

Mukuro, a child born in the lab is injected with a mysterious substance granting him with extraordinary abilities. Will he use these powers for good or for darker purposes?

kilomachia · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

1 of 1.

"AHHHHHH!!" A woman with raven hair screamed from a hospital room. She was currently in a hospital bed giving birth, "He's almost out Yoko, just push a little harder!" A Caucasian doctor yelled as Yoko pushed and eventually the baby popped out.

The doctor handed Yoko her son and the tears wouldn't stop flowing from her eyes just as the cries of her son wouldn't cease, "Your name will be Mukuro, Mukuro-" Before Yoko could give her son a surname, a bullet went straight through her head. Blood splatters on Mukuro making him cry louder, "Proceed with the tests right away, and shut that goddamn baby up," The Caucasian doctor from before said in a monotone as he took off his gloves and left the room.

Mukuro was immediately transported to a deeper level of the facility. The nurse who was holding him handed him off to a crew of white-coated scientists and he was placed on a steel metal table.

"Proceeding with Operation GRB..." A blonde-haired scientist said into a tape recorder before having an IV drip be placed in Mukuro's arm. The bag that was hanging was full of a black substance with white particulates. The substance soon began to flow down the tube and into Mukuro's bloodstream, "Injecting 1000mg of XCP4, the subject is showing zero signs of reactivity."

The black substance, XCP4, flowed into Mukuro's body and transformed him down to his genetic code. His veins, capillaries, muscles, blood cells, organs, bones, and tissue, all turned pitch black with white dots. On the outside, Mukuro looked fine and was reacting like a normal baby would to a foreign object, with curiosity followed by tears.

"Looks like the first dosage won't have much effect, we'll wait until tomorrow to give him another. Double the dosage, and make sure you take a blood sample," The blonde scientist said as she left the room. One scientist drew blood from Mukuro and instead of his blood being black it was the regular crimson color a human should have. The scientist then called in for a caretaker who breastfed Mukuro before they put him to sleep for the night.

The doctor who drew Mukuro's blood saw it under a microscope and was in awe. So, he called in his buddies along with the lead scientist, "Ma'am you have to take a look at this," He beckoned her over to the microscope. When she placed her eye over the lens she was confused, "What am I supposed to be looking at exactly?"

"Oh, one moment," The doctor grabbed a syringe full of a clear liquid, "This syringe is full of the Rabies virus, now watch this," The doctor injected the Rabies into the same petri dish as Mukuro's blood and what happened next astonished the lead scientist.

When rabies attacked Mukuro's blood cells, they were not affected and absorbed the virus like it was nothing. This same thing happened for every disease and virus they placed into the petri dish.

"Truly astonishing, this level of resistance shouldn't be possible in any human, let alone a newborn. If this is due to only 1000mg of XCP4, imagine what'll happen when he gets the complete dosage..." The lead scientist said into her tape recorder.


"Injecting 2000mg of XCP4 into the subject," The black substance made its way into Mukuro's body once again only this time its effects were more apparent. The facility began to violently shake and large cracks began to spiderweb throughout the room Mukuro was in. Mukuro began to float and white energy traveled throughout his body until it came out of his mouth and eyes.

The doctors watched this from behind the glass, and although they were a little spooked about the shaking when inhabiting the world with a man who could lift an entire building, that was just Tuesday for them.

Inside Mukuro's body, the XCP4 began to covalently bond with his cells, nourishing them with the energy equivalent to the birth of a star. His muscles strung together and became tougher than any material on planet Earth, and his skin hardened while also keeping its softness. Due to the sheer amount of energy present in his cells, his body began to naturally produce a thin layer of bio-electric aura just above his skin, acting as a second skin. Although Mukuro's body went through a lot, the sheer amount of energy in his body hasn't even been dented by 1%, with most of it laying dormant due to Mukuro's age and his body creating a natural self-inhibitor so he won't kill himself prematurely.

After the theatrics, Mukuro's body safely floats back down onto the table and he falls soundly asleep. The scientists began taking notes on what happened today and went one of them went to go take another blood sample, the syringe wouldn't pierce Mukuro's skin.

"It appears the subject has gained some form of enhanced durability, if he was a little older, we could test if he also gained enhanced strength, speed, or reflexes, but alas, the substance doesn't work well with adults," The lead scientist said with a bit of chagrin into her tape recorder. As she finished recording, her door opened, and a tall black man in a suit walked in. The lead scientist immediately stood up as the man began to speak.

"Emma, how's the development on my weapon going? I've already lost one, if I lose this one it'll be your ass," The black man said sternly which made Emma cower in fear, "Uh, well, um, it's going well sir he's gained some form of enhanced durability and our needles can't pierce his skin. We are also theorizing that he may have incredible regenerative capabilities or at least an extreme resistance to disease." The black man nodded at the information he was given, "If that's the case then triple the dosage, I want this kid to be as powerful as possible, especially since that Phase 1 died a few days ago, so Phase 1.5 should do better if he dies as well, I'll put you in a test tube..." His voice was laced with cold apathy and the room was silent even after he walked out.

"Goddamnit..." Emma said silently as she rallied up her crew and had them gather 6000mg of XCP4, "Boss, are you sure about this? We already injected him with enough XCP4 to probably knock out Omni-Man!" A brown-haired scientist exclaimed and Emma sighed and shook her head, "You think I don't fucking know that?! As much as I want these trials to go slower, Erickson is on my ass about wanting his weapon ready and if the little shit dies we'll be next! And you know what XCP4 will do to an adult human, so inject the little shit, or we'll be the ones on that table..."

The room went quiet and the only noise was the beeping of the heart rate monitor, "Alright...begin injections..." The brown-haired scientist from before ordered and the black substance made its way into Mukuro's system again, only this time the effects were a lot more severe.

Mukuro's heart rate begin to spike and his little body began to convulse, "Ah shit! Somebody stop that kid from dying!" Emma yelled as one of the scientists ran in to try and save Mukuro. Once the scientist got near Mukuro, who had grabbed his finger, his entire body was engulfed in flames.

"AHHHHHH, HELP ME FUCKIN HELP ME!!" The scientist yelled but it was futile as he turned into ash. Emma and her team stood in shock as they watched one of their own die right in front of them. Mukuro's heart rate calmed down and he stopped convulsing. He went through more noticeable physical changes, such as his hair becoming pitch black and his eyes also becoming black with an eerie white cross for pupils.

Mukuro stared at the scientist with the amount of curiosity a baby would have before his body began to float and was cocooned in dark energy, zipping away at incomprehensible speeds.

"We are so dead..." Emma said as she fell to her knees in shock, awe, and fear.