
Self defence gone worst

Moon jo does not let go of her arm and turns to her:"Please,stay and chat for a minute.I know that you like me."

Kim hee was now frustrated by his act.

Kim said" I'm not here to make friends. Just leave me."

She pulled her arm and ran out of the room.

Moon jo ran and grab her arm onec again:

"Well,maybe we can be friends with benefits?

Seo moon jo grins mischievously and get closer to her.

He whispers in her ear:"I like shy girls.so let me show you how real man can treat a girl like you."

Kim hee; Stop this nonsense and leave me she try to push him away.

Moon jo doesn't stop and said:"Maybe you're one of those that like to play hard to get?"

He touched her on her cheeks and moves a little closer to her neck.

She slap him and warned him to stay away.

Moon jo is taken by surprise by her slap:"What the hell?"

He looks at her shocked:"That was unnecessary. I like it."

He laughs and puts his arm around her waist.

And keep molesting he.

Kim hee be came more and more angry and frustrated.

She push him and punch him in he face and run away.

She ran out of the building.

Moon jo is bleeding heavily from his nose:"What the hell is wrong with this f*****b****!"

He followed her and catch up with her:"Now that's what I call an attitude."

He grabs her shoulder and tryingto kiss her.

She fight back she grabs a shaft from ground and hit him hard on his head and said:"Take that you son of a b****!"

Moon jo fall to the ground and lies there unconscious.

Blood is flowing out of his had a bit.

Kim hee have many bruises on her face and arms.

She noticed someone is watching her.

Its Eom bak the dorm supervisor (the old lady).

She stands stunned and speechless, then calls out: " What have you done?!?".

Kim hee: " Your asking me? He is the one molesting me. Didn't you see that?"

Eom bak:"I saw everything. You've almost killed that man."

Eom bak steps towards Kim Hee and said:

" You're in big trouble,Miss."

She points to the gate.

Two police officers standing there.

One of them has his radio to his face.

The police officers calls into the radio:"Command, we've got her".

Kim was shocked and said:"Hey why are you saying that I'm the victim here."

Eom bak quickly talks to the police and then turns to kim then officer said:"Miss, Please put your arms behind your back. The officer is getting the handcuffs".

Kim:" But i was defending myself."

Officer:"You just took things way too far,Miss.

Yes it's true that this man harassed you and it was an emergency situation.

But the thing is you almost killed him, even though you cloud have escaped in a different way."

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