

"Huff…puff…" Wheezing his way out, Jyorta barely managed to enter the class, watching the doors close right after his entry. It was a close call. Earlier, when he was climbing the stairs, he noticed the 7th floor crowded by students.

Based on what he had hurriedly heard, they were conducting a mass training activity for Espers from three Batches simultaneously. Hence, they had gathered at the area, planning to head to the designated location later. On seeing that it would take a lot of time to weave through them, Jyorta descended a floor and traversed to the other end.

Finding another flight of stairs, he scaled it, sprinting. Just this small diversion consumed a minute. Now, pressed for time, he could only sprint to his limits, barely managing to arrive on time.

Madam Mila's voice resounded, "Except for two students, the remaining Espers have arrived. We will continue the part from last week."