
Mass Panic

7:45 PM, walking through the corridor in the Head Office Building was Jyorta, barely containing the excitement in him. He tried to be as calm as possible but his heart didn't stop thumping in excitement while he wore a wide smile on his face without even realising.

His footsteps were a merry, his gait resounding confidence, the vibe similar to a farmer that was about to reap a bountiful harvest. 'I was told to come later since she was busy during the appointed time. Hope I could obtain it now.'

The Unranked Skill, Regen; just thinking about it made Jyorta giddy. He barely controlled himself from humming in joy, his gait picking up pace as he approached the principal's office. Standing at the door was the grumpy guard from before, his sole job to make people wait and relay their information to Madam Mary inside.