
Psychic Passions and Desires

Book 2 in the Pot of Gold series Laura receives an invitation to act in a film in Europe and soon she and her husband Blake lose their daughter to a kidnapper. Jacqueline uses her new-found psychic skills to locate her friend Laura’s abducted baby and tries to heal Enrique, Laura’s wealthy film producer. She and her friends have experiences in haunted houses while they act on a film. Then Jacqueline meets up with a champion dancer who turns out to be a dangerous witch. Victoria, the witch leads Jacqueline into experiencing disturbing episodes of magic. She’s fiercely jealous of Jacqueline and wants to destroy her at all costs because Jacqueline is a clairvoyant as well as a good dancer. Jacqueline and her friends employ all their spiritual skills to ward off Victoria’s vicious magic attacks. When Jacqueline and her friends visit one of Victoria’s former victims, a lover who rejected her, they meet up with Victoria’s grandmother in a forest. Eventually, they discover that Victoria’s grandmother is a doe in the forest by day and a beautiful, young female spy at night. So, Jacqueline and her friends must now develop new skills to conquer Victoria’s grandmother who was thought to be dead years ago. They have difficulty keeping up with her advanced skills in witchcraft though.

Charlotte_PLambert · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Jacqueline questions her gifts

"I will get back to you then if anything else happens," Jacqueline responded as she ended the call in a daze.

"Did I hear you mention someone with cancer?" Adam asked immediately.

"It's a dream that I had, so we're not exactly sure what this man is suffering from," Jacqueline replied. It was all too overwhelming for her. She had thought that everything was going to be like a new hobby. Now there were such serious issues right at the beginning of her venture.

"Life and death issues are too deep for me now," she mumbled.

"Don't mention any illness during the wedding festivities. Some people will think it's a sign of bad luck. You know how some folks are," Adam whispered.

"It's really weird. I don't want to be responsible for someone's health."

"You could be responsible for their healing," Adam responded with his eyes lighting up.

"I think it can't just happen as a result of a dream. I'm sure there's some kind of guru stuff involved like plants and herbs, for instance. I can't see myself doing that."

"Maybe it isn't. But, look on the bright side of this. Imagine all the fame and fortune you can gather by healing diseases like cancer?"

"No, are you seriously thinking about fortune in relation to this? When I'm at my wits end with stress. I'm responsible for the things I see and dream.

Why is this my gift in life?"

"Don't question. You're fulfilling your purpose. This is a dream life like Carminda's," Adam tried to explain with his hands folded together in a plea.

"I don't want to get rich like her."

"But, do you have a choice?"

"I suppose not," Jacqueline responded.

"Then let's get some champagne to get you out of your shock and fears."


Laura and Blake were inside of their suite at the guesthouse in France.

"It's unbelievable. I'm back in Europe, but this time in an entirely different place and an entirely different circumstances!" Laura exclaimed. She walked onto the balcony and threw her hands up into the air.

"Yes, it's a blessing!" Blake exclaimed as he swung Monique up into the air.

"Just being here is a reward in itself," Laura remarked.

"Yes, to think that I'm actually gonna have my first movie along with my wife. My debut into the film industry and I don't even have a modeling background," Blake added, shaking his head in disbelief.

"We're lucky that they considered my request. But this is great, even if it never happens again," Laura remarked as she stared out onto the city.

"Yes, well, take it one day at a time. So far, there's no danger. We're hopefully gonna film without a hitch."

"We just have to remember our lines, though."

"Yes, that's the main challenge, I think. Otherwise I'm looking forward to frequent wardrobe changes."

"I never knew you were so fond of dashing clothes," Laura remarked just as her phone began to ring.

"Hi, Carminda, we're getting settled in, yes," Laura responded when she answered her phone.

"Oh, so we have to meet a businessman who's sponsoring the movie?" Laura asked next.

"Yes, he makes perfumes amongst other things, I just found out," Carminda announced on her end of the call.

"Oh, that will be so wonderful! Is he on his way here?"

"Yes, so just freshen up quickly. Blake as well. He will want to see both of you," Carminda responded. She did not want to assume that the perfume manufacturer could be the businessman that Jacqueline had seen in her dream. If that was the case then she would have to tell Laura about his story at some stage.

"We will do that, thanks," Laura responded with a quick glance at Blake who was watching her attentively.

"Just tell me what you think about him afterwards," Carminda added.


"I'm not so sure, but it seems as if Laura is already gonna meet the businessman from your dream," Carminda announced when she called Jacqueline the next moment.

"What? That's amazing! That means that I was right. I mean the dream was on target!" Jacqueline exclaimed excitedly.

"You see. Your dreams or visions will align with what you had on your mind or in your heart. I'm glad that you know that now. But, what are we going to do with what we know about him?"

"You said that Laura is going to meet him now. So that means that he is a successful businessman and he can be helped by us while he offers Laura and her husband a film debut opportunity."

"You mean the healing that we were talking about?" Jacqueline asked. Her excitement level dropped as she spoke.

"Yes and we will find a way to heal him if we focus hard. You could even do it by yourself. You never know what you're capable of until you put yourself to the test," Carminda continued in a hopeful tone.

"I guess it sort of makes me responsible if I'm the one who had the dream and I saw the pain that he was in."

"Exactly! And your motives are pure. So, whatever you gain from this can only be good and lasting. If you some kind of cure which comes from hypnosis or whatever you find out, then you will have made a big difference in this man's life."

"I realize that I will have to attend some kind of training or at least read up on it," Jacqueline responded with a calm mind this time she did not feel so overwhelmed anymore.

"That's right. I think that you dreamt about a sick person because you possess the gift to heal him. I haven't done healing yet. I've only helped to change destinies.

So, read up whatever you need to and I'm sure that you will find an answer soon," Carminda said in an excited tone.