
Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

The Cultivation World is filled with countless treasures and heart shaking mysteries but even the most holy places are built above bottomless darkness this is a world where strong eats the weak, the strong rules and the weak is ruled, weak have no rights and that's how it always had been until he made is debut Ye Tian was a cultivator with an average innate talent but he was born with a rare defense type physique and for him it was like a poor man treasuring a jade ring, betrayed by his own first love and the master he respected like a father he tried to escape as far as he could but his destiny was not that simple At the brink of death Heaven showed mercy on him and the dormant mystery hidden in his soul got released...he got his memories from his past life when he was a Peerless Genius on Earth although those memories still belongs to the time when he was a mortal named Rex Andrews but memory was not the only thing he got from his past life Ding.... [System’s requirements met] [ System initializing 1%..2%…10%…30%….80%..99%..100%] *** Discord: - 1) https://discord.gg/wu5jWHF 2) https://discord.gg/fTVyP33

Deleted_Account_00 · Fantasy
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402 Chs

Chapter 218 : : Corentis Is Mine

Rex flew back to Corentis with Jiang Shuang

After arriving at Corentis Rex first went to Myriad Auction House to drop Jiang Shuang

"Master Rex, you were thinking of a name about the base right? It's the base of Frozen Flame Organization so how about Frozen Flame City?" Jiang Shuang suddenly said

"Huh… Frozen Flame City? I don't plan to take too many people there so why city" Rex said in confusion

"What are you talking about Master Rex, you are not planning to live in that big place alone… even if you don't want too many people there you should at least bring some to work for you those puppets can't to all the things, I was thinking of bringing some of my trusted workers there to help with basic work like taking care of that big castle" Jiang Shuang said

"You mean bringing servants to castle… hmmm.. okay but then bring those that do not differentiate between races because I don't want any trouble if I brought someone of the non-human race to work for me in the future" Rex said seriously

"Don't worry Master Rex my most trusted people are from Peaceful Heaven Continent so things like that do not matter to them" Jiang Shuang replied

"Okay here's an ID for you… see you later" Rex give him a same white card as he gave Ji Biyu

Jiang Shuang excitedly held the card then he put some Qi in it

Then just as he thought, a holographic screen with the Frozen Flame symbol appeared then it soon changed into different content

[Title: Founder of Myriad Auction House

Grade: 5 Star

Balance: 10,000,000 $$

Profile: <>

News Feed: <>

Shop: <>

Map: <>

Friends: <>

Command Center: <>]

Jiang Shuang was a little dissatisfied when he saw that his grade was also just 5 Stars like Ji Biyu even when he was the partner in the organization but then the last option caught his attention… Command Center

Ji Biyu's card had Customer Care option while he had Command Center option although he wanted to know what it does but it was grayed out so he could only sigh

On the other side…..

Rex was going to the place where the previous transmission array was located but his sound transmission talisman gave a message alert

Rex took it out and checked it

{Brother Ye if you are back and hearing this message then please reply to me} (Tang Xuan)

{Yeah I am back, so what about Crimson Phoenix Grass?} (Rex)

{About that, my client wants to personally meet you, thankfully the client is now in Corentis if you are fine with it then I can arrange a meeting tonight} (Jiang Shuang)

{Tonight hmmm… okay then I will come to your place tonight} (Rex)

After pondering for a while Rex flew towards the mansion of City Lord

City Lord Mansion….

In the garden behind the mansion, Adal Meyer was enjoying the tea with his wife

"How long are you going to keep making that expression, even if Corentis falls it's not your fault we can just move to a different city," The woman said when she looked at the depressed Adal

"Sigh…. if only I was strong like grandfather" Adal sighed

"There you go again, you are still very young even your grandfather necessarily may not be stronger than you when he was at your age, just stop thinking about these things" The woman then placed her hand on his shoulder and comforted him

"Cough...Cough... I really don't want to disturb you at a time like this but my schedule is just too tight to come here next time" An unfamiliar voice came from behind

Adal and his wife quickly turned around only to find Rex standing there

Adal Meyer had seen Rex before so he easily recognized him

"You don't need to be that cautious, I just came to meet you," Rex said while looking at Adal

Adal nodded then told his wife to go inside, she nodded then went inside

"It's pleasure to see Master Ye inside my house," Adal Meyer said with a smile

"It takes a lot of time to talk in a roundabout way and what I lack most these days is time so I will try to be direct as I could, is it true that Corentis does not come in the jurisdiction of any ruler any more," Rex said as he took a chair near him and sat on it

"Yes, after Azure Emperor provoked the King of Forest, he abandoned Corentis and because of that incident no one wants to take Corentis under their territory anymore," Adal said with a hint of visible anger in his eyes

"I see, then from today onward Corentis comes under my territory," Rex said directly

"Huh… Is Master Ye noble blood or a Sect Master?" Adal asked carefully

"None… just a rising businessman is there a problem with that?" Rex raised his eyebrow

Adal was startled, usually only nobles and big shots like sect masters claims territory as for others who do it they are called bandits

"This… then may I ask why does Master Ye want to take Corentis under his wing" Adal did not understand Rex's purpose

Rex's words sounded more like he wanted to rob Corentis rather than taking care of it

"You seem to misunderstand something I came here to claim Corentis not to ask if I can take it, I respect your decision to be here and take care of Corentis that's why I am being that polite or I wouldn't have come here to just talk… I want to develop Corentis using my own resources but the thing is in future I don't want someone coming to Corentis and try to claim it again

That's why I came to tell you if someone in the future comes to take Corentis with such purpose then tell them its new ruler is the lord of our organization… Shadow Lord… understood" Rex asked while releasing a little of his cultivation pressure

When Adal felt this pressure he could tell that Rex was way stronger than what he showed that day in Azure Dragon Pavilion

"Sigh… I understand" Adal said, although he didn't want to hand over the ruler-ship of Corentis to anyone that easily but he can't do anything about it either

"Good now show me where is the broken transmission array of Corentis," Rex said

Adal was confused why Rex asked it but he still nodded and took him to the center of the city where the Transmission Array was located

Just like the Transmission array in the outer area of Cold Heaven Sect, this one was also built on an open platform

But right now there were several cracks on the platform which broke the formations on it

Rex was not worried about it because he didn't plan to repair it but replace it with a new version

"Okay, now you can go back wait… take this with you" Rex said as he took out an ID card and gave it to Adal he also explained how to use it

Adal nodded then left, on the way he put some Qi in the card to check if what Rex said was really the case

[Title: City Lord Of Corentis

Grade: 4 Star

Balance: 0 $$

Profile: <>

News Feed: <>

Shop: <>

Map: <>

Friends: <>]

Rex only gave him a 4 Star card but it was when he was already very generous, Ji Biyu got the 5 Star card because her status was way higher than Adal Meyer. he had only one declining city under his command whereas Ji Biyu had a lot of cities in her territory

Rex gave him this card considering all the efforts he had put in recovering Corentis until now and considering the future of Corentis

Rex then focused on replacing the transmission array

The new transmission array needs very few spirit stones compared to the previous one, it does not need short term maintenance, and most importantly it needs one to have an ID check to use it… but Rex didn't activate this function because it can't be used until the Core Smart Brain starts working so it's free to use to everyone for now

At evening…

'It's almost night, let's go to Tang Xuan for now' Rex thought

Rex flew to Tang Xuan's shop

After Rex knocked on the door two times, Tang Xuan came out with a smile

"Brother Ye has perfect timing, now follow me" Tang Xuan led him inside his shop

After Tang Xuan took Rex to the other side of the shop he stopped in front to a black door

Tang Xuan looked at Rex for a moment before he opened the door

When He opened the door Rex was not able to see anything inside the room because a white light curtain was blocking his view

Tang Xuan walked inside so Rex also followed him

When Rex crossed the light curtain he was dumbstruck

The Hall behind the door wad bigger than Tang Xuan's entire shop

'It's a special room… This old man, where did he get it …well it's beneficial for me Rose analyze it.. tch if I knew this old man had such a thing I would have came in the last time when he called me in' (Rex)

The spatial array is most likely the highest achievement Array Masters got in space related things, the spatial room contains a spatial array in it which use the law's of space to expand the initial space inside the room

Although Rex was dumbstruck but his expression looked very calm

'He was not surprised?' Tang Xuan looked at him in surprise

There were various precious things and high end furniture in the room but Rex interest was in the spatial array so all these things didn't catch his attention

"Master Ye looks younger than I thought" An unfamiliar girly voice

Rex turned around to look at where the voice came from

Suddenly he noticed that a girl was sitting near the table at the center of the hall there

The girl was wearing a black cloak which hid her face too, only her hand that she was using to hold the teacup was visible

Her skin was tanned and like she just came from the beach, Rex did not believe that the people here would have the time or sea to go to the beach and get skin tanned do he concluded that the girl might be from a faraway place where the temperature is usually high or she is of a different race