
Psychopath is reincarnated as an Angel

Everyone was astonished by her angelic beauty. A gift from the heavens, they said. However, behind those beautiful violet eyes, lie the souls of those who, in their past lives, shaped the world as they pleased. Two entities sharing a single body, embarking on an exciting quest for amusement in a world where uncertainty reigns. +1 chapters daily.

entropia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: Abel's trauma

— Lancaster Viscount's Mansion, days later.

The viscount, semi-naked, barely wore clothing that covered his crotch. On either side of him, two women laughed in a lascivious manner, whispering in his ears. The one on his right held a wine glass.

The atmosphere was disrupted by the sound of the door.

"Sir, Abel has arrived to... report."

Oh? Is it done already?

"Let him in."

The doors opened. An adventurer with a haggard face entered with two guards into the viscount's room.

"Did you finish the job?"


Why does he look like that? Is he unsatisfied?

"Hey! The viscount is talking to you, show some respect!"

"If it's about the payment, I'm sorry, but it's more than fair, I can't increase it."

"Because of you..."

The adventurer's whisper was barely audible.

"What? Speak cle-"

"BECAUSE OF YOU...!" He lunged at the viscount with a knife, but he was interrupted by the guards. The women on either side of the viscount panicked and moved to the corners of the room.

"What do you think you're doing!?"


"What are you talking about?"

"All my friends were killed by that damn wild beast..."

"When we found the blockage, it showed up."

"A damn beast killed my entire group! You never told me such a monster would be there!"

"Tch... I don't understand..."


The guards proceeded to punch Abel in the gut, leaving him breathless. Then they forcibly removed him from the room. One of the guards took a bag that the adventurer had been clutching in one of his hands and stayed in the room.

"Curse them all... savages."

"My lord... Apparently, there was an enchanted rock blockade in the river that purified the water. This prevented pollution from the river causing problems in the neighboring fief. From what we could gather, a race from beyond appeared and killed all the adventurers we sent, except Abel, who seems to have suffered great trauma from the situation."

"A beast killed them all?" Impossible... Those adventurers were known to be the heroes of the fief! They slaughtered groups of up to 40 soldiers; it makes no sense for a single person to kill them...

"Yes. According to his words, the beast wanted to feast on the meat they were preparing while removing the magic from the river."


"It sounds quite illogical... Most likely, it was sent by the lord of his fief to prevent the removal of the barricade."

"Also, he brought this."

The guard emptied the bag onto a table in front of the viscount. Chains, rings, and other accessories belonging to Abel's friends fell out.

Damn it... I underestimated you, filthy baron.

"Curse it!" He stood up and with a shove, flipped the table, breaking it upon impact with the floor.

He must have kidnapped Vivian after learning of our plans... I must avenge her!


"Yes, sir?"

"Cancel all plans to poison the river water."

"At your command." My lord canceling his plans? What could he be thinking?

— Courtenay Mansion Garden.

Ai would be writing what appeared to be a book while sipping tea.

Ahhh... This is the best. A peaceful and hedonistic life...

She leaned back in her chair, her hands behind her neck.

My mana manipulation has improved significantly; I'm starting to create small metal formations that would have been very expensive to make before. If things continue at this rate, I'll soon be able to bring objects that use the technology from my old world.

Ai glanced around, making sure no one was nearby.

"All right... Here I go." She closed her eyes and began to recite.

[Atomic property: Redefining H2 properties to generate C...]

A structure similar to the aerogel from her past life... A figure that reduced mana consumption while maintaining its properties thanks to its shape... This way, she could achieve something similar to the carbon nanotubes from her past life...

After a few seconds, the spell was complete. Soon, the black structure would break into pieces and dust.

It's not enough... They need to be hollows so small that they don't affect the properties...

"Once more."

[Atomic property: Redefining H2 properties to g-]"

"Miss? What are you doing?" A servant interrupted her magic.


"All right, all right..." She patted her head.

"What happened?"

"Your father will have a banquet at home tonight... Many important people will be coming."


"Yes... And he bought some new sweets that have become very popular in the last week. Do you want to try them?"


"Good girl..."

Does she think I'm a dog? Beyond that, a banquet at a baron's house? So sudden?

"Let's go try on your dresses! It'll be your first time at a party."

Vivian took Ai's hand and headed briskly inside the mansion.

— A little later, in Ai's room.

Multiple servants were running back and forth in the room. Dresses were scattered on Ai's bed and table.

"It's ready, miss! Look in the mirror."

I've been trying on dresses for two hours...

"Ooh!" Without a doubt, I have to say that this body is very beautiful; in my previous world, I would have been a celebrity.

Ai wore heels and a violet dress adorned with glitter that matched her left eye, which seemed to shine. Her servants looked at her, falling in love.

"Thank you for helping me!"

"It's our job, young miss..."

"Could you give me some time alone?"

"Eh? Of course. Let us know if you need anything." She's usually quite solitary, despite her age...

The servants began to put the dresses away in the wardrobe. After a few minutes, they finished tidying the room and left.

This banquet really smells fishy, so I need to make sure.

Ai focused and soon entered an unconscious state, falling to her knees in front of her bed.

"Miyamoto... Are you there?"


"Can you do something without your sword?" I don't think I can carry combat artifacts under this tight dress.

"No problem."

"Hmm... Can you be more detailed?"

"I've learned to use the magic of this world, and I can generate mana swords if necessary."

"Mana swords? I see..." Actually, I don't see, but I guess I'll let it be.

Ai returned to reality and stood up.

"Ah... I hit my nose..."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A butler entered the room.

"Miss, the banquet is about to begin..." This girl is truly beautiful...

"Ahem... Would you like an escort?"
