
Psychic Passions and Desires

Book 2 in the Pot of Gold series Laura receives an invitation to act in a film in Europe and soon she and her husband Blake lose their daughter to a kidnapper. Jacqueline uses her new-found psychic skills to locate her friend Laura’s abducted baby and tries to heal Enrique, Laura’s wealthy film producer. She and her friends have experiences in haunted houses while they act on a film. Then Jacqueline meets up with a champion dancer who turns out to be a dangerous witch. Victoria, the witch leads Jacqueline into experiencing disturbing episodes of magic. She’s fiercely jealous of Jacqueline and wants to destroy her at all costs because Jacqueline is a clairvoyant as well as a good dancer. Jacqueline and her friends employ all their spiritual skills to ward off Victoria’s vicious magic attacks. When Jacqueline and her friends visit one of Victoria’s former victims, a lover who rejected her, they meet up with Victoria’s grandmother in a forest. Eventually, they discover that Victoria’s grandmother is a doe in the forest by day and a beautiful, young female spy at night. So, Jacqueline and her friends must now develop new skills to conquer Victoria’s grandmother who was thought to be dead years ago. They have difficulty keeping up with her advanced skills in witchcraft though.

Charlotte_PLambert · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A terrible dream of revelation

Chapter 4: A terrible dream of revelation


"Why am I awake? I need the bathroom, I suppose," Jacqueline mumbled to herself in confusion. 

She then pushed her feet into the slippers in front of her bed and went to the bathroom.

"That music is still playing, so whoever is playing it is still awake. I wonder who it is. That means that it's not so late yet," she told herself. 

"I had too many fluids to drink. That's what caused me to wake up," she thought to herself in the bathroom. 

"I will just have to go back to sleep quickly or I will be tired in the morning," she thought after using the bathroom. 

"I wonder who's playing that music, though?" she whispered to herself.

Back in bed, Jacqueline got ready to dose off again when she remembered something.

"Wait, it's a dream that woke me up. A disturbing dream but not a nightmare."

She sat up and tried to think. She clearly recalled seeing a middle-aged man and many bottles of perfume. 

The man had something to do with the perfume. Then, also in the dream, she saw the same man at a music concert. He seemed to be enjoying a lot of attention. Like a celebrity.

"Does this have anything to do with Laura and her future in the film industry? I didn't see her anywhere in the dream, so who is this businessman that I saw? Does he have anything to do with Laura?"

Jacqueline lay back down again.

"Maybe I'm still going to meet him, or is this just a random dream? The lady in the hut in Brazil had explained to me that nothing in my life would be mere coincidence, though. 

But what if the dream is a consequence of that music that's playing so constantly through the night? That would account for the music concert in the dream, but then where does the man and the perfume come from? Did I have any unusual experiences with perfume in the past?" Jacqueline asked herself as she drifted off to sleep again.

When she fell asleep for the second time, Jacqueline saw the businessman in a dream again. But this time he was covered with something that looked like white sores all over his body.

He smiled at the people while he hid his pain. Jacqueline wanted to ask him why he didn't ask for help from all the people around him.

Then she saw the same man in another setting. He was holding a pen in his hand and he was bent over a long piece of paper as he wrote something onto it. Jacqueline noticed that there were many desk top computers in the same venue. Then she saw laptops and cellphones. So many of them that she lost count.

When she looked up from all the technology gadgets, Jacqueline saw a big movie screen. She noticed that there is a film playing with sad music in the background. She wondered why the music was so sad and then her eyes were drawn back to the businessman, who was now in a bedroom and he seemed to be crying. She looked at his body and noticed that the sores on his body were now bleeding.

When Jacqueline woke up later, she remembered the dream clearly. 

"It had a clear message and so it's not possible to forget it," she told herself as she combed her hair. 

"I didn't dream about Laura and a movie connected to her. So, I suppose I'm still gonna find out who this man in the dream is. I wonder why I didn't dream about Laura's film offer?" she asked herself in confusion. 

"Anyway, I guess everything happens at the right time. Maybe I will still get some kind of message about Laura if I just focus on the situation more," she thought.

Jacqueline was ready for the day's wedding festivities, however. There were already many excited voices and noises around. 

"This is gonna be such an exciting day!" she thought to herself with a strong sense of anticipation as she sprayed on perfume, ready to leave her bedroom and join the others. 

"Wait, let me write the dream down, just to be sure that I don't forget it," she told herself. She picked up her phone and began to type out the dream.

There was a knock on her door soon afterwards.

"Yes, I'm coming out in just a minute," Jacqueline called out.

"I'm just checking that you've not overslept," Adam answered from the other side of the door. He sounded cheerful.

"No, I'm all ready and set to join everyone," Jacqueline replied.


"So, are you ready for the trip? You've bought more traveling clothes than I have," Laura remarked as she looked at Blake who was fitting on a new jacket.

"As soon as they confirm that we're gonna have proper body guards and a good nanny for Monique. I will then be very happy to go immediately," Blake responded as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"They got our list of requirements and they know that I was kidnapped to Europe not too long ago. So, I don't think that they will take chances on our safety. Anyway, I'm keeping them on their toes about our needs," Laura responded as she began to inspect her own wardrobe.

"Why don't they get me a role in the movie as well, then they don't have to worry about finding me some other occupation to pass the time?" Blake asked. He made a few poses in front of the mirror which made Laura laugh.

"Well, if you feel confident about yourself then just be bold and ask them," she responded with a chuckle. 

"I'm going to phone Shannon and ask her then," Blake responded with a determined nod at himself in the mirror.

"Do you know how much preparation they're actually putting into this? They're actually consulting with a medium to find out what we can expect on the trip," Laura announced as she recalled her conversation with Carminda earlier.

"Is Carminda looking around for a psychic? Can't she see into the future herself? I thought she could do that?"

"She can see certain events happening in the future, yes, but she can't see everything," Laura responded as she considered Blake's question.