
PSYCHO... ( Dead brain , dead heart )

Fallen deep into the ocean of the darkness is hope , even for the dead . Being a breech between the world of the dead and living , she finds love . Lost in a cursed life , treated as a lunatic , followed by a ghost , her life changes to knew turns . Orphan , mad , unlovable , she becomes the a mornach . An eternal mornach , an eclipse of the present and past .... ____________ Love , hate , Envy Everyone has a dark side I'm the villian Do you still love me...... DO YOU??????

Susana_true_mensah · History
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Dinner went in the same procedure as always ." Food was perfect , eaten in silence " .

" Jing , where's Sichen and Liwei . Aren't they down for dinner yet " - Mother Ji asked , worried why her sons weren't joining them for breakfast .

" Young master Liwei has already left for office but l haven't seen elder master Sichen yet " .

"He might be on his room then . Tired from his flight . Jing , please kindly send him some food . Do inform him about Yichen's arrival " - Mrs . Ji instructed , wiping the food stains off her lips .

" Yes madam " - Mo Jing replied semi - conciously lost in thought .

" We would be going then " . Mrs . Ji said before walking out the gigantic doors of Ji Manor with her husband .


Few hours later ,

Knock knock !!! knock knock !!!

Mo Jingyu was in her working uniform . She held onto the serving tray , trying to open the door infront of her at the same time .

" Good morning..... "

Mo Jingyu entered , she was happily welcomed by the back view of a shirtless man .


As always , Ji Sichen woke up early morning inorder to complete some works . He decided to take a nap but never occurred to him that it would be more that that .

" Four hours !! Fours continuous good hours just for a nap !!! He might be truly mad if he called it one ".

Knock knock !! knock knock !!

Heard a knock on the door , he got on the bed shirtlessly , pretending to be asleep thinking it was his over - dramatic mother (Xie Ling ) . But listening to the sweet melodious voice that welcome him into the day , he immediately realized he was wrong .


Thinking he was asleep , Mo Jingyu quietly walked into the room . Putting the serving tray down on Ji Sichen's working table , she went closer to wake him up .

" Elder young master Ji , elder m..."

Mo Jingyu sat closer to Ji Sichen on the bed , trying to wake him up . After being unsuccessful , she turned to leave herself being pinned down against the soft fluffy bed . The manly scent of wool hit her noise feel the soft moist lips against hers .

" Mmm!! l missed you love " - he said .

" Me too " - she replied , remember the lonely days she spent all alone without his warmth and comfort .

" You need to get up now "- she said , trying to discourage Ji Sichen as he hid his head in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent . She knew that if she let him be , it wouldn't take seconds for him to fall asleep .

" Xiao Chen , get up " - Ji Sichen grinned hearing Mo Jingyu call him intimately . His arms tightened around her waist pulling her closer towards himself , feeling her warmth . Only God knew how much he hated hearing her call him " Elder young master Ji " .

The name did not only give him creeps and goosebumps but made him always fell as if they were a thousand world's apart . Far away to reach each other .

( That name , only made him concious of who he was and who she was truly meant to be to him ).