
Psionic (Marvel)

If you want to support the novel and read ahead then go check out my Patreon: www.patreon.com/Moziel ===== «Synopsis» In a world teeming with Superheroes, Gods, Demons and Cosmic Entities. An average guy reincarnates as Andrew Detmer with one of the most misunderstood and underrated ability in all of fiction. ===== #WARNING This is my very first fanfic and English is also not my first language. The idea of this fic just came in me so don't expect some mind blowing and amazing plot. But I'll try to improve along the way. ===== Cover not mine I don't own Marvel and Chronicle. ===== 3 to 4 chapters a week ===== Lastly.. Be sure to enjoy!

Moziel · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 75 - Searching For a Pet

[February of 2013]

[Attilan, Moon]

3rd PoV

Matt slammed his hands together and a massive amount of psionic energy then attacked the Trikon.

The Trikon all slammed at each other from the force of the psionic attack and Maximus frowned at that. But he wasn't too worried.

His confidence wasn't unfounded as the Trikon all began arranging themselves in the air in an organized manner as if the earlier attack didn't do them any damage.

On the other hand. Black Bolt finally made his move as he took a step forward and muttered a whisper so quiet that only those near his mouth would be able to hear.


The fork-like design in his helmet glowed with a blue him while the electrons around was messed up because of his power resulting in a quasi-sonic attack that attacked the floating Trikon in the air.

Black Bolt's ability is a power that is closely tied to his vocal cords. His ability is called a "quasi-sonic scream," which means that it is not technically sound-based, but rather a manifestation of his control over electrons.

When Black Bolt speaks, his voice generates powerful electron energy that is unleashed in the form of destructive shockwaves. Much like what is happening right now.

The destructive shockwave reached the three bodiless entities made them all scatter as everyone watched in awe.

Maximus was gritting his teeth in rage but didn't let it consume his mind as he can already see that the Trikon was already trying to gather around and formed their bodies. But he's not joking around anymore and so brought out what he calls as Atmo-Gun.

The Atmo-Gun is a destructive weapon that he invented. It is dangerous weapon that can control the weather. With it, Maximus can theoretically create storms, blizzards and other such phenomenas.

He quickly pointed it to the Royal Family and their Guards and activated it.


A powerful gust of wind suddenly generated out of nowhere and quickly brought the Royal Family in the air.

"Ahhh!" Crystal Amequalin screamed but a red hair suddenly wrapped around her body and brought her to her sister's side.

Matt on the other hand was flying alongside Black Bolt who's also doing the same while carrying his wife in his arms.

Black Bolt had a vein appearing in his forehead indicating that he's already pissed and he was ready to whisper again when Maximus made the attack more powerful and then Royal Family, along with the Guards and Matt was flown higher and higher in the air.

"Now!" Maximus shouted with a insane glee in his eyes as his subordinate that is currently in the control room tapped a few buttons and deactivated the upper part of the energy field that is protecting Attilan from the harmful space.


Black Bolt and the Royal Family couldn't do anything as they were brought to the space by the powerful gust of wind that is also being sucked into space because of a hole that formed in their atmosphere.


The hole in the energy field closed as they passed through while Maximus almost danced around the place with his plan finally succeeding.

Just as they passed through. Black Bolt was quick to react as he controlled his ability and performed a complex ability he had; Force-field.

A force-field suddenly surrounds them and the harmful space elements was quickly washed away from them. But this wouldn't last and Black Bolt was pretty sure of that.

Medusa just hugged her husband in silence while Crystal just placed her self near Matt who also didn't know what to do. The guards on the other hand had helpless looks on their faces since they felt useless at not being able to help.

"Huff! Huff!"

Just as they were losing hope in how they can escape this predicament. A loud bark that echoed within the forcefield took their attention as a large bulldog appeared out of nowhere inside the forcefield.

"Lockjaw!" Crystal shouted in surprise as they all quickly and collectively all made their way to the dog. As Black Bolt touched the dog, his wife touched his other hand and then Crystal touched Medusa's and son on so forth.


Then they all disappeared.


[Monster Planet]

A vast stretch of wilderness is all one would be able to see. Trees that stood at 50 to even 100 meters tall littered the world. Animals that one would only be able to see in their fantasies walked the earthly ground while the majority are fighting — trying to devour one another.

The beheaded body of the dragon that Andrew, Stark and Fantastic Four fought and killed lied there while some monstrous animals can be seen eating its raw and rotting flesh.


But all of them were interrupted by a sudden hum that resounded in the air. They then turned their heads to look where it came from and then saw a rift in the space appearing out of nowhere.

A shoe-wearing foot stepped out from the spatial gate and then they saw a human revealing himself.


Andrew looked around as he dispersed the portal behind him. The first thing that he immediately felt was massively different gravity of the planet.

It was 20 times stronger than earth..


Looking at the growling large wolves a few meters away, Andrew smirked as he brought up his hands and made a "come" gesture which enraged the wolves for some reason.


The wolves all turned into a blur as they pounced at Andrew with an incredible speed.


Andrew swivels on his feet as he smoothly evaded the attack. And as the wolves landed in the ground and was about to turn around to attack once more, Andrew was already on the move as he pointed a finger and a few small energy beams struck the heads of the wolves.


Andrew then clapped, trying to remove the non-existent dirt, as he then turned around and looked around the place once again.

Tap, Tap, Tap,

He then began walking towards the dead body of the dragon he killed and inspected it.


He clicked his tongue in disappointment as he was actually hoping that he would somehow find an egg inside the dragon just like those lucky protagonist he used to read in his past life.

But it seemed TOAA isn't favoring him this time so he then turned around and began walking through wilderness.


Thirty Minutes Later

By this time. Andrew was already getting bored with killing small fries of a monsters but his hopes was once again reignited as he heard a distant roar that resembled that of the dragon that he killed.

He quickly floated and then flew to that direction in a relative speed.

A Few Seconds Later.

He eventually arrived at the place and then saw two enormous dragons fighting at each other.

Andrew then perched himself on top of a tall tree and then stood at it while looking at the battle.

The two dragons circled in the air, locked in a deadly battle. One was red, with bright scales that glistened when it moved and long swirling horns protruding from its head. Its bulging muscles strained as its powerful hind and front legs drove it into the air like an arrow shot from a bowstring.

The other dragon was colored blue with patches of black tattoo-like marks all over its body, giving off vibes of power and majesty as if it had been summoned by some ancient godly force. With graceful movements spread wide open wings flapped gently to keep airborne while breathing searing hot flames


The two dragons, one red and one blue, fought ferociously in the bright sky. Every time they clashed, their beams of concentrated flames flew outward with immense force and decimated the surrounding area.

All the other animals rushed away to save their lives as each clash grew more intense than before. Finally, after an eternity of fighting it seemed that even a dragon can grow tired; the blue-colored specimen brought its rounded snout up into the air and opened its powerful mouth wide as though expecting sustenance or quenched thirst from some unknowable source far above them all.


The energy from the surroundings began to rush towards the blue-colored dragon like a ravenous tide, and then rose up into the space above its mouth. A ball of destructive power rotated in response, as if it was summoned by some unimaginable force; darkness engulfed its every movement and even warped space itself.

Streaks of calamity spread out along with deafening claps that shook people's eardrums almost to breaking point. It seemed as though this new embodiment of destruction was intent on incinerating everything around it without restraint or hesitation.

"Hmm?" Andrew raised an eyebrow at that.

What got his interest was the ability of the attack of that blue-colored dragon to become so strong that it even twist space itself since from what he knows and can observe. This planet had a strong gravity which also made the space more stronger and not easy to be meddled with.

A small smile then formed in his face as he finally decided on which pet he should get for himself.

On the other hand. The blue-scaled dragon finally unleashed its destructive attack as the grey energy ball then left its mouth and speedily went to the wide-eyed, red-scaled dragon.


The attack struck the red dragon square to the chest and exploded into a massive explosion that rivaled that of a nuclear bomb of humanity.


The shockwave traveled omni-directionally while the smiling Andrew just spreads his arms to the either side as if welcoming it.