
BL: Psychosense

Jones is just a kid who wants to be accepted. Throughout his whole life all he ever wanted was to be accepted. His parents viewed his as weak, never being able to match his older brother. They wanted to marry him off as soon as he turned twenty, saying he could at least procreate, right? His life shifts as the unthinkable happens to him. *** Gen Gen is a detective, and he investigates special crimes. After meeting and saving Jones, he continues being a detective. Three years later, murders break out all through Sunston. The MO had two pieces that matched a recent case. But that man is in prison. So who is it?

eonnisia · Horror
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Karma

The sound of droplets echoed in the dark shed, the rain outside masking the pleas for help.

A bare woman strapped to a metal chair, the chains only leaving room to clasp her fingers in pain. She had dark brown hair, just above her collar bone. Her freckles under her right eyelid shined when tears fell down her face.

Her lips were chapped from the incessant crying, her voice clearly sounding out her pain.

The man had no reason to, he just really liked her freckles. Walking up to her, he splashed cold water onto her, her wet hair sticking to her forehead.

"Why couldn't my freckles be as perfect as yours?" The man questioned.

Looking into her eyes, the man can see the panic. She's frozen. But too bad- he's not satisfied.

He turned the lights on, pulling on the long chain.

Looking at the milky skin, adorned with freckles, he knew it was going to be a good time.

Grabbing his black gloves from the small metal table, he approached her, slipping the gloves on. He didn't even realize the bloodlust filled grin on his face. It sent chills down the girls spine, clearly letting her know - she will not survive.

"No, please no. Let me live. I'll do anything that you want!"

A heart wrenching 'please' desperately echoed, only being met with chilling silence.

"It's going to be a long night.." The man chuckled, fingering the scalpel in his right hand.

The man reached for her ankle, abruptly twisting it. As she screamed, he smirked up at her.

"I'm just breaking a bone or two. I'm satisfied watching you scream. Be happy you came across me. I'll show you my love" The man whispered, twisting the girls wrists, the sound of the bones shattering resounding through the warehouse.

The girl couldn't scream anymore, the pain drove her crazy. All she could see is his eyes. Such pretty eyes - filled with such malevolence.

Suddenly the man reached into his pocket, pulling out a knife. The handle was closed, and he shook it open with a flick of his wrist.

The green and yellow striped pattern was the second last thing she saw- the first being the blade heading towards her body.



The next day:

Jones was sitting at his desk at the Police Academy, having just grabbed his phone from the lockbox. Putting his headphones in, he stared at his smart watch counting the time before classes were over.


After saying goodbye with my instructor, I start heading towards home. Thinking about stepping foot in that house makes me feel nauseous.

After arriving home, I can hear my mom on the phone, gossiping with her elite friends

'So pretentious' I thought

She glanced over at me, quickly muting the phone

"Make sure you take off your outside clothes and bathe"

"Yes mom, I know."

Mom chuckled,

"Did you hear about the murder last night? The news showed it in the segment earlier and I feel so bad. The poor girl was found in a field, wrapped up in a white sheet. They say she looked grotesque and that her bones were bent and shattered!"

Mom turned her back to me, clearly ending our conversation.

I turned and walked towards the laundry room.


After finishing the laundry, I washed up and went into my room.

I was looking at the picture posted of the victim on social media.

Such a shame, I thought.

I laid down in bed, falling into sleep. The sound of the instructors voice echoed in my dreams, demanding push ups.


Jones eyes shot open, the moon shining off his irises.

With the muffled sound of a window opening, the sound of feet landing on grass echoed through the night.



Sitting at the desk, I couldn't stop scratching at my eyes. Why do I feel like this?

It's weird, no matter how I think about it. While the case isn't the same in all aspects, the similarity is haunting me. While the crime was not sexually motivated in nature, extreme sadistic cruelty is evident. There were about 7 stab wounds from the previous case, but this one only contains one.

The knife used was different too. While the victim in the last case was stabbed 7 times, this victim, the murderer slit her throat seven inches. The knife used has been identified as a a gut hook - also known as a double edged skinning knife. While quick, the death was painful.

It's like the shell is the same but it's a different turtle.

Staring over at the other three files sitting at my desk, these look like child's play.

What is it? First folder: A man convicted of rape and possession of inappropriate and immoral videos of children was released after completing his good time. After he was released, he committed the same crime again against his neighbor. At 1am last night, he was mugged. His personal items were missing, and it seems he was beaten while putting up a resistance. Cause of death was a stab wound through the ear.

Second folder: a local rock climbing teacher who had been accused of selling drugs to minors and aiding traffickers managed to get off with only 6 months probation, on the condition of finishing community service. He did his service - at the children's center for cancer. He was found dead hanging in the Sunston hiking range, hanging on the edge with his neck twisted in the gear. It seems his harness snapped and in the process his neck was crushed. Accidental.

Third folder: a seventeen year old duo. They recently were attending court on allegations of bullying another student. Later the female student made other accusations, which were thrown out when the parents settled. The female student attempted to commit suicide, but instead is in a coma, it is unknown if she will wake due to the swelling in her brain. The two seventeen year olds seemed to get drunk, drive and crash into a building. They are both considered brain dead, with one hemorrhaging in his brain severely and the other boy ended up experiencing tachycardia due to his injuries, resulting in him not breathing for ten minutes until paramedics arrived and performed life saving measures. He may wake up, but it is unknown if he will be able to resume his quality of life.

Karma seems to be heavy this month.

I'll pass these off to Rook.