help her husband but before she could help, the stranger turned her husband into dust and she was so shocked that she lost her balance and fell on the floor.

Alex after killing Shion's husband, saw that Shion was sitting on the floor with a shocked face. Alex taking the change of the shock on Shion's face used [Fibre Master] to bind her fully from head to toe.

Alex seeing that she had no chance of using any tricks on him went near her and used [Compress] to turn her into marble. After turning her into a marble, Alex used [Storage] to store her.

After Alex stored the marble, Alex used [Search] to find her daughter and finally found her on her bad sleep piece.

But it didn't stay for long as Alex grabbed her head making her wake her from her sleep. As she was going to scream from help, Alex used [Electric Charger] on head making her body full of burns and slowly killing her in the process while she was screaming her heart out.

After killing her Alex used [Predator] on the child absorbing her and getting her memories and knowledge. But Alex didn't get anything useful other than small sealing technique as the child was 4 years old.

After not getting anything useful, Alex used [Hellfire] combined with [Blueflame] and used [Prominence Burn] to burn the building into ashes.

After burning the building Alex used

[Fierce Wings] combined with [Jet] and started flying a little far from the Land Of Demons.

After coming a little far, Alex used [Dimension] to go inside his dimension. After going inside the dimension Alex appeared inside his room in the mansion. Alex exited his room and went a little far away from the mansion and the training ground.

After Alex was not able to see the mansion any more Alex used his [Cement] to make a small building and used [Overhual] to shape a door.

After creating a small building, Alex went inside the building and used [Creation] to create a bright celling light and installed it on the celling of the building.

After making a celling light, Alex used [Storage] to bring out the marble of Shion. After bringing the marble out Alex cancelled the [Compress] making binded Shion appear from the marble.

Alex cut the ropes of the hand and before she could use them, Alex used [Cement] to bind both her hands farthest to one another on the wall.

Shion has pale lavender eyes and light blonde hair that falls past her thigh, She was wearing a yellow top and white fitting jacket and red pants that reached her knees.

Alex didn't wait any longer and tore her clothes and started raping her pussy. She shouted Alex to stop but Alex didn't care and continued to rape her. Shion had already shed a lot of tears for her husband's death and being raped by the person who killed her husband.

Alex didn't care what she thought, Alex continued to ram her pussy with his dick without stopping. Alex rapped her a day but she still didn't break so Alex had to use another and Alex got a idea, Alex used [Double] to make 4 copies of himself and told them to break her fully.

After giving the orders, Alex went back to the mansion to his room and slept there for a few hours.

After sleeping for few hours, Alex went outside to see that it was noon and thoght of checking on Deku.

Alex went outside the mansion to the training ground and saw that Deku was training while Mirko was standing beside Deku instructing him.

Alex seeing that Deku was training left them alone and used [Dimension] to go outside the dimension.

Alex appeared on a mountain a little far from Land of Demons, Alex didn't waste any more time and went for his next target...