
Chapter 22 The Unfairness of The World

They all went to another pathway and Blake notices something and it looks like a village that was being covered over by fire benders.

"What is going on?"

They were watching from the bushes and they were looking at the village and they was all earth benders.

"They got the earth benders all on a metal ground."

"Wait, can they just metal bend them?"

"No, they haven't learned the skill yet."

"Yeah, that means the fire nation is in charge of the earth kingdom."

"Yeah, that is what happening?"

"Look, we need to spilt up and I going to the city." Amber said

"Ight then. We help them and we meet up in the city."

"Okay. We gone."

Amber and Lillen had left them behind and they will meet them at the city and then they travel up to the mountains and they look down at the city and there was the city.

"This is amazing."

The clouds were like a fresh summer breeze and they were looking at the city and their was a bird flying in the air and they were looking down at the blue ocean and the whales were swimming.

"This must be the road that must lead to the city."

Amber look down from the mountains and said, "Let hurry up and get there before nighttime."

They went down the mountain and Lillen wanted Nicky to see all this.

"Hey, Amber."

"Yeah, what up."

"I always thought you were strong."

"Thank you."

"I'm serious. You help me and then I couldn't really do anything against that crazy nightmares."

"What that not true. You were the one that helps me out and also Nicky too."

"But I just did what you did and I was so scared afterward."

Amber hugs her.

"That is something that is always scary for everyone and I must let you rest and don't feel that fear."

Lillen starts to cry but Amber said, "Please stop okay. We need to stay focus."

"Okay, I understand."

"Good, but we need to look for something that we can blend in with the crowd and also I don't know how Blake and Danny got their beings out of their cards and we don't even have ours out too."

"We need to understand that we need to listen to our cards."

"We will in time but how can we even do that."

"I don't know but I think they might be a way to look into our cards soul and they will hear us."

"Yeah, but why would we need them to come out of the cards, because if it something that is dangerous then we might have a problem."

"But we got the ancient cards and then we are emperors too."

"Yeah, we may be emperors but there is also a way that our cards can be evil."

"So how do we do it then?"

"We just wait and listen then Lillen and then we go with your understanding of the cards."


They travel on the road and they see that there was a wagon and they were traveling to the city and Amber wave them down.

"Hey there, are you going to the city?"

"Yeah, I going to the city where you going to."

"We also going to the city I was just wondering if we can get a ride with you and also do you have some clothes for us to borrow."

"Yeah of course."

They change clothes and they were heading to the city.

"You do know that there is a president here that brings down the wrath of his authority to anyone that tries to do anything bad in the city. If I was you I will be careful and stay out of the eyes of the polices."

"So the president what is he like."

"He is a good man but he has time when he doesn't use anything."

"What do you mean?"

"I meaning that there isn't any crime here at all."

"Hardly any crime."

"Yeah, that because he is a fire bender and he challenges anyone who has a problem with his authority can challenge him."

"I see. So what should we do about that then."

"I don't know but I do know that you better stay low if you not strong enough."

"Thanks for the information and we be careful."

"Please do."

They had entered the dirt road and they had made it to where the city is close by and then there was an attack and there were bandits.

"Hey there. Old man."

"I don't have any money." The old man was shaking and he was trying to get down his horse and he was looking at them with fear.

Amber and Lillen were looking at the old man and see him shaking.


"Come on old man. We need cash."

"If you want cash then go get a job."

"What you say bitch."

"Oh, you so rude but I want you to tell me why you doing this so I going to hurt your balls."


Amber had gone down and he kicks him in the balls and then they bend but Amber slash the earth bender rock throw and she spins her spear and blocks it.

"You call that an attack." She went and hold the others down with her sleeping gas and they went to sleep all but one and she asks him, "why are you robbing an elder man for?"

"We just needed some money. That all."

"So why you don't ask instead of taking his stuff. He works hard for those ideas and when you steal them then you are taking everything from him and that is something you want."

"No, I just wanted to feed my family but I don't know what to do and when I did ask then nobody offer me any money and so I start stealing and I got the money that I need to feed my family."

"Yeah, what will happen if your family sees you die and what will they think when they see you steal this stuff and you in the ground. What will they do if you die?"

"I think they will cry and they will probably die."

"Is that what you want?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry to me. Say it to him and mean it."

"I'm sorry that I try to steal from you I hope you can forgive me."

"Hell no, you try to rod me and you want to be forgiven. No, I want that bastard to get killed for his crimes."

"What?" Amber was surprised by the elder man.

"Why you said that for? He was just trying to feed his family."

"So what? That not my problem. I got scared and I was going to get killed if you weren't here and if you weren't then he would kill me and take this wagon."

"You right but that doesn't mean he deserves judgment."

"What? He is a criminal."

"Why are you saying those things?"

"What going on here?" The police came up and they ask what happen.

"This theft was trying to rob me and she was going to forgive him."

"What a theft?"

The police grab him and they see that there is something different about this police a few minutes ago.

"What is are doing?"

"We arrest this criminal. Do want to press charges?"

"Yes, officer."

"Wait, but what about his family?"

"Who cares about that he should never try to steal."

"But he was just trying to feed his family." Amber watch while he had been drag away and he said, "Please, go see my family for me and take care of them."

"I will. Where are they?"

"Ask the man at the store for the Williams family."


She watches them take them away and the elder man rode off.

"Wait, sir."

"No, you two go and stay there. You were trying to save a criminal. You two are fools."

He took off and he was quite angry and he left.

"What just happen?" Lillen said

"That is what you called unforgiven."


"Because the people here don't believe in forgiveness and so they had look at anyone as a criminal if they do something that isn't right."

"That is just cruel but also unfair."

"Life is never fair Lillen." Amber said