
Psycho Outer

The story centers on Four boys who are subjected to experiments by incorporating demonic genes into themselves. And because his eyes are the eyes of the devil he is feared by those around him. And with the help of the demon that resides in his eyes, Four tries to become a strong person to avoid suffering.

The_Alioth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The sound of metal objects clinking was heard. A cold room with only candles lit.

Three boys fell asleep on different tables with their hands and feet tied to the table. Also seen are several people with hoods standing in front of the door, while another person removes one of the children's eyeballs and then replaces them with different eyeballs.

"This will be the beginning of human evolution." Smiling, one of the men put an eyeball on the boy.

A few seconds after his eyes were attached, the boy's body gave strange symptoms, his breathing began to become erratic and slowly the part of his brain began to expand and then explode.

The horrific incident witnessed by two other children, accompanied by low cries.

"Tch failed again, fortunately we have two male subjects" the person continued.

Then he continued to the second child. do the same as the first child, but does not show symptoms.

The child is breathing normally, although unconscious.

" hah, here it is... this child is suitable, take him to room 4c " The man ordered the hooded man to take the boy to a different room.

"Now it's the male's turn."

The last child couldn't stop crying, but couldn't scream.

The person started doing his activities, he opened the boy's eyes forcefully, and took them out one by one.

However, because the child was a little rebellious, the two eyeballs that were in the glass case fell. Slowly the gray eyeballs turned completely black.

"Damn, that's the last sample, heh damn"

He then saw a different glass container located in a special place.

"Ice emperor… no no, he can't possibly withstand his strength, even a tier 2 demon is nearly impossible to contain, well with the exception of the female from earlier, the Ice Emperor is a catastrophe level demon, it would be a waste to fail…"

Seeing that the boy was already unconscious due to his eyes being pulled out and his breathing starting to weaken, the man had no other choice but to use the Ice Emperor's eyes as a sample. He took the eye out of the glass case and put it on the boy.

" This is a rare sample, so at least it fits " While waiting for the reaction to occur.

little by little the child's breathing was getting faster, his nose and ears were bleeding, after a while his breathing returned to stable, and did not show any other symptoms.

"Did it work...?" The man wondered.

After confirming that the child is no longer showing symptoms and breathing normally, he can't believe it.

"Hahaha, this will really be the evolution of humans, the merging of the DNA of humans and demons is successful." The man danced happily.

" Bring the child to room 4c " Again ordering the hooded man.

The two children were placed in separate glass cages.

After a few days had passed the two children had come to their senses.

They both continued to cry.




The days have passed a month already the two children are in glass cages.

The girl showed something very hard to believe. he can fly.

"Hahahaha, this mutation really works, it's not just a theory, humans are also capable of having the same power as demons"

"But why hasn't the male subject shown any change at all..?"

"Si.. Sir, Subject 4ca is not without change, take a look." One of the hooded people pointed at the machine in front of him.

"So that's how it is, he also showed it." The man stared at the number 0 degrees on the machine.

But suddenly a loud noise came from outside the room.

"Sir this is bad... chu..church troops are here!!" Someone opened the door and informed the man.

" What!!! Don't let them get here! " The man ordered.

Minutes later the computer operating the glass cage and other equipment shuts down.

"Shit, even though it's come this far"

Due to the unexpected blackout, the two glass cages opened, also the glass anti-magic restraint died, The girl took the opportunity to escape, she smashed the roof and fled by flying. While the boy was still in the corner terrified, he wept softly.

The chaos grew bigger, the boy ran crying towards the man.

With a slight touch the man froze. and at the same time the church troops also reached the room. with the lanterns of the troops opened the door and the fans were surprised to see that the man had frozen.

Surprised, the boy also froze the church troops then fled from the place. He ran through the pile of corpses and out, without looking back he continued running deep into the forest.

Until he was exhausted and fell, with tears still flowing he tried to get up, but his consciousness slowly disappeared and fainted.