
PSI Mercs

The planetary government hired inface company to investigate an incident at the Aural Research station on Fionah. These are no ordinary mercenaries, they have PSI abilities, Telekinetics, and military training. When they arrive at the station, all seem calm and desolate, only to learn they have to contend with cybernetic threats, abominations, monstrosities, and dealing with the infection that turns humans into horrific monsters. Will they survive despite being outnumbered and dealing with an enemy that is a step ahead of them?

LelandLL · Action
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46 Chs

Skip Fozen's Past

Skip's POV

His Past- Skip's Childhood & Life

When I was born, I was the youngest of my family and one of the 4 siblings that wield a combination of PSI and Telekinetics. Mine was Electric Manipulation or Electrokinesis as it was called and I was classified as a Class 4 Psi-user. If you haven't understood that it would mean:

Scale of power

When a person is born, their PSI and Telekinetic powers are lying dormant or activate upon birth. When it does activate, PSI-Operatives are sent into the area to determine their threat level or their ability to control their power.

Then they measure your abilities and capabilities and give you a PSI Level depending on the extent of it.

Level 1 & 2- Your ability is compared to a fly, that would mean you would be able to live a normal life. Your telekinetics can only lift Light objects. No PSI abilities from there.

Level 3 ~ 5- At this rank, your Telekinesis abilities are strong and you can channel PSI, the abilities range from Fire, Electric, Earth, Water, Metal, Air, Blood, Psionic and more. You can use it to contact others via telepathy, whether they are a PSI user or not. They can lift medium to heavy objects with their minds.

Level 6- If a PSI User is classified at this level, they can not only wield Telekinesis and PSI, they can also utilize Magic. Scientists have been trying to explain that for many years on how some individuals can wield magic. Bass did explain in his way, they cast spells by speaking it into existence or utter an incantation, some can cast them non-verbally with enough practice.

Level 7- If they are classified at this level that means not only they would be able to utilize Telekinetics at a near inhuman level where they can lift anything with a mere thought, their PSI powers at an immense level, being able to cast Magic but they can also utilize World-Ending Reality Warping. PSI operatives are very wary of dealing with these types as these types are hard to track and hard to capture due to their immense powers. It is like dealing with a physical god with raw immense powers and they can shape reality as they see fit.

But back to my life, I was trained and tutored by my father who taught me to wield my powers efficiently. I was sent to the military Academy near home, my time there... it wasn't the best part of my life. I had no friends there and I was the odd one out, it was due to... Having a crush with one of the boys at the academy, I never said anything but someone must have told them that I had a crush with boys, thus causing the rumors.

I denied it but I soon become a target for bullies who made fun of my sexuality and told me I was an queer and an faggot that I deserve to be screwed over. It was brutal but I held myself back from going after them because the last thing I wanted is to make things worse for myself, I hated them, hated going to school and i... wanted to die better than living a life of misery.

One day, after a round of bullying at school, I cried at home, I felt like I didn't want to live anymore after what they did. My big sister Elizabeth was the one who talked me out of it, I was the one who confided to her about everything that happened and I told her ... about my sexuality with the boys. She nodded her head as she understood me but she stared me in the face and told to attention (Stand up!) and I never forgot what she said to me:

"I forbid you to let those people get to you or taking the easy out. That is an order, Skipper!" she gave me an order me not to give up on my life.

Taking those words to heart, I returned to school the next day. One of the bullies started to pick a fight with me, this time, I made it clear that I am tired of his bullshit. It would have turned into a fistfight if it wasn't for my father's old friend who worked as a PSI Operative. He told me that I am going to be transferred to another school immediately, I gladly agreed to it with no hesitation, ignoring the glare from my classmates which I was glad to be out anyway.

After transferring to Joelin Dame's school of PSI Study & science, I took up classes on PSI, Academic subjects such as Reading, Writing, English, Martial Arts, and my favorite subject Technology & Cyber-security. That when I met with my future Husband, Bass Welton, a level 6 PSI user with the ability to perform magic. When we first met, I despised him in the beginning and hated his guts since he is immensely popular with both the ladies and guys. I kept to myself since I was used to being by myself since I mostly kept to myself since my military academy days.

One day, he walked into the tech lab where I was working, looking for me. He simply wanted to get assistance on his device that needs to work. I told him to go fuck himself and find someone else to get help from but he wasted no time getting my face and ask me what is my problem and to tell it to his face.

Shocked that he was straightforward with me and had not played the friend card, he made it clear that he specifically chose to ask me since he barely knew me and wanted to work with me despite that. I worked with him and grew to enjoy working with him in return, he offered to teach me getting to know people better.

The time I spent with Bass ranged from sharing stories about our childhood, our experiences with the PSI operatives to how many people I slept with. He kissed me without warning one time, I was hesitant to return his affections, he refused to push or force it on me but encouraged me to be the best that I can be. I kissed him back, I admit I had no experience with the ways of Sex but I learned quickly. Our bodies touched each other, and Bass locked lips with me. I kissed him on the neck and his big strong chest, the big man silently moaned in pleasure and I've done the same. That is when our relationship began and I fell in love.

He also wanted to start a family since he was 27 and I was 20, he had a string of relationships with men and women in his life but they ended poorly or forced him to break up with them. I was happy with the idea and suggested adopting some kids but Bass made it clear he would wish to have kids by surrogacy since it would be starting on a clean slate. I dared him to bring the men and woman to have sex with before we do the surrogacy which he agreed to with no objection.

That is when we met Jaycee, one of his exes, who was Dark-skinned, Blonde but with a muscular build as well with having a tough personality to boot. With Bass's Encouragement, I had sex with her but ... Honestly, I didn't feel a spark or roused as much with the men I had sex with and I thought I have gotten cold feet. Man, I felt that I wasn't attracted to her in the slightest but Bass and her, got on like it was no big problem which I admit he is really into both of them. The big man sure as had a blast between the bedsheets.

After 3 years being together, we finally tied the knot and got married in a private ceremony with only a few people that we known including Elizabeth & Jaycee, I decided against telling dad about my relationship not because I hated him but out of fear that he would disown me the minute knows. Bass & Jaycee disagreed since it would not be wise to hide this knowledge from him.

Joining Inface Company- 2 years ago

"Hey man!" Bass asked me while I lay down with him and Jaycee. "I heard you took your old man's offer to work at his company."

"Need the money, Bass. You know that." I said, reflecting on what he said. "Also I did it so I can prove to him that I got what it takes."

"You don't exactly need to prove anything to him. If I know your father, Mark. He would understand, you're just avoiding him." Jaycee said with concern on her face. "Why don't you speak to him about our relationship? You cannot keep it a secret forever, he will find out one way or another."

"I know that!" I said standing up to get some air.

Bass teleported toward me blocking the way.

"Look, Skip, man. I know you don't want to tell your old man because you think he is homophobic..."

"Look, Bass-"

"You can't keep lying to him and expect him to assume that you didn't find a girl or got married. You gotta come clean and just tell him because he'll be pissed off if he finds out on his own," he said while looking me firm in the face.

"I can't just tell him "Oh I am a gay man and in a polyamorous marriage being with another man." who knows what he'll think should I that bring it up to him.'' I protested.

"That is no excuse to try, Skip! I even covered you pretending to be one of your girlfriends." Jaycee standing there. "We cannot keep the charade forever and people will start talking. It is like hiding some skeleton in the closet and hoping no one goes inside to do "Peek-a-boo"." she warned.

"No more hiding that shit from your old man anymore. It's high time that you gotta come clean. You have been hiding that for far too long and you can tell-" Bass urged me to do so but-

"That you are getting frustrated with having to hide having a relationship with me," I said, finishing his sentence. "I'll tell him."

"Without cold feet, I hope," he said, challenging my statement.

"Yeah, I'll tell him about our relationship. Promise!" I said without looking away and gave him a kiss.