
Ehara Gobi

Two consciousnesses erupted, condensing their individuality, segregating themselves around the newly formed Brain Crystal.

A change enveloped the region, creating a layer, bringing forth a whole new realm, overlapping it on reality. It sucked in the two consciousnesses, leaving behind a stringed trail, causing all the biological processes in the body to slow down to a crawl, as if entering deep hibernation.

There existed a grey fog, thinned out considerably, looking like a transparent filter placed over reality, one akin to the cinematic effects, but of low concentration.

The scene was the same room as before, only thinly greyed out. Two specks of light formed, one blue, and one red, appearing overhead Jyorta. Both of them emerged from his head, spreading apart, creating a distance of 3 metres between them, connected to his body in reality by a strand respectively.